He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Busy Business

So....I had another busy week. I convinced myself that I didn't have enough extra time to shave this week. I get sick of my beard by that time, so tomorrow morning looks promising.

Oh, next week, I get to have lots of fun. I don't think I am going to get all of my papers written before it is time to leave, but I will have all of my tests taken. I have a paper due for Syntax tues and the final to take thurs, and I intend to get my Comparative Lit paper and test taken care of fri. It would most likely be the Salman Rushdie research paper that I would take with me.
Part of the problem is that my schedule keeps changing. I have to fly out to Vegas on wed morning this next week and fly back that night. I have to go to do a bunch of promotional crap. Pictures, videos, and douchebaggery most likely. Then I have to fly out to San Diego on friday afternoon. I figure having a little work to keep me in the hotel room might not be a bad thing.

I am up at DnM's again this weekend. The team is fighting at a show up this way on saturday, so at least I get to have a little fun this weekend when I go down to that. Other than that, I worked out for threeish hours at MMAA today, will be there from 9-2ish tomorrow and sat, then hopefully we will figure out a group to get in for a workout sunday. I will probably work out in Lake City on Sunday too. Eesh.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Training Is Dandy

I am nearing the end of another weekend. Yet again, I have done none of my homework, and I still haven't caught up on my readings that I didn't get done last week. The question of when I will get all my upcoming papers written still has to be answered, but I'll stick with my plan of not having a plan.
This weekend is being spent, like the last one, tooling around Minneapolis. I have been staying at brother Doron's house and spending my mornings and early afternoons at the Minnesota Martial Arts Academy. I have some excellent training partners there and having been learning quite a bit. The technique work is fabulous, and the conditioning work we do there is working as well. At least, I am sore but not too sore, and I have managed to not get seriously injured.
I've got three weeks until my fight, so I'll probably come up here for a couple of days next weekend and the weekend after that. Fun times.

So far, for Monday, I need to go back and finish last Monday's reading for Rushdie and get the last 2.5 class sessions worth of Comparitive Lit reading done. Hehe. I wonder how much of that I'll actually manage to get done with? Little enough.

It is sad that I am busy enough to be behind in school, but not busy enough to have done anything cool. Went to a bar with my hosts last night. Grumpy's was good/entertaining. Clarks know how to get into odd conversations. I also get owned at Scrabble last night. Damn you, Molly.

Doron and Molly are watching Thank You For Smoking right now. I watched it the other day and enjoyed it, but I don't know that I really want to watch it for a second time right away. I should find something to do with my evening.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Post-Bulletin Article

This is the article from yesterday's Post Bulletin about my fighting. There are a couple of minor discrepencies in it, but I am posting it here for those of you who aren't subscribers and can't log in to read the article.

Eyota's Clark agrees to Ultimate Fighting deal
Tue, Nov 14, 2006
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By Ben Pherson

The Post-Bulletin

When the Post-Bulletin last caught up with Eyota ultimate fighter Logan Clark, he was busy defending his 185-pound Ultimate Combat Sports title and studying at Winona State.

Clark said he didn't plan to pursue ultimate fighting as a career after college. He was working toward his English teaching degree, and he hoped to join the Peace Corps after completing school.

But that all changed with one phone call.

Two weeks ago, Clark got a call from ultimate fighting super manager Monte Cox (he's the Drew Rosenhaus of ultimate fighting, representing big-time fighters like Matt Hughes, Rich Franklin, Tim Sylvia and Jeremy Horn).

A few weeks before the phone call, Clark had done a favor for Cox, taking a fight on only a few hours notice. Cox promised to repay the favor.

And he did it in a big way.

Cox called Clark two weeks ago in inform him he had secured a three-fight deal in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (the sport's top organization in this country). Needless to say, Clark was ecstatic.

"I didn't plan on this. I thought maybe in a year or two an opportunity would come up, but not this early," Clark said. "I was still thinking about the Peace Corps, and I may still do that some day. It will always be there. But this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up."

Clark, who is undefeated and trains with Jeff Luhman and Team Crazy in Lake City, will have his first chance in the UFC on Dec. 13 in San Diego during an Ultimate Fight Night Live, which will be broadcast on Spike. Clark's fight is on the undercard, so it's not scheduled to be on TV. But if later fights end quickly or Clark's fight is finished in a spectacular manner (generally a knockout), it may appear on TV.

The UFC will pay for Clark and a corner man (Luhman) to fly to California about a week before the event. He'll do interviews and other pre-fight publicity.

Clark's first professional contract will pay him well, and it will pay him even better if he performs at a high level. For his first fight, Clark said he will receive $2,000 just to step into the octagon and $2,000 more if he wins. In his second fight, he will receive $4,000 to show and $4,000 to win. His third and final fight will be worth $6,000 to show and $6,000 to win. That means he's guaranteed $12,000 and could earn up to $12,000 for three wins.

"The money is good, and it means I won't have to work while I'm going to school now," Clark said. "It's awesome. Maybe I can actually get a decent care for a change."

Clark immediately stepped up his training. He plans to train with the Minnesota Martial Arts Academy (home to Nick Thompson and UFC lightweight champion Sean Sherk) in the coming weeks. If Clark does well in the UFC, there could be additional training opportunities, possibly in Iowa with Pat Miletich.

Doing well in the UFC won't be easy, though. Clark will meet undefeated Steve Byrnes of Hawaii in his UFC debut. Byrnes is a submission specialist and has finished all six of his pro fights in that manner.

Clark will be a major underdog but not because his skills aren't up to par. Byrnes is a former Marine, and the fight will take place on a military base in San Diego.

"I love it; I'll be the most hated guy on base all week," Clark said.

Clark has even more reason to do well under his first contract. If he wins two of his three fights, he could be offered another contract for even more money.

So far, the added pressure hasn't gotten to Clark.

"I usually don't get nervous for fights, but this is the UFC -- everybody gets a little nervous," he said.

And Clark's Team Crazy teammates -- how have they reacted to seeing one of their own make it to the big time?

"They love it, but they just don't want me to forget about them. I won't; I'll still be training with Team Crazy," Clark said.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Recent Developments

Well, right after deciding to drop that title fight, I got an offer from the UFC to fight for them. I signed a three fight deal. Check the 11-14-06 Post Bulletin for details. Or I will post it here when I have time.

Mostly, I just have no time. It is all training and schooling. I'll find the time.
