He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

In the news.

After learning how to add links into my posts I would like to start a new weekly part of my blog. I will be posting various news stories that I found interesting and that, hopefully, you might take the time to read. It is important to be informed, and this might help. Although, I am a dirty liberal and if you read all this kind of news, you might become one too.

Inaugural News:
Great speech, but what did it mean?
What does freedom mean to Bush?

Confimation News:
Alberto Gonzales - 1 and 2.
Condi Rice - 1

Social Security:

Tsunami Relief Work:
Bodies not dollars
Don't Forget

I have a few more, but that is enough reading for now. At some point I would like to comment further on each of these, but for now I will leave you with this as I should probably get some schoolwork done.
Also, I would note that I still haven't figured out how to put pictures on here, otherwise I would have given you folks quite the show last night.



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