He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

What makes a man?

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

Right now I have an assignment for my public speaking course to find a bag that somehow embodies me and find three other things that also describe my life. One for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. This only leaves me with two questions: 1. Where can I purchase a bodybag? 2. Is it wrong to put a puppy in a bag? Anyway, I am thinking that I should haul in some sort of a plant, some jello, and a bottle of root beer. I will explain all of that later.

Ok, here is an interesting quote and I feel like reflecting upon it.
"Without the interference of civilization you can really experience things like,...silence. Silence and darkness in its purity. Right now, right outside my window all I can see is a black void. Endless darkness. It's totally exhilarating, and I feel very lucky to be here. Very, very lucky."
So...when was the last time you were completely alone with the darkness of night? I think this is one of the reasons that I enjoy camping and nature so much. Everytime I am out in the world at night, I always seem to wander off to just sit somewhere. It is a most pleasant experience. It is even more interesting to do in the winter, although then it is the silence and not the darkness which I enjoy so much. Snow soaks up all the noise of the world so, without walking far, you can wander into an untouched area and lose all notice of the world. The same happens in the forest, you go out and can disapear into the green.

So...it is winter. I am still trying to decide if I like winter. It used to be that I didn't notice winter all that much because I had wrestling to keep me busy and a lack of food that dulled my senses to the point that I didn't really care that it was winter. Now I am all too aware of what this winter thing is. The slow work of embracing this season is what I am pursuing at this time. I just wish I had some sort of work that I could be doing in some garden or something that I could build or make grow. That means I need either a workshop or a greenhouse. I would then also mean that I mean to get the means to do what I mean to do. Instead of just meandering about my grandparent's land shooting things. But, yeah, this greenhouse is going to become a necessity for me and it will have to be a good one, with heat and all sorts of things so that the growing season never ends. Or maybe I will just become so wrapped up in coaching wrestling that I will forget about such things. I doubt it.



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