He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Always look on the bright side of death,

Hey, at least if we were dead we wouldn't have rising college costs to worry about. Say, do any of you have "cash-strapped parents" taking care of college costs? I don't have it too shabby, my mother gives me a thousand dollars a semester nowadays. She is probably just happy that I am not longer attending a privater, 30k a year university.
I don't think I could put that kind of money into an education anyway. School has become my mortal enemy and I doubt that throwing money at the problem would have made it any more enjoyable for me. Although, I might have been a bit more involved if I were still there. Then again, maybe I will even wind up getting involved here some damn day. Too bad I am busy working to pay for those same rising college costs. So far, that is the excuse that I will cling to.

So...umm...do you think we will ever find out what Harriet Miers actually thinks about anything? Is there actually a right to privacy? Don't ask Ms. Miers 'cause she will change it up on you if you give her the chance. Too bad no one is believing her on anything.
I still don't even know if this blatant cronyism is worse that throwing a wingnut up there. Probably is though, better to have a qualified wingnut than a George Bush II worshipper?

Well, this seems to have been decided, I am more of a sitter than a walker. Emily can come here and elucidate all the reasons that she is a walker and perhaps even list off all the benefits of walking, but I am a sitter. Walking is to aimless, I know what I will find around the next corner and I would prefer the simply take in my specific scene. Sometimes a good walk leads me to undiscovered territory, but most often the walk is fruitless. Walks make for a good distraction at times and I don't need anymore of those at this time. Sitting is my thinking time I think.
Although, I will admit myself to be a hiker and a wanderer, but I consider these to be completely different beasts from walking. Perhaps it is just certain sorts of walking that I don't embrace. It looks as though further tests are necessary for me to make certain of anything on this one.
Especially when you consider that the Bible says that, as a sitter, I am not reaching my full potential.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as the Zen philosophy goes, walking and sitting are the same. So I guess it doesn't matter. Or as the more contemporary Bobbie D says..."We always did feel the same we just saw if from a different point of view...tangled up in blue" One looks on the bright side of life, the other on the bright side of death. But both are bright. Or a piece of shit. When you look at it. And so it goes...

3:30 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Sorry, that is my song and my philosophy (I hold claims to that one and "all things in moderation," hehehe), you will have to find something else to work with.

4:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nevermind the fact that its thousands of years older than you ;)

8:14 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

That is a single, tiny fact. I have never been bound by facts.

2:06 PM


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