He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Generally Unproductive

The one good thing that I have managed to get done this week was assist Rick in getting Grandpa George an ATV. It was quite an undertaking, but I think he is quite pleased with it.

For Christmas Eve, I cut my knuckle on a cousin's tooth during a grappling match. Good time. My family hasn't had its Christmas as we are waiting for Doron to come down for his birthday to celebrate it. I should probably go buy my x-mas gift for him sometime soon.

Looks like I will be practicing MMA in Lake City on Friday. Kevin called me today and is anxious to get back at it. We have some new fighters coming in, so he wants to get them some training right away. I'll still be taking it easy, but it will be fun to get a little bit of action back in my life.

I've been going out a good bit lately. But I don't feel like it is too much because the days I do spend at home are just so incredibly boring.

I haven't organized my socks, checked my grades, or done anything that I had planned to do this break. I'll get to all that soon enough. I am getting a good deal of tv watching and internet sitting around done. Weird, I am watching CSI, and Eminem is part of the soundtrack. I didn't expect that.

I have been watching the new MTV show Twenty Four Seven lately. I want to shoot me. But sometimes it is good to be reminded about just how douchebaggey I could be. It makes me feel better about myself. I still can't force myself to watch My Super Sweet Sixteen though. That'ld probably just be too much for me.

Okay. I better get back to internetting.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Been A Week

And in that week, I haven't done a damn thing. It has been fabulous.
I took a trip to Mankato for Jeffrey Hobbs's birthday on Monday with Wally. I was trying to rest my back, but ended up doing a spot of heavy lifting just the same. Wednesday took me to Eau Claire to visit my friend, Andrea, as I was invited to tag along with April and two of her pals. Both trips were great times.
Also, I bought my first ever digital camera before the trip Monday, so I am now like every other college age girl in that I take far too many photos of my nights out.

I haven't practiced for fighting at all, but I did make it to wrestling practice.
Just because I haven't been fighting doesn't mean that I haven't been working on things for fighting. I have people working on my nickname, persona, fan club, and sponsorships now. They have also done some fabulous artwork for me.

I am off to my buddy Nate's show. He is in a band called Verge Of Collapse, and we will be rocking the town of Mantorville this evening and night. Should be a grand ol' time.

I still need to clean my old bedroom to fulfill the promise I made to my mother. I only had to do it if I won my fight. I should have just lost. Probably less work.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Final Thought

Sorry it took me so long to get back here with my final recap. I was kinda exhausted and still didn't have my schoolwork done, so I had to take care of those sorts of things first.

So, in one week, I went from 204 (weigh-in Friday night after I got to the Marine base) to 186 (official naked weigh-in) to 206 (my unofficial weigh-in last night). I'm the champ. Hehe.

I guess I have to be happy with my performance despite the fact that I didn't really follow my gameplan like I wanted to. After the first round, my back was hurting, and I wasn't scared to go to the ground with him after winning the first round from down there, so I just let the fight go there and made him use up energy getting me down.
The most danger I got into during the fight was the semi-BS kneebar that he got into right off of the restart in the second round and when he got the full mount on me for a bit. He didn't ever really hurt me with any of his shots, and I managed to mash up his face pretty well. Basically, I punched him whenever the slightest opportunity presented itself.
I also hurt him a bit with all of my upkicks. He was fairly flummoxed by my reach, so I used that to my advantage from every position.

I don't know who the UFC will offer me for my next fight, but for now I am going to take a couple of weeks off to get healthy. Then it will be back to training.

I want to get a car loan so I can have a vehicle to get me up to the Twin Cities with relatively good gas mileage, but mother says that my income likely isn't steady enough for that. Bah humbug.

Oh well, you stay classy folks, and, if you have any questions, post them so that I have something to inspire me to write more.


Oh, and if you are interested, my pre-fight interview, post-fight interview, and a couple of fight photos are all posted on the UFC website.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Last Minutes

Just taking care of all the equipment and trying to keep the nerves in check. I am the underdog in this fight, but it is really silly to make any of those predictions since no one knows that much about either of us.

The nerves can be an issue as they will often cause a fighter's energy to go away quite a bit more quickly. If I can keep that in order, I think I am in a much better position than my opponent.

I probably weigh around 200 right now, so that is kinda funny. I've been getting messages of good luck and whatnot from friends all day, and I appreciate those. And I have one person that will always remind me that fighting is one small part of my life and that I have a lot of other, more important things going on in my life. Gotta keep everything in perspective.

