He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, January 07, 2005

"You sit around here all day. You contribute nothing to society. You're just taking up space."

You know, I do sit around here a lot. Although I did make a trip out, for the second day in a row, to register for classes. This time I was successful and am on my way to becoming a marine biologist. Well, at least I am going to be taking a course called Environmental Geology which is describe as this: "This course examines the relationship between geology and short-term human concerns (periods of no more than a few hundred years). Topics include earthquake hazards, volcanoes, flooding, mass wasting, groundwater and surface water problems, radioactive waste disposal, energy and mineral resources, and radon." So...yeah...it is nerdy enough that Sarah might even like it, but will get into enough real environmental issues to keep me interested.
I am also taking a couple of Speech classes, no worries there. I am a bit concerned by the fact that one of my courses has a prerequ. that I have not taken, but my advisor fella said it was no big deal. I also was told by him that I have a 99% chance of being able to register for this one math class that is full already. So, I guess I am forced to trust that guy.

Oh, I thought of a new thing to add to my talk about Global Warming (this was inspired by a population discussion on Sarah's blog). WHO CARES IF IT IS REAL OR NOT? The shit that we would do to prevent/slow the effects of global warming are the same friggin' things that will be necessary for us to live on this earth past a not too distant time (but probably not my lifetime) where we are all living on top of one another rather than having all this space, like Montana. Eventually, the world's population will be such that we can not sustain life if we continue to live by our current ways. Basically, if we don't find better ways to use all of our various resources, then the world is going to explode (for real) before the second coming has a chance to happen. It looks like we will just use everything up and eventually everyone will just die of starvation and disease (Weird, that sounds like what is going down in Africa right now.) , but not in my lifetime, so what do I care?
Also, I should note that life probably doesn't matter in the end and we are all toiling for nothing. Everyone will figure this out someday and most folks will kill themselves (but not in my lifetime). At least then there won't be a over-population problem for my great great....great grandkids, who will then rule the world (whatever is left after the bird flu and whatnot). That is, if I ever have kids...eh...I don't want to add the to the population crisis.
By the way, my new thing is to call most everything a crisis. Cause everything will eventually be one, and I want to be ahead of the crowd so that I can look smart. Because looks are all that matter.

Oh, found out about a new magazine that I am going to subscribe to, Mother Earth News, it should be most exciting. I can learn about composting toilets and solar panels. AND there is supposed to be stuff about gardening as well.



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