He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, December 27, 2004


Well then, Christmas came and went, same as always. The best part of Christmas seems to just be the lack of school. I am going to have to find something that makes it even more spectacular next time. Rather, I should do that, but most likely I won't. What a little weiner I am.
Anyway, I found out a fun fact last night at least. Turns out Justin LaGosh of Zumbrota, some of you might actually know who I am talking about, is a total douche. For some reason I find this sort of info quite exciting. Mostly because it isn't what I thought the guy would be like at all. It is always more fun when what you expect doesn't happen. Especially when those unexpected things lead to comical semi-violent activities. This would be an oppurtune time give a thank you to Hobbs of the Hobbs for picking me up this morning. Turns out I was supposed to babysit and if he hadn't of been such a stud, I wouldn't have been able to perform my duties. By the way, it turns out that poo is gross, I had always thought it was funny.
I have been reading a good bit lately, too bad it is mostly crap about plants and conservation. If only I had some useful knowledge. If I understood the plumbing in my house, that would be an accomplishment. But then again, I would have to work with poo if I did that.
Fun Fact: My argumentation skills have increased beyond all previous limits. Spent a couple hours talking with my Uncle Rick today. Those crazy conservatives, today's conservatives don't seem to realize that true conservatives (the cool old men from back in the day) were in favor of all conservation. Like perhaps not drilling for all the oil in the world "because it's there" and maybe even saving some animals. Or, not spending all the money we have "because we can". So, yeah, I learned a good bit though. My cyclical logic seems to work against folks, arguing both sides of the same argument seems to work for me too. Tricky stuff. Plus, getting Tom to raise his voice is getting to be less of a challenge.
Any-who, off to bask in my own ego. Good times.


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