He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

A couple of fun facts from the last couple days:

I now have gotten four hours sleep since 2 pm Monday.
I wrote nine pages of a ten page paper between 2 am and 8 am Wed.
During that span I took numerous website touring breaks and learned a lot of liberal propaganda.
I don't have cancer, it is now official.
In five minutes I will be bathing for the first time since last Wed. (I am a disgusting beast.)



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, poo on you. This me working to post a little more often. Sometimes I don't have much, I was sleepy. Oh yeah, I played a video game called madden for the first time this year too.

12:31 AM


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