He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Fo' Shizzle

As I am a nerd and it was three in the morning on Christmas Eve, I started doing some work on the blog. Thanks to my nerd skills learned in Computer App. II in ninth grade I was able to modify the scripting for this page. So...you can see the added links portion as well as the addition of links to blogs of members of the Eyotan Collective.

Sadly, this appears to be the extant of my nerd skills as I can not figure out how to make that section of the blog a little skinnier and not waste so much space. I am working on that though.

Hmm...I have to go buy Christmas presents for my family's Christmas Eve celebration in a couple hours, I need to go to bed now.



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