He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Tis the Season

The thoughts of Logan on Christmas Eve:
  1. It is good to see family, to bad the family is insane and complains a lot.
  2. Apparently every little thing that would draw no discussion during the rest of the year is reason for yelling at Logan. I love it.
  3. I still am not sure if I want to stop receiving gifts and have everyone give the money to charity or not. Well...I don't deserve the stuff...give it away.
  4. Hehe, I just wrote that last one on a day when no one with read it before they give me all my gifts. Well...next year then.
  5. I wish my extended family was as big of drinkers as the immediate family. These little get-togethers would become even more exciting. We wouldn't have to make videos with fake drunk cousins anymore.
  6. Hopefully my cousin Levi remembered to bring the videos of previous holiday's activities. I am excited for the "It was my balls" skit.
  7. I have noticed recently that, in Eyota, Christmas is mostly a time for family. Not as much for friends. That is probably a good thing. We have already degraded every other holiday to a booze and hookers level.
  8. I am the Official Bocce Ball Ambassor to the world. So if I am ever supposed to buy you a gift, that is what you are geting, a fine set of balls.
  9. It seems that as the children of my neighborhood are all aging and moving away, the Christmas light decorations get crappier and crappier at each house. The Longs, Bussells, Clarks, and assorted others have all seen dramatic downgrades. Hopefully I can bring this house back from this shadow of its former self for next year.
  10. That one Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song is second only to "White Christmas" for that greatest Christmas song of all time.
  11. It is not every day that you have one of your Grandmothers sitting next to you as you type in your blog.
  12. Kylie is a spoiled child and lacks discipline. But she sure knows how to turn on the charm when she needs to. Smart kid. And she already owns a dog and kitten, punk.
  13. I love people and whatnot, but I always seem to enjoy the days leading up to Christmas more than the actual day. But food is still good, especially in immense amounts.
Lucky number thirteen. That is quite enough. My grandmother is reading to me about Norway right now. It is rather enjoyable.

Peace and good will to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cousin...it's the Spoiled Only Child...heh. Did you know you left an open way for me to change everything in your blog on our computer? Well,anyway, I have a live journal if your ever bored enough to read it...there is a poem in there about Christmas Eve w/ the Averys that may interest you.
~Emily D.

8:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh...sorry forgot to leave my name...it is
here's the link... www.livejournal.com/users/logicalemotion5/

8:20 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Aye, spoiled brat, you probably think you are entitled to such access to my things. Such is the mind of your cohort. I will have to peep that shiznit sometime. Perhaps now.

10:40 PM


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