He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

We'll get those bastards.

I have spent a couple hundred dollars on books today, and I am loving every minute of it. However, I have now decided to abandon my quest to bring down the pharmacuetical companies, and I will now be turning my fury on these book price boosting, better new than used punks. And they are going to go down hard. Anyway, seriously, I have found the solution to Social Security, take the excess couple hundred dollars that each and every college student pays each year and put it all in there. Who cares if that is just stealing from college students? They are being stolen from anyway and at least this way they would get something out of that money at the end of their lives because they might just be able to have Social Security be around when they are old. As an insurance plan of course.
That is correct, an insurance plan, you only get this shit if you need it. That way we can remove the limits on paying in (currently $90,000) , and be able to keep all of that money instead of paying it all back out eventually. I recommended removing the limits elsewhere and was told that that would only help temporarily as that money would all have to be paid back eventually, so now it will be an insurance plan. Then, when it is used as insurance, the total cost would go down. Social Security would once again be financially sound and, as an added benefit, we could lower the percentage of our wages that we pay into this mother. Then you folks will have your extra money that you can invest in your private accounts as you see fit.
There are flaws in my plan, I know about them, I hope you can point them out.

Here is my observation: Professors at RCTC are now designing their classes for dumb people. They have created attendance policies so that the dumbasses, who would normally not show up, actually come to class. And then they give you loads of silly busy work, so as to keep you involved and to make this as much like high school as possible. I had always thought that it was the responsibility of the students to make sure they knew the subject on their own. Which means that they would do as many problems (on their own) as was necessary for them to learn the subject. Most folks don't need to do these things to figure out basic concepts.



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