He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

Well, so far I have taken three tests this week. Two have gotten beaten down by yours truly while the other I am pretty sure just beat a mudhole in my ass and stomped it dry. Luckily, I don’t really give a damn and I don’t actually know that I did that bad, perhaps I just have high standards. It is not doing poorly on one test that interests me, it is the fact that I barely studied for any of these tests and yet I have such different feelings about the results. Was it the subjects covered, I am an English major and yet it was my English class that I have the least confidence about. Hold on a second, I just realized that no one cares about this and everyone has about the same experiences in this field, I will try and find a topic that people actually give a damn about.
I need to make this an interesting post, cause this just might be the last time anyone hears from me. Going under and I may not come back, hehe, it is fun to scare Sarah. If I were to die from this, well, that would just be how it goes, so stop worrying it’ll all be over by 9ish tomorrow morning. Although I will say that your image of an evil man coming at my neck with a scalpel seems a bit frightening.
I was having a political discussion the other day, or, rather, I was attempting to have a discussion. Does talking scare some folks? Or is it a fear of Logan and the fallibility of their views? I can respect a person who will stand up for their views, but not someone who simply refuses to discuss something and instead states blind support and no reinforcement.
Now, to make this post interesting for Tom, this will excite you. They are making a new movie of Where the Red Fern Grows. Motherfuckin’ Dave Mathews is in it too. That fat bastard makes everything gold. Wow, I am excited for that when it comes out on video.

One last question for y’all: If you come from Eyota and/or the village of Dover, does that make you innately cooler than the rest of the kids around, or is this some remarkable coincidence?
Anyway, if I were to come to the highly unlikely end of life on a surgical table, I leave you with a lovely and most fitting little poem I found (Plus, I just like this poem, it is special.):

My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love.
And, though the sager sort our deeds reprove,
Let us not weigh them. Heaven’s great lamps do dive
Into their west, and straight again revive.
But soon as once set is our little light,
Then must we sleep one ever-during night.

If all would lead their lives in love like me,
Then bloody swords and armour should not be.
No drum nor trumpet peaceful sleep should move,
Unless alarm came from the camp of Love.
But fools do live and waste their little light,
And seek with pain their ever-during night.

When timely death my life and fortune ends,
Let not my hearse be vexed with mourning friends.
But let all lovers, rich in triumph, come
And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb.
And, Lesbia, close up thou my little light,
And crown with love my ever-during night.

Thomas Campion, 1601

Homo, Fuge.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Turns out that I did die, but came back to life. I just checked out my wound for the first time, that shit is pretty cool looking.
Foss of the Foss, I am not sure that you are qualified to speak on this subject being that you are from the Otch and not of true Eyotan heritage. And as for the coolness of the Eyota kids, I used to think they were average, but then I realized that the kids who were stupid and not of the hip variety from Eyota are actually less stupid than the stupid of these other schools especially those of the larger cities. Those things put out some retards, and I can why Fosses (Australian for pussies) tried to get their children out of such an environment. You are still an outsider, bow before the Hobbs.
As for Lesbia, that was actually an alternate name for some Greek goddess. But take it as you wish, all literature is up for interpretation.

10:17 AM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

well, i would like to change this hypothesis and formulate my own. All of eyotan blood, when present in their own clique or niche, are in fact, the coolest. this would mean that the hickish could not be compared to the more urban oriented and such, the potheads incomparable to the school lovers.
as for the lesbia thing, you saying that she is a greek goddess. then it is very possible that it is in fact because she's a lesbian. it's old greek folklore that a long time ago, all the lesbians were banished to their own island and this island was named lesbos. the island of lesbos is still present today, and yes you can find it on a map. the truth to my story is also very credible as i saw it on tv. and that little electric box never lies.
well there is your history lesson for the day children. enjoy the rest of your finals and palabra a tu madre.

2:25 PM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i almost forgot! john has been adopted into eyotan blood. you see, our area is in the eyota school district, so it matter not your town of inhabitance but rather your school of attendance. because there's doverites and eyotans of the like that don't go to the wonderful DE high school. and these people are the dirts of the dirts. so if you pass through the corridors of Dover-Eyota High, then my friend, you truly are the coolest. and if you feel this rule not applied, even though i am of ochester residence, i am grandfathered in for i am of true eyotan blood.

2:33 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

But what of the redneck potheads as I would argue that Wally would be one of. And how did we get into the clique part of this. That brings me to anothe point of, it seemed to me that the D-E has less of the standards groups and cliques of most schools. I went most of my high school career without being called a jock, but at soon as I made it to the tolerant and loving land of hamline I was classified as such.
As for the Island of Lesbos, I actually read about that for a good while last night, it was interesting stuff. But the fact is that this name was also applied to those that weren't lesbians, maybe because it is actually a lovely name. That and apparently Thomas Campion may just be in love with a lesbian, and Kevin Smith brought all of us to that long ago.
Next, I am not sure why I turned on the Foss for being an outside. I did not mean it and I will blame it on a lack of sleep and a good bit of painkiller abuse. I welcome him to that community, and Scott is correct that he is in fact of true eyotian spirit while i come from rural dover and have through my life kept my connection to the rural life.

4:21 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Another fun fact is that throughout a good bit of literature the island of Lespos has very often been portrayed as a utopian society. Which is to say that women, when left to their own devices can make a lovely society. This brings into question whether the reason for the constant bickering between most women is a result of men's influence on those said women, or whether these disagreements would exist without those of us of with the penile appendage.

10:18 PM


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