He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

R.I.P. John-boy

Live fast, die young?

To die in God is gain.

Peace out.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'll be swingin'...

Well, the seventh day rolls around again and so I come to you here at the properly appointed day and hour. I have much to share and very little ambition. So...pretty much the status quo for me.

Good news to report on the front of punk-biatch fake gangstas. The leader of last weekend's travesty got what was coming to him. It is always nice when bad things happen to those that have earned it. This is a policy that I believe is better suited to the micro-level as, if applied to the macro, we would have a world with entirely too much violence. Hard to believe that we could have more than the current level, but, we must recall, it can always be worse.

I don't believe that I have mentioned this to you folks as of late, but I thought I should tell you what it is that has caused the divisive nature of politics in this day and why there is any sort of conflict between conservatives and liberals these days.
Blame can be place firmly on the wonderful little invention that most all of us have come to adore. That is correct folks, it is The Pill. The one and only.
Simply put, conservatives refuse to use it and liberals don't. When The Pill first came on the market it received wide acceptance from the more progressive portions of our population, but was rejected by many of those on the regressive side. This was over thirty years ago so we (folks around my age) are the result of such things. You still see families that are heaped to their crotches in babies, like the Taubels, but, on the whole, there is a much smaller quantity of these beastly families.
Unfortunately, when people hump constantly, and without protection, they can create enough little ones to more than offset a multitude of the more controlled and less selfish families. This is a tricky beast and, horridly, is a beast of the cyclical nature. Cons produce many babies who then produce many babies and so on.
In addition to the pill, you will, generally, see more progressives that are likely to have abortions rather than bringing unwanted children into the world. So, their populations are even further thinned.
The only hope for liberals is to put an end to this. But this is not to be done by abandoning our roots and turning to excessive baby making. Instead, along with promoting the push forward of things like the morning after pill, liberals must actively work to withhold childmaking from conservatives. Advertising could work, but it might be easier to simply encourage your friends (openly or sneakily) to keep from sexing it up with any conservatives. This means no more pecker poppin' or poonular penetration for Tommy, Brooke Stevenson, the young people of my church, most of my relatives, and about 30,000,000 others. There are more conservative voters, but I think they aren't getting sex anyway and, for some folks, that lacking has been enough to turn them conservative. Anyway, I will gladly take on the yoke of grumpier relatives if that means that we have less babies and fewer wars. These are things I support and with actively work to achieve them.
Now, who is with me? The time to act is upon us.
I am working on a catchy slogan for this crusade, so, if you have a suggestion, send it along.

Peace out.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

In the still of the night, I heard a crappy band.

Oh darn, I have a pretty good story to tell of, but I just don't have the ambition to write it all out. I will stick with stating that hormone and alcohol (along with other shit I am sure) fueled teenagers are some of the most stupid folks I know. No one else is so quick to start trouble and then to run away from it.

I forgot to tell the funny story from the fights last Friday. Drunken Mike Kasten apparently decided to confront me for calling Clayton Kolb a pussy on Tom's blog a few months back. He didn't seem to get that it was written in jest and that I actually like the kid. Of course, he did get kicked out of the event a few minutes after that, so I don't think he was capable of understanding much. So, Kasten, if you read this, you are a whiny drunk and I will gladly take you on in the ring. Also, ha, you got thrown out and I am going to make fun of you for that next time you are at a party.
Late Update: I decided to check what it was that I actually called Kolb. Turns out all I said was that he likes to get his salad tossed with syrup. What is so bad about that?

Next order of business. I don't seem to be sleeping enough lately.

Also, this country is going to become quite divided with this whole Supreme Court thing (as if we aren't already) and this might just be the prime time for the Dems to move forward again. Yay for them. I hope they figure it out.

Alright, I am going to go read something because I am nerdy and I like that sort of thing.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Waiting for my ruka.

Umm...yeah...short post cause I need some sleep. Plus, no one likes to read blogs in the summertime. Anyway, I haven't been doing anything really.

Went out to the fights at Mickey's on friday night. Not to shabby. It is funny how many folks you end up knowing of the years. Then you see all those bastards out there fighting. Speer is my baby.

I have also been working a little bit too. Think is going to have to figure out at some point that I just don't have ambition. But they don't seem to either, so we are perfect buddies. And by buddies I mean one friend who drops loads of cash on the other one. I would like to get to more of my landscaping, but I don't know where I will find the time.

I still haven't picked up the key to my apartment in Winona. Is it good to assume that we don't have any other bills to pay. Are there some sort of bills that people have pay automatically? If so, they can rot.

Politics? Eh.

Religion? Eh.

Plants? Fo Shizzle.


You are the wave of the future. But you must first come up from your deep water. That means you can't sit still now.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Remarkable Incidents

None to report.

Well....to snood or to blog. Does anyone else notice that those are both words that used to be nouns but can now be verbs. The decline of the English language is astounding and I am working to push it the rest of the way off the cliff. Ain't nuthin' but a G thang.

I forgot to blog before I left for Montana, luckily, I didn't die so I didn't have to leave my last message as some whiny political junk.
Out west was lovely. Lots of moose (much more than expected), the bears are there (but invisible), and the marmots are everywhere. It was beautiful. Also, boot-sking is neato and Brad can't read.
I rather enjoy the weeks when I can disapear, forget what day it is, and not have any idea what is going on in the world.

Do you ever notice our incredible ability to ignore everything that doesn't suit us? We constantly amaze.
