He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

I have school this morning, weird.

Unfortunately, I have nothing of interest to say at this time.

Nice work Vikes.
Randy Moss = Athlete who likes to have fun.
Howie Long = Big ol' dummy.

This weekend all I did was go to a good bit of wrestling. Friday night my only activity was to attend wrestling. Saturday I was at a tourney all day and that turned out to be all that I did with myself that was worthwhile. I went up to Zumbrota and drove around that town for awhile. Damn that Chet and his little Brit too.

I attempted to clean my room today. All that means is that there is crap all over my bed now and I probably clean off my bed so that I can sleep on it. So far it just looks like my room exploded. If anyone is interesting in adding to their personal t-shirt collection, let me know. I gots me millions o' them. Also, I found a windshield in my room. Crazy. Doron, please get your crap out of the room as I own enough stuff to fill it up by myself now, but your things are taking up the closet and under the bed. I need to free up some space for all my books that I am suddenly discovering that I own. They had been spread in many places and are now finding their ways back home to my room. Maybe, in a couple days, I will get the rest of this cleaning done. That would be just dandy.

Now...for something interesting...Donald Rumsfeld has a job while Colin Powell is leaving politics. That is frightening.

I like Diet Coke.



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