He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Joblessness is no longer just for philosophy majors. Useful people are starting to feel the pinch.

Well, life is rolling to a close around here. Telling my boss that I am quitting tomorrow. Turning in my loft for my bed Wednesday and getting rid of all my enemies this weekend. Professors, I will wait until the last day of classes to take care off.
I need to get over to St. Cloud Tech College and take my mathematics placement test. Somehow my damn test scores aren’t good enough for RCTC. Anyway, get that taken care of and I can register for classes. My I am moving up in the world of education and exploration.

Now, I move on to the most important things in my life right now. You can note by what follows that daily reading CNN.com has finally paid off for me.
Studies: Lost sleep equals gained weight www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/diet.fitness/12/06/sleep.weight.gain.reut/index.html
So you can see that I now have found the secret to the ability of Hobbs to not only have lost all of his weight but also to continue to keep it off while consuming abundant amounts of nature’s sweet intoxicating brews. It turns out that while we all thought that he was being a lazy ass, he was actually working out. The bastard with his 13 hours of sleep per day will now live to be 117 years old minimum and have vigorous sex ‘til the day he dies. This is all a result of his incredible dedication to sleeping. I, for one, must applaud you. Jolly fine show and tallyho, good sir. Although the only way this theory of mine works is by assuming that this study works in the opposite manner just as well as the one that was actually reported. I will support my belief just the same.

Oh, a funny quote from the SCSU student newspaper last Thursday: “I can’t understand why anyone would want to be a liberal. Where is the satisfaction in having everything given to you?” Um…yeah…just thought I would share. Also, I think that my roommate thought that that made sense. He is a funny guy, who I have now gotten addicted to Snood. Kid seriously stayed up ‘til 4 am just to beat the Evil level once. I love destroying the children’s drive for learning. Although, I did stay up ‘til four along with him but that is me trying to be like the Hobbs. Only I don’t get to sleep late, so I guess that just makes me a douche.

Just wondering about something, is pride a bad thing? I mean other than being one of the seven mortal sins, what ya got?


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, it's like small-man syndrome. These schools need to prove that they are just as good as the others.

2:20 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

My response was to the Big Penis's comment, Sarah and I are just such kindred spirits, that we comment on blogs at the same time.

3:07 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well, in my new Hobbsian lifestyle, it is three a.m. and I am writing, it is as it should be.
Sarah, yeah, I think that is everyone's opinion, got anything else for me?
Pride is something that can not be firmly pinned down, it can exist in the mind, on the tongue, around the neck, and waft about you through the air. It is so tough to define, but so easy to judge. Why is that? I say that there is a distinct difference in pride felt for accomplishments of the mind and the work of the body as compared to the accolades that are placed on a person, but are not as much earned as given. Also some have pride for family money, what have they done to earn it? Or is this a pride for the accomplishments of their richass forefathers?
One could say that the inheritors can't take pride in money that they, but then how can we have pride in a nation and land that we did not build. Or is a nation, despite the great material things that our includes, somehow different than the personal nation (fortune) attained by the previously mentioned forefathers. Hmm...perhaps I should have made this into a blog of its own.

1:18 AM


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