Alright. I have have to report to the arena is about an hour, so I should take care of all that stuff.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Making Weight

I managed to make weight today. I dropped 6.5 pounds in the sauna, which isn't too much, but I really hate saunas and was struggling a bit. I was quite grumpy all day, and Keving was getting annoyed with me, so I had him killed. It had to be done.

Sorry, I forgot to come on and make this post earlier ('cause I was grumpy and dehydrated, and then I was busy drinking and eating and typing), so I will try to post a bit more in the morning before the fight. For now, I need to be getting to bed soon.

I ended having to drop my shorts to make weights, so the ring girl got a good look at my pale butt. I am sure it was great for her. There has been a lot of time wasted by various shuttling and waiting around this week, but it didn't get to me too much until today when I was getting near the end of the cutting time.

The MSNBC folks interviewed me a couple more times today and were at the gym with us as well, and I think I still managed to give them fairly intelligent responses.

Monte, my manager, made it here and gave us the shirts from my sponsor, American Fighter. Andy Fisher made it here as well, but he has the great distinction of wearing a Team Crazy shirt to the cage as we only had three sponsor shirts for some reason. I guess the team will get a little bit of free advertising.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Update From A Whale's Vagina

Sorry, an Anchorman inspired comment on the last post inspired me to make an Anchorman-inspired title. So much inspiration going around.

So I still don't have my papers done, which sucks, and I am starting to get more and more distracted now. Argh. Gotta buckle down.
Yesterday I just did a couple of workouts. One with my coach, and one with another Minnesotan fighting on this card, Brock Larson. He figured out that I have come here to learn as well as to fight, so he was showing me a few things. I learn quickly, so i wouldn't be surprised if I ended up using some of it in the fight.
It seems that most people expect me to lose, so I just have to work hard to not let that affect me mentally. I am around 10 over, so hopefully I don't weaken mentally as I lose the weight as sometimes happens to me. I would be fine after the weigh-ins, but I don't want to be weak at any time. It would depress me to the point of not getting my schoolwork done.
I've spent some time talking with Shonie Carter, another of the fighters who has been around a lot longer than me, about the business, and he has told me some interesting things. Too much to explain right now, with the schoolwork to do and all.

I will work out a little later today, after it warms up as couple of fighters apparently broke some exercise bikes while moving them, so we lost the use of one of the buildings. Now I have to train in a modified raquetball court that has a vent to let in the outside air and doesn't ever really warm up. I forgot to bring sweatpants and a rubber suit. Hopefully I get both of those in today.
I'll likely work out twice and need to get over to the commissary to get the food that I will consume after weigh-ins. I bet they have Pedialyte. I tried to go last night, but was incorrectly informed that they were open until nine when they closed up at eight. I did get a nice walk out of it as I decided to hoof it over there rather than call up the drivers to get a ride.

I'll try to do something exciting like get into a shoving match with my opponent or the biggest Marine I can find, so I'll have something interesting to blog about.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

UFC Journal

Well, folks. I am already out in San Diego for my fight in the UFC, and I figured this was enough of a special occasion to deserve a special dedication to blogging.

This week I had to make a trip out to Vegas on Wednesday. I was on the ground there for less time than I was in the air. The day started out waiting up at 3:45 AM and ended with me getting back to Eyota 11 PM. Rather ridiculous. I got oiled up and sprayed down with oodles of water while getting videotaped and photographed in a cold warehouse room. I also had a nice interview to do there.
Thursday and Friday I was followed around in Winona and back to Eyota by a camera crew doing work for MSNBC. Apparently they are doing a series on MMA, heard about me from the UFC, and wanted to do a profile on me. That was an incredibly time consuming thing to be doing while I was trying to get my finals all done. Those folks are going to meet up with me out here again and film the last few days leading up to the fight as well as at the fight and after, so I better win because I don't want to wind up on television crying or anything like that. I am working on an image here. Hehe.
I wrote and eight page paper between 8 AM and noon Tuesday, and took four finals the last two days of the weeks, so now I just have to do a couple of other papers while I am out here. One should be done tomorrow and the other started up.
I flew out here Friday afternoon and have been putzing around since then. Didn't have time for a workout yesterday and had to go get a blood test done this morning and then had to get a neuro exam done back at the base where we are staying, so that took up all day, and I just got a short workout in later this evening.
My coach just got in late tonight after they screwed up his flight by thinking he was flying out from Rochester, NY rather than MN. My other cornermen won't get in until the week starts, but that is all good. I have a couple of other guys to work out with and will do just fine until they get here.

Tomorrow is a free day with a few workouts planned. I am 15 pounds over right now, so that shouldn't be too hard to get down. I'll let you know if anything too exciting happens, and I'll probably tell you about the mundane crap as well.
