He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

A life of ill repute.

Logan has recently begun living in a sort of bizaro-world. Up is down. Black is white. Existence is nothingness. And, most importantly, night is day, while day is some sort of hodgepodge of a day-night haze. I have now seen the last the last four or five times the clock has switched over to 5 a.m. and I can’t recall seeing a 5 p.m. come in that time where I was awake. Recently I went three or four days without seeing daylight. This is the result of my odd sleeping schedule, short days, and closed blinds.
The odd part about all this is that I am enjoying myself. Other than some crazy reactions that I have had to my medications from my surgery, this has been a pleasant experience. (I should give a little explanation for those things as well. It was rather exciting really. My painkillers caused me to become paranoid and to question my meaning to the world as well as the meaning of life in general. Then my antibiotics combined with my ever so healthy diet caused me to experience so rather exciting stomach cramps as well as to pass out on the bathroom floor. From all of this I have gained an even greater distrust for medicines in general, and had a pretty fun time. Except for the thinking I was dying part of it.) The fact that I haven’t had more than three actual conversations with humans, other than on the internet, had actually been a bit enlightening. I have been forced to examine my own thoughts even more so than usual and that hasn’t been the worst thing in the world. Although, I do usually end up depressed with the sad state of human affairs in this world and that isn’t so nice.
I have, however, from this experienced realized the meaninglessness of a number of my activities. I have watched much less television than usual and that seems to have not hurt me. My dedication to reading, although not necessarily reading for my actual schoolwork, has been phenomenal and I hope for this to continue. My Latin studies are moving along nicely and I hope to actually have some grasp of the grammar pretty soon, rather than just knowing some catchy phrases from ancient times. And, if I could get underneath my bed to find my book, I would probably find that the study of ancient languages helps me with my more current ones like German.
Another thing I have decided to do is replace my time that I usually spend playing solitaire with more time spent organizing thoughts for my blog. That would be why I am typing this right now during one of my breaks from writing my final paper. So, expect more posts and more mindless babble. I hope that typing enough on here will increase my typing speed as well as help me to organize my thoughts a bit better.
Anyway, enough for now, time to throw down the last seven pages of a paper that I am supposed to hand in around 9 this morning. That should take me no time at all if I can keep myself from constantly typing on a newspaper forum that I found.

Homo, Fuge


Update: I must have been lying about swearing off Solitaire. I am addicted to that friggin' stuff. But I am trying.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Actually, there are a number of community televisions in my dorm that no one other than me seems to use. I used them a lot during the semester. So your theory is bunk, poophead.

1:43 PM


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