He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I went ahead and stole this info from Josh Marshall at TalkingPointsMemo.com because I thought you folks might find it at least a little interesting. These are the top ten states for receiving Social Security benefits shown as a percentage of their total state population. Can you guess how many of these states went with Bush this last November?

West Virginia 22.4%
Maine 20.1%
Arkansas 19.9%
Florida 19.6%
Pennsylvania 19.3%
Alabama 19.3%
Kentucky 18.7%
Iowa 18.5%
Mississippi 18.5%
Missouri 18.1%

Also, do you think these folks even notice that their boy is looking at cutting benefits for everybody including those on disability and the widows and widowers of folks like my dad. See, now you understand why I take the time to write about Social Security so often. I depended on that shit as a youth. It also supported my mother through that time and allowed her to at least save a little towards retirement, which she probably won't see for a good many years anyway. Yeah, anyway, just thought I would share that fun fact. Look out folks privatization is coming to save Social Security from its budget problems (which aren't even anything close to what folks claim they are) that is if by save I mean put to sleep, like an old dog.


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