He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Just before you draw your terminal breath.

Ah, back from another weekend. What fun, I am just happy that I didn't have to ride on anyone's lap in the back of Wally's car on Saturday.
Also, Shane is a winner and we all know it. I hope to see his bruised up face when he gets back from class today.
Lastly, there should be a Mr. D's in every college town. Good golly, the donut and baked goods industry has to be lucrative. Although, I don't know if I could hold back from slapping drunks every once in a while. Twist with sprinkles please.

After taxes and whatnot, I think I made $550 this weekend. I must be dealing drugs or selling illegal weapons or something. Don't be mistaken, I am still poor, I am just finding different means of delaying getting another job.

My favorite protesters are the old people working for legalized assisted suicide. Honestly, can you look at an old woman with impending death by way of cancer coming her way and say that she shouldn't be able to choose her death. These same folks are also the best advocates for legalized medicinal marijuana. Let the woman bake some damn brownies.

"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."
Does that make complete sense to anyone else?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a discussion/lecture last night to see a journalist from Colombia. Have you heard of "Plan Colombia"? What a piece of shit. This nun was going on about how much she hated the U.S.'s plan to "police the world" hehe..she said she was sad that so many Catholics were being nieve. She went to jail down there. Hehe. I love old liberals.

6:39 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Especially deeply religious liberals.

And, yes, I have heard of it. Just one of many failures. Hehe. Of many, one. Funny how that works out.

9:34 AM


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