He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, January 21, 2005

How nice.

Well, this is pleasant, I don't think I will be writing anything on the social security privatization for a little while. Even a good lot of the Repubs are saying that this reform in "dead in the water". I guess they realized that this is one of the best government programs and one of the few that the government hasn't completely run into the ground. Plus, you don't want to anger those old bastards who gave you their vote because of abortion and gay marriage, but will take it right back if you go for their wallets. For once I am glad that old folks are such stingy bastards, but it is odd that they wouldn't stick to their guns on "moral issues"

Anyway, I was attempting to make a trek to St. Paul today, when I found out that my meet in Kasson was cancelled. I fishtailed a number of times before even making it to the 90-52 intersection. The decision was made to turn back when I realized that I didn't feel like wrecking my third vehicle (turns out that small rear-wheel drive pick-ups aren't that good in foul weather) or driving to St. Paul at 30 mph.
Instead I will spend my weekend avoiding my speech that I need to create and my three pages of single spaced essays that I need to get done for Monday. Instead I think I will wait til the storm dies down and then follow Hobbs's advice and head for the woods. Maybe I will even read a little bit or even finish the cleaning in my room that I mentioned a couple weeks back.
I don't know if I will have enough time.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well, you have some catching up to do then. Get to work, that, or you can come over and help clean my room, your choice.

11:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its the only child again......heh, i love playing that up.....anyway, stop playing with your little guns and trying to scare the bunnies...and get some freckin work done. Damn slacker.

8:09 PM


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