He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I haven't been able to update much lately as I am creating the greatest post ever and my current schedule has not allowed me to complete it. In the passing time here I will give you another installment of In The News.

State News:
Paw-lenty of idiocy to be found in the esteemed governor's new budget. See if you can find it, not too hard really.
Not sure if this is state or federal or even news, but it is from the MN DFL.

National News:
A little bit about Social Security and African Americans, not really news anymore, but as long as Dubya is insisting on meeting with black folks and telling them that the system is unfair to them, I might as well mention it.
This one is just funny to me.

Yeah, that is enough, I should have the most spectacular post ever completed soon. Oh damn, I should start it soon too.


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