He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

In my health class yesterday I had the joy of watching a video about obesity. It was mostly fat people whining about how they are mistreated in society, how they aren't actually that unhealthy, and that it isn't their fault they are fat (it is the natural starvation/fat-build-up that got them).
Of course there are some people that can carry a large amount of weight without being significantly less healthy and there are those whose hormone issues ave caused them to put on a good many pounds, but extreme obesity is still a pretty good indicator for and a leading cause of a great variety of ailments. We should continue to treat people on a case by case basis, but, until proven otherwise, it is still a good bet that a BMI of over 35 is not a good thing.
My favorite line from the movie went something like this: "It may not be that good for my heart, joints.....but what is so bad about that? I have never had any trouble getting men." Denial....I loath it.
Also, the lady saying how, "No one waits until they are hungry to eat, we eat because there is a bag of potato chips in the gas station or because we see a cookie commericial on TV." Who the hell is the "we" that she is refering to? Fat people know nothing about my life and shouldn't pretend that they do. Hehe, I flipped that whole victim attitude on them.
I am guessing that is it tough to convince yourself that it is an okay thing to be hauling around a hundred or more extra pounds. Perhaps that willpower would be better applied to NOT FUCKING EATING. Did that seem mean and insensitive? You know how I would hate that.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

And I work out. That is beside the point. I just wanted to hightlight the willingness of people to willfully do things that they know are bad for them and can convince themselves that it is okay.
Kind of like me with fighting. See? I am not perfect after all. Also, I am pale and I have hairy legs.

7:10 PM

Blogger Graham said...

how about people that eat a shit load, don't exercise, and are still skinny?

why are obese people (who may not eat very much, and may also exercise) to be the subject of ridicule and be social outcasts?

if you're a supposed liberal, you don't have a very compassionate outlook on this issue.

2:02 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, I live with one of those people that can eat whatever they please and never see the effects.

As I already said in the post, there are those who have great issues with their body and weight control because on problems beyond their control. But, in general, those folks understand that they are not in the healthiest position and they are the folks who work to do something about their issues in an effort to help their long term health.
My post was a response to a video of people that were all morbidly obese and felt that it was okay to ignore the very strong connection between obesity and numerous health risks. It disturbs me that anyone can convince themselves of these things. I am happy that the one woman has managed to find love, but I am more disturbed that she would put herself and her family through the probable health issues that are coming her way. She made a point of telling us that the scale in her doctor's office was incapable of registering her weight and felt that this wasn't something that was a cause for concern.
Such blatant disregard for a person's health is troubling to me and I would not want to be a member of her family who has to watch her suffer through her daily activities and through the early death that is most likely coming her way.

Next, who ever said that I had to follow every in lockstep with every ideal of political correctness. I will admit that the obese are one of the last group that can legally be discriminated against thus making my argument completely devoid of risk-taking, but I am not so sure that absolute compassion in all things is a liberal ideal. To be a progressive (liberal) I must be working to move forward. I don't see coddling people who are in denial as a very progressive policy.

Finally, I am never quite as harsh as I come off as in posts like that. I even felt bad typing the "NOT FUCKING EATING" line, but I felt it worked in the argument.

4:39 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I suppose I should have included a disclaimer that everyone in the video was a member of the morbidly obese club, and obviously so, rather than a member of the overweight or obese clubs as defined by the piece of shit BMI scale. I think I am still defined as overweight by that one.
Also, the "Denial....I loath it" line was actually giving props to the King of All Douchebags Bill O'Reilly for a quote he made refering to Media Matters.

Also, I don't know where in the post I called for the social ostracism of the obese, but rather an end of denial.

3:59 PM


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