He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"You know, everyone's either a bastard or a son of a bitch."

That quote seemed to speak to the political sense in this country today. I am, to focus on one little thing, going to be discussing the whole red state/blue state issue. Apparently, as far as most media outlets and, by association, most citizens are concerned, the people of a particular state or county can be put into a total of two categories. I am sick of being a blue-stater, and I was a Kerry voter. I would rather that the media folks be forced to do their friggin' jobs and find out what I actually believe. These shits have gotten so ass-lazy that they don't feel the need to talk to the actual people, they just get one "conservative" and one "liberal" to sit across from eachother and pretend that they speak for the fifty some odd million voters of each side. I am thinking about wandering over to New York and punching Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson in their mouthes. It might just be the only way to show those guys how to shut up and listen to the people. I figure this would work as they would not be expecting violence from a blue-stater. As we are all tree-hugging, Bush-bashing, sissy hippies who should move to Canada.
I wish that it could just be recognized that we are a purple nation. Most individual people aren't completely blue or completely red, let alone the communities, counties, or states of these people. Just as all Bush voters aren't quite as stupid as they appear (perhaps just misguided, hehe) and all Kerry voters didn't actually support him. We, as a nation, seem to take comfort in being able to simplify the issues. That way we can continue to live in our youthful trust of leaders in this great experiment that is the United States. God help us if we can not think more deeply and see a person beyond the color wheel.

Also, on a much less political note, although I do betray my sissy blue-stater way, rabbits are tricky little devils. They certainly seem to know how to use my grandparent's brush to elude me. I will have another go at them a little later in the week. For now, I will have to get by on chopping up Christmas trees to express my rage. I will probably add another post later on in this day, but for now I should hit the hay; the lovely Shane Haag is coming over so we can have a little talky-talk tomorrow. We have to figure out where we will be residing with our future family in Winona.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

They would be the most consistant of the dipshits who host the show Crossfire, sometimes other folks come in to replace them (but do no better). This should change soon though, as news stations that had previously been a bit more reputable (MSNBC, PBS) are actually looking at hiring that scumbag Carlson. So now he will get the chance to lower the level of actual information in our "news" casts a little more. Man, that putz actually pisses me off.

9:31 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Aye, I only watch it on occasions when I feel fat and what to puke up a little weight. Although, I did enjoy the day when John Stewart was on. I felt sorry for him, but he sure did rip them new ones, unfortunately, Tucker didn't even know it happened.

8:32 AM


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