He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Life's a piece of shit. When you look at it.

But there is this happy news for the morning: toke it up, apparently it is good for you. Granted, those are only preliminary tests, but they've got potential.
Does anyone here have a good argument against the use of medical marijuana or the legalization of it in general? I'd love to hear it.
Everything in moderation and never drive under the influence of anything. That seems to be a good policy.
Although, there are some drugs that can have some pretty significantly bad effects right from the get go. If we ever go into legalization mode, we will have to decide where we let personal responsibility rule the day and where we protect for the common good. Right now, we are lacking in trust for one of those and not really doing the other one anyway.
Besides, the war on drugs is big ol' waste of our money. Drugs are still cheap and some are getting cheaper. Cops are expensive and getting more so. Take a step back and rethink this plan. Better to grow these things in areas where they won't be doing damage to our national forests or parks and can be easily monitored. Plus, less people would die. Wouldn't that be nice?
Oh, don't drink jet fuel.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, acutally for my speaking and reading class, my group is doing our speech on the legalization of marijuana. Each of us is a different perspective. My perspective is that of the law. I don't know how I'm going to argue against it, since its one of my strongest opinions, but meh. I'd love to hear a good argument against it too. Especially since countries like Colombia are going to pieces from drug trafficking. Its the only way the guerillas can finance troops against the rich people who have all the land. Legalize drugs. Its leaving the world in ruins so no one can get agrarian reform. Damn.

1:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah. I just realized that's a line from Monty Python's Life of Brian. We were watchin it last night. Great movie.

8:38 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yes, ever so much fun when you must argue against yourself. I made some ladies angry in my bio class at SCSU when I decided to take on anti-liberal views and didn't bother to tell them that I didn't actually believe what I was saying.
It was for class discussion and the opposing view was being strangely silent, what was I to do?

Umm...as for the title...look back at the last few. I am on a theme and I didn't bother to tell anyone.

8:57 AM


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