He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

The polar bears are dying.

And isn't it a shame? Has anyone figured out yet if global warming is real or not? I can admit that this is something I don't actually know. Mostly because neither side has been fully substantiated, but when one of them has (rather than just saying they have) I will be the first to know.
I think I had better head up north and see some of these beasts before they pass me by. Maybe I can spend a winter in one of the towns where they always wander right down the main street.

Fun times: I got signed up to work at the Clash in Crotch. So far I have worked for a total of zero minutes, watched some good wrestling, gotten Mr. Pizza and John Hardy's, and received a t-shirt along with my free admission. I like this gig.

Next topic: Should Logan get a job for this Winter and, if yes, what the hell should he do? Hometown Video would be a hilarious place to work at, but I think the fun would wear off after about a week. There is always more pizza delivery, but that is old hat for me now. I could try and wait until Spring for my credit union job to be ready. But I already have empty accounts and I don't know how I will get by. If Menards would friggin' hire me, then I could go to that place and wander about for a few months. Let me know what ya think ol' Logan should do.



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