He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Highlight of my week (other than hanging with the ladyfriend, shit, I hate having to put disclaimers in here; I am going to have to be rid of her): finding my new favorite song.
Well....that is pathetic. I should really do something special with myself. I need to make better use of my units of time.
"All in all I had a very full life...it's just that...it didn't mean anything." Wallowing in self pity really doesn't seem to productive. Hell, it doesn't even have to seem that way; it is that way and I know from personal experience.

So, instead, I am going to focus on something. I am going to do more of something that is productive. Maybe gardening....
Oh shit, what a load of bullocks. I might pretend that I am about to set forth on some new segment of my existence, but I won't. I know better than that. You should know better than that by now. I am a bag of horseshit.
And I prolly ain't going to change anytime soon.

However, you may continue to enjoy such things as the this (Smurfs) or this (a very special time wasting place) or this (for all your winter holiday shopping needs).
They are each individually more interesting than me as a whole. Whiner.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Oh, you have at you tricky anonymous bastard. Bookmark me, I dare you. Liar.

7:37 PM


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