He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

What will not be done to keep from studies?

Well, I appears that 4 am has come and passed me by, yet, my paper is not complete, nor even begun. I have however been pushed into other works, perhaps by boredom, perhaps by my innate yearnings to create. Whatever it may be, I created that which follows, and, as I threatened Sarah that I might, I have placed it out here. I may just be a sleepy moron, but its the thought that counts. Maybe this will even give you a thought and that is all I look to do, words to thoughts to actions, and maybe in a couple other orders too. Yeah...well...now I really should get to work. Peace.

Of Desire

Life leads down the roads of glass and gold
Jung speaks of two ways for life to pull
One lies unknown, the other makes full
The mind that can be seen bend and fold

Desire to be full and alive
Pervades the minds of all the people
Or so I learned while under steeple
What then creates these without drive?

To achieve in the sense of this world
This is what we seek and strive for now
Not to tread the paths or sink the plow
Not to see the green clean land unfurled

But follow suit by suit through the soot
Walking, stepping, moving step by step
Content as a free and feeling schlep
Drive abandoned and placed under foot

The unconscious push to meaning gone
Or only hidden? Shoved back away
Like thoughts and works of another day
Embraced and soon remembered anon

Time comes when luggards will freedom see
No less than one and forty will pass
Before lips will drink from truthful glass
Relish this and hold it dear to thee

That you may see this time by God’s grace
Some will stick to what is perceived right
Those not left to live without true sight
Find might, look full, break well trodden pace.

This deep, buried desire to quarrel
Found, now crowned with sweet leaves of laurel

Homo, Fuge

I would like to note that my body went insane directly after writing this. Blurry vision and wretching and headaches and what not. I believe to have been written in an altered state. And i didn't even get any fucking work done. I spent the rest of the night laying on the ground groaning. I did manage to fall asleep in my floor's study lounge at about 8 am and woke up at 9:54, good times.
(Edited: 11:39 the next morning)


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