He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

*Cough Cough*

So....I'm sick again. And I am sick of that.

Also, I forgot my copy of the Satanic Verses in Eyota. I kinda need that for class. I hope the library has another copy around.

Interesting fact: it seems that I have been lied to by the promoter of the Rochester fights. I was told that I would be fighting for both the title I have and the one held by my opponent. Turns out, Jami doesn't have permission to have offered up that second title.
Due to that lie and other lies/threats/shady-shit from the promoter, I will be giving up my title and taking myself out of this competition. We had been talking about doing for a while, and I think I have finally accepted it.
I guess I won't be as much of a local stud any more. What a shame. Hehe.

I went to a party with all of the classic douchebaggy drunk guys. I seriously had a dude say to me, "You try that again, and we'll see what happens." I love those threats. Good times.
Oh, I think my being dressed in a rather short skirt might have led to a little bit of the troublesome threats I dealt with.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Knee In The Face

Sadly, that has been the most exciting part of my life lately. After my scheduled fight for last week was cancelled, I tried, unsuccessfully, to get a fight in South Dakota for Saturday. Saturday evening I was putzing around with the sheep while laying down some mulch at the grandparent's Clark when I received a call asking if I could fight in an event in Medina (a far NW suburb of Minneapolis). It was 5:30 and the event was scheduled for 8. I accepted and got to Roch at 6 to meet up with my ride.
I got to the event as it was started and had missed the fighter's meeting. My opponent was around, so I introduced myself. We fought about an hour after I had arrived. I felt uncomfortable and improperly warmed up, but it was time to fight, so I had to fight. It went all three rounds. I dominated the first and third and took some damage in the second (that knee from the title). But I won a unanimous decision. So that is okay.

School is busy. Couple of tests and a paper due this week. Wooo! Other than that, I am just fighting and schooling. Boring. Boring. Boring. No real romantic prospects. How sad.

I'll look into doing something exciting, but right now I am focused on training for my fight in Rochester November 18th. My opponent is tough and skilled, and this should definitely be my biggest test. My cardio must improve.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Trouble-making Sissypantsers

So it turns out that Doron's city really is full of wimpos. I thought Doron was one of the few. The city council of Minneapolis decided that serving alcohol in conjunction with having events that feature fighting must, of course, encourage violence in the crowd and by the fans, so they shut down the event that I was supposed to fight in tomorrow.
Doron assumes that someone complained, and the city felt that they needed to act. But it would have been nice if they could have acted a bit farther out than 2 days from the event. It could have prevented me from dropping 15 pounds before this time came. I am okay with starving myself to make money, but starving myself for nothing is not something that I am too keen on.
A pox on you council members.

This morning presented some more proof that I am one of the most absentminded and detail-ignoring individuals around. I thought that I was going to presentation on character creation by Kent Nerburn (author of Neither Wolf Nor Dog) at 10 this morning. Turns out that I was late for the 10 AM start time and that the event had actually started at 9 AM. So I got to see none of the event and got a dirty look from a prof that I had told I would be here. I went to his lecture last night, and I am sitting around in the commons waiting for a special interview with him at 11.
Neither Wolf Nor Dog, a book that I believe I blogged about at some time in the past (I guess I should get tags for my blog so these things could be easily drawn up), was chosen by the school as a book of great merit or some shit like that. Anyway, about a thousand freshmen and some other students are reading it this semester (I had it for a class last Spring), so they keep crowding up the events. They bring laptops and make noise and leave early and generally annoy me. I doubt that they get much out of the event. Man, I am a snooty prick.
I doubt have much ambition for fiction prose writing, but I'll go to the events about character creation just for the heckity hey hey of it.

I sleep a lot lately. Little over nine hours last night. I rather enjoy this now. I don't really understand why I am able to do this. I should be really busy, and I am, but I find time for sleep. School work is sacrificed, but I get readings done, and my grades haven't begun to suffer yet.

Blah blah blah....I need to finish another Salman Rushdie essay now.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Why not? I perceive, and so it must be.

I have been enjoying playing with Google Earth lately. It might be old news to some folks, but it is still a fun time for me. I want there to be a 3-D version of it, so that I can look at elevation changes. For now, I am happy cruising cities I know (and some I don't).
I think I might go look at the Taj Mahal tonight. I am trying to vacation without using gas. Not too easy to see trees and animals over the internet though.

I am fighting next week. I have a bunch of weight to drop for next Thursday. 17 poundsish. Should be a grand ol' time.

Oh, I am still enjoying my drives up the Lake City for practice. The fall colors aren't fully passed yet. Lots of red-leaved sumac along the road to go along with the trees. Makes for a beautiful frame. The drive home in the dark isn't quite as great.

I am debating buying The Decemberists album. You see, I am trying to take on a budget. I hope I can look at that and apply myself.
