He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

"I've had a lot of experience with semantics, so don't try to lure me into some maze of circular logic."

I am not feeling totally up to typing a whole new post as I need to get to bed so that I can get up and research classes to decided what I am registering for this semester. So instead of any sort of new thought, I will regurgatate a couple of comments that I have written on a forum that I take part in. They should make sense even without their proper context, let me know if I am wrong. These both have to do with the tsunami disaster, which I have already typed about, and, on second thought, I will provide a little context in the places where it really is necessary

Post #1: (This was a comment to go along with a letter asking people to be more generous and titled "Tsunamis Show Nation's Greed".)
It was rather fun to watch the U.S. donation to this crisis as it rose especially since we called it the "initial" pledge all the way up til our fourth or fifth "intial" offer. Starts at 400,000.....then 4 million......then 15 million......then 35 million.....tack on a zero 350 million. Yay us. Now if we factor in the donations of citizens rounded up (generously) to 250 million, we have a total of 600 million. Wow, that is over two dollars a person, we are just so darn generous. Now, don't compare this to what other nations are doing, it is obvious from our foreign policy that we don't give a hoot what they think or do, just look at our generousity. Then ask yourself if that is really enough. We spend more money than was in our fourth "initial" pledge in one day in Iraq. So...is it enough?
Post #2: (This was in response to letter titled "Help here before tsunami-hit areas". In this letter the writer listed a number of issues that he believe we should take care of before giving a dime to those in the tsunami-hit areas. Here are a couple of his issues: "I would make sure every person who wants to work has a job to provide for themselves. I would fix our roads and bridges. I would make sure our schools were funded.")
Weird, it seems that our nation could have actually helped in all of these situations, just a little problem with our elected officials in ol' 1600 House. I was thinking about putting my first post from the other tsunami related letter on here as well, but I won't. I will say that there is nothing really stopping us from doing all of the things listed in this letter (even with our current leadership), all we need to do is buck up either: a few more tax dollars or a few more dollars given to responsible charitable organizations. That, or we could ask that our government (national and state) be responsible with the money they are currently receiving (i.e. not start wars or waste millions of donated dollars on lavish parties for the governing socialites or any of many other wasteful ways) and then we would have ample funds to take care of these problems without raising taxes, but then again you folks that won't give a dime to the folks in Asia probably would demand all that saved money back in the form of tax cuts.

I think that our thinking that we must help Americans first is misguided, where the hell did the idea come from that somehow the lives of those of us lucky enough to be here were more important than anyone else's? This idea definitely does exist, just look at our "War on Terror". Shit, as long as it is just ten of thousands of Iraqis who are dead we are more than justified, just so long as it prevents another couple thousand Americans from losing their lives in a terrorist attack (Which it won't.). We have got to be some kind of retarded.
Also, I should note, some right-wing whiner gave me the idea of asking all of the liberal millionaires to donate money to the tsunami victims. So, I did, or at least I got to Mikey Moore and George Soros (billionaire, so he counts double). I am guessing that many of the liberal millionaires have already given money (except maybe Moore, that pompous, bloated SOB), but it doesn't hurt to make sure. With Soros I even mentioned me giving a matching percentage of my income to whatever he gives. I think that just might work, at least, if enough poor (by American standards of excess) ass college students offer the same deal. Drop him a line, it could work.
Hmmm....despite what I said, this developed into a full fledged post, darn it.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

You talking about the hurricanes from this last year, not a couple years back, correct? Yeah, I noted that stuff too. I have actually had people say,"Where are the foreign governments when we have our disasters?" Can't they figure out that we don't need to help because our leaders just on any chance to make a good impression and maybe buy some votes. Golly, who is the governor down in Florida? Yeah, anyway, I think we gave something like 180,000 per victim in Florida, I think maybe they should just have a little less expensive homes. When it comes to foreign aid, we can't seem to do that right at all, we give money to the leaders that we know aren't going to use it properly, but we still don't seem to give a damn. That is what happens at least when the aid gets there, ask the folks in Bam, Iran if their aid ever made it there.

8:30 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

And a million of 'em is just one of those things that makes you say, "Golly!", in a very redneck/country way. If you know what I am saying.
As for the Bushies, people complain that I am creating conspiracies. I think you actually have to try and hid conspiracies. The American people are just too stupid or too stubborn to see most of these things that are just out and out lies right before their eyes. I think this might turn into a blog post right here.

9:17 AM


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