He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Well, I started off with a sappy quote, but I am allowed to be a little sentimental sometimes. I went and saw Coach Carter this weekend, the whole movie was a bit sappy too, but it did include a good quote from Marianne Williamson during one of the scenes (full quote). I figure that if that quote was good enough for Nelson Mandela to use in a speech then I can at least make a mention of it here. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Other than going to that movie I didn't do much with myself this weekend. It is midnightish on Sunday and I still haven't started in on the 3 pages of single-spaced essays that I need to get done for my 10 AM class nor have I begun work on my speech for my 6 PM class. So...I should get to those soonish.
Oh, I did get to go out sledding a couple times this weekend. That was a dandy of a time, but I did feel a bit of distaste when I was responsible for the fresh covering of snow being broken. Thankfully, at the second area, the snow cover was already disturbed by snowmobiles and so I could fully enjoy myself. It is also a bit of an adventure as well to be the first to track on the new land and I don't feel too bad because those pine-eating bastard rabbits would have done it anyway.
By the way Emily, I will continue to annoy and assault those bunnies until my quest is completed. I shall not lose a pine to those fiends again. Well, they won't ever take a whole group away from me again. I thought about using the live traps against them, but I did not want to subject anyone else to my plight. I might even learn how to make bunny soup sometime too. Also I can't comment on your veggie-eatin, angst-havin, gossip-passin, teenaged excuse of a journal after you felt the need to single me out for commenting upon it as if I were some sort of freak. Please note: I am trying to be spiteful like the people you mention time to time.
My sister tried to convince me to pawn myself off to a nursery in the cities for work this summer. What a joke. I couldn't do such a thing. I like my work and don't intend to take myself away from my current projects just so I can learn the proper way to install a retaining wall and become qualified for a future job as a landscaping master. I will learn my skills as I go about and I don't like to think of myself as trying to develop the landscape of an area to be what will look good within modern tastes and style, but to return it something of its natural form which would already be pleasing to the eye of time.
Anyway, off on another week of having no real job and no real concerns about school.


A quick 4 AM observation. I think I just try to make schoolwork hard. I could very very easily be done with this. Instead I have chosen to become a stupid version of myself by virtue of a lack of sleep. I wanted to go to bed at about 9:30 this evening. But instead I am trying to challenge my mind to create coherent thoughts when it claims that it is not capable of doing such things.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

You don't see me as a retaining wall guy? What the hell kind of work do you think I do all summer?

10:06 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Life's a garden, fertilize it. And piss all over it to scare the rabbits away.

11:27 PM


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