He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Golly, I am a tweeker.

You folks just missed out, BIG TIME. I just had one of my best freakouts of recent memory. Suddenly I got the crazy idea in my head that I had left my Environmental Geology textbook and lab book (recently purchased together for $147) in the bookstore on campus and that they were now lost forever. I can't quite figure out how this crazy idea got in my head. But, after all my complaining about textbook prices, this seemed to set me off a little bit. My foot seems to hurt a good bit from kicking a chair. I need to remember to use my proper Tae Kwon Do kicking form when I am going to do such things. Yeah, anway, turns out the bag was just sitting on the kitchen table. It seems that I simply have no short term memory as I still can't remember carrying the bag with me to the truck. Which is odd because the bag is relatively heavy and the walk was realitively long. I also can't recall carrying that same bag into the house. Perhaps I am just magic and I did leave it in the bookstore, but my subconscious magic power brought it back to me. That would be even cooler than not having short term memory.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Gee, what was the bill that I got in the mail the other day? $1768.27, ha.

Anywho, I don't reallly care about books and having to pay for them (but they are expensive), I am used to it. I just need something to whine about.

By the way, you would like the Cheesehead system. It benefits the science and math nerds to the point of discriminating against people in cheaper majors (bookswise). There is a reason you make more money later in life and you should also have to pay more for books now.

11:20 AM


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