He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Donation Frenzies.

Just thought everyone who was wondering where all the "Muslim money" was for this recent disaster was would like to know about the recent developments in Saudi Arabia and all round there, if they didn't know already. The Islamic Development Bank just gave 500 million and a telethon just raised 77 million from the rich of Saudia Arabia. "Among those who contributed in the telethon were King Fahd who donated $5 million; Crown Prince Abdullah, $2.5 million; and Prince Sultan, $1.25 million. The biggest single donation came from Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who gave $17 million." I realize that this is a pittance for these folks and that a similar telethon raised much more for the families of Palestinian fighters (We already knew that these folks were also financing terrorism.), but it is something. Oh, Saudi Arabia also raised their 10 mil to 30. Also, I realize that this isn't about money, but work being done, I thought these were interesting facts just the same.
Also, fun facts about the American spirit of donation can be found here, at least, our domations in regards to this recent disaster. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/06/tsunami.poll/index.html Isn't that hilarious? Good to see that we are going to give thoughts more weight than action.


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