He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Who's got the balls?

Well, it definitely isn't Condi Rice, despite the fact that she looks like a mean bulldog, she still can't own up to one friggin' mistake. I did enjoy watching C-SPAN today, I got to watch John "60,000 votes from being the president" Kerry and Barbara Boxer at least give Ms. Rice a little bit of opposition as she went through her confirmation process. You can get a nice little article about those activities today here. Today's proceeding showed that, unfortunately, you can beat a dog with a stick, but you can't make the bitch answer questions. Turns out, you don't actually have to be accountable for anything (Check out monday's Post Bulletin 5A, hilarious stuff, the excuses keep falling apart.), unless, of course, you are a common soldier.
This brings me to Charles "I have no regrets" Graner. This soldier did a damn fine job of following orders and is now rewarded with ten years in prison. Sure, the guy is a sick dumbass who should have known better, but he was just doing as told. Also, on the news, he doesn't come across as the type of guy that would question orders or do much of anything that requires abstract thought. Although his geometry skills, top notch (triangles, pyramids, these are the jokes folks). Anyway, it is a wonder to me that this weak-willed man was the "mastermind" of this whole abuse thing. I would suspect that maybe these activities were sanctioned from above. Luckily we are working to get the bastards who are responsible for this torture shit. Well, actually, one just go a promation (Now introducing the new Attorney General of the United States, Alberto Gonzales, Whooo, aaaaahhhh, crowd goes wild) and the other managed to keep his job and he is still a smug bastard about it.

Anywho, I need to get up for my eight in the morning bowling and should get to bed. This rant could be much much longer and I am thinking that I will add to it later today.
Oh yeah, sorry about all the links in that one, I just got on a roll and was enjoying myself. Just an effort to make this site slightly more interactive.



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