He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

What is our role?

Yay, I am going to chime in on my view of the role of the U.S. in disasters such as this most recent one. On other posts I have been reading people are whining about how other nations hate us until trouble comes and then they come running for our aid. I say, "Who gives a fuck?" Why does is matter if people are mean to us? This isn't about the governments of these nations who speak against us, this is about the individuals. I had garnered from the results of our most recent election that we must be a pretty Christian nation. That leads me to tell these folks to turn the other cheek and quit their bitching. Why not be happy that we are the place that others come to in their times of need? Instead of getting mad because our American pride is hurt when others speak against us, why not take pride in being seen as a place that, even with all our faults, still has the ability to help those in need.
As for the giving of our government, I don't care if we spend a few billion more providing aid to foreign folks during disasters. We waste so much more than that every day in this country as individuals. Not to mention the wasteful nature of our government and businesses, although, one of those is much better than the other.
The place that I would love to see money come from to support these causes would be our corporations that profit at obscene levels. "Hey fucker, take that bonus and give it away. I will totally give you a kiss." One of the best candidates for this giving would be the pharmacuetical companies that profit, by percentages, 5x-7x as much as most other businesses. These shits can send a few hundred million in medical supplies over, save the government that so often supports them some money, end all this debate, do a good deed, look like nice guys, and not even see a dent in their profits.


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