He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Men have always feared both life and death, I choose to fear nothing.

I have proof that I have been made retarded. More than likely I have 80 proof. Every time I have a fun weekend, I lose things or break things. There seems to be a direct correlation between fun time with friends and screwing this up. This weekend I managed to forget the book that I am basing one of my two term papers around, but did manage to steal the DVD that I rented from Hometown. It is now residing in St. Cloud with me and racking up a good amount of late fees. I hope the Postal Service can be quick with it and at least I didn’t shoot myself or my dog while discharging firearms on Thanksgiving. The weekend before I am sure I screwed something up, and probably with my truck. I at least did manage to cut up both of my shins, which I seem to skin back open everyday. An accident-prone child I am. The weekend before the weekend before last I jumped in a iced over pool (probably got sick in addition to f-ing up the new moccasins), lost a brand new knife, and broke a part of my truck. All of this had come about as a result of fun.
That brings me to my Pre New Years resolution, as of now I am swearing off fun. No more friends that make me go out and about. From henceforth the weekend does not exist for me. I am dedicated to nothing but my studies and my meaningless work at the Papa’s. It is through these tasks that I will find wisdom and the reason to move past this losing and breaking rut that I am stuck in. Hopefully I will be able to come out as a person who can have responsible, adult fun. That’s right, no more egging the good people of Mankato and no more running from the citizens of Eyota. I will enjoy strolling through the neighborhood and going to crappy concerts.

Yeah anyway, I would like to give you my quotes for the weekend:
Scott Whitmore – “Logan, I feel like less of a loser every time I talk to you”
Glad to help and yes, Johnny Cash is the shit.
Tom Herbers – “I love it when people get mad about politics, like Logan right now”
Sir, you of all people have seen me mad more times and to greater degrees than most any other person. Do you actually think that was an example of me bringing up any emotion close to anger? I would simply prefer for people to feel a social responsibility for their actions and have intelligent reasons for their views. You damn devil may care hippy. Bush is the man.

Hmmm…this dedication to my studies isn’t going so well. I seem to have found two books that have nothing to do with my work but have now taken precedence over them. Although one is a grammar book so it could come to some sort of use. In the coming week and a half I now have about twenty pages to write and a few hundred more than that to get read. Good times. And I am thinking of taking Wayne’s advice and enrolling in a speed-reading course. After that I will start my homework, it can’t take too long.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Ah yes, as Hobbs lost himself the flesh, he gained the ability to enjoy the sins of the flesh and the liquid.
As for drinking, I will do it only to show my new adult self. Which means I will drink a lot, but only to show that I am mature enough to handle it. But no fun damn it.

4:50 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

drinking without having fun is very possible, it's called drinking with girls that are roommates. once they get a little of the truth juice in them, holy hell they start spoutin off every little thing that annoys them and how the other girl is a bitch and needs to change this and that and this. definitely not fun. so if you can logan, just go find an apartment where girls live together and drink there. you're guaranteed to get pissed off.

5:09 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Oh yeah, those are never fun, well, actually, I do have fun when that happens. Can't do it I guess. Women are just too crazily hilarious. Like watching Brad and Tom fight while drinking.

9:32 PM


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