He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

"C'mon, there will be people to mock."

I went out and stole the old Christmas trees off of the curbs this evening. Does this make me weird and does it even qualify as stealing? I think it is even less of stealing than when I took bags of leaves from the people of St. Cloud, since they had to pay to have the service of having them picked up. The trees here are picked up for free. Anyway, I should figure out what I am going to do with these things. I would like to make a fence for my blueberry plants with them (to keep the dogs out), but I have realized that the rabbits would simply start living within my trees and they would eat my plants and trees more often. Speaking of which, I need to get out and rid my grandparents land of rabbits, those little bastards ate the White Pines that I put in, and for that they must pay.

I don't remember if I have ever given my plan for Social Security on here. By the way, this is my plan as a liberal Democrat, not as a Libertarian, which is the complete opposite. But even I think I am insane for thinking that the Libertarian ideals will take over any time soon. Anyway, remove the upper limits on the wages that still have to pay into the entire system. Right now none of the income over $200,000 is being taxed for Social Security. I am pretty sure that this might just be enough to pop us out of this current "crisis". That is, as long as we can get the government to actually leave the money in the accounts instead of replacing them with worthless T-bills that have been paid for by the Chinese. The only problem that I could see with this is that once the rich bastards and corporations are actually having to pay their fair share, they will convince Bush to give them more tax cuts, otherwise they will take their jobs overseas or just fire everyone. Every solution just seems to lead to more problems.
I have my own theories on the movement of jobs overseas and I am pretty sure that most Americans would think I was nuts if I listed them out. Mostly because they are selfish bastards who have some of the highest quality of life ratings (if only such things existed) and don't appreciate it. I will have to type out this plan some time. But one political section per post is all I will do.

I have to go read something.


Blogger Unknown said...

Read this regarding Social Security: http://www.startribune.com/stories/1519/5161883.html

Read this about hunting rabbits:

2:36 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Aye, perhaps too much is being made of the effects of global warming, but, by the time we actually know what is going to happen, it will be too late to stop it. Plus, skin cancer is a bitch and the pesky whole in the ozone could be helped if we followed some of the plans that have been suggested for limiting globabl warming. Then, if we find out that it is no big deal (highly unlike) we can go back to burning all the damn coal and oil that we can find.

12:25 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Wow, you are a prick, and you pretend that I am the ass.
You expect a fella to type several thousand words each day, and get more that 99.99% of them correct?
Got anything else?

8:34 AM


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