He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Men have always feared both life and death, I choose to fear nothing.

I have proof that I have been made retarded. More than likely I have 80 proof. Every time I have a fun weekend, I lose things or break things. There seems to be a direct correlation between fun time with friends and screwing this up. This weekend I managed to forget the book that I am basing one of my two term papers around, but did manage to steal the DVD that I rented from Hometown. It is now residing in St. Cloud with me and racking up a good amount of late fees. I hope the Postal Service can be quick with it and at least I didn’t shoot myself or my dog while discharging firearms on Thanksgiving. The weekend before I am sure I screwed something up, and probably with my truck. I at least did manage to cut up both of my shins, which I seem to skin back open everyday. An accident-prone child I am. The weekend before the weekend before last I jumped in a iced over pool (probably got sick in addition to f-ing up the new moccasins), lost a brand new knife, and broke a part of my truck. All of this had come about as a result of fun.
That brings me to my Pre New Years resolution, as of now I am swearing off fun. No more friends that make me go out and about. From henceforth the weekend does not exist for me. I am dedicated to nothing but my studies and my meaningless work at the Papa’s. It is through these tasks that I will find wisdom and the reason to move past this losing and breaking rut that I am stuck in. Hopefully I will be able to come out as a person who can have responsible, adult fun. That’s right, no more egging the good people of Mankato and no more running from the citizens of Eyota. I will enjoy strolling through the neighborhood and going to crappy concerts.

Yeah anyway, I would like to give you my quotes for the weekend:
Scott Whitmore – “Logan, I feel like less of a loser every time I talk to you”
Glad to help and yes, Johnny Cash is the shit.
Tom Herbers – “I love it when people get mad about politics, like Logan right now”
Sir, you of all people have seen me mad more times and to greater degrees than most any other person. Do you actually think that was an example of me bringing up any emotion close to anger? I would simply prefer for people to feel a social responsibility for their actions and have intelligent reasons for their views. You damn devil may care hippy. Bush is the man.

Hmmm…this dedication to my studies isn’t going so well. I seem to have found two books that have nothing to do with my work but have now taken precedence over them. Although one is a grammar book so it could come to some sort of use. In the coming week and a half I now have about twenty pages to write and a few hundred more than that to get read. Good times. And I am thinking of taking Wayne’s advice and enrolling in a speed-reading course. After that I will start my homework, it can’t take too long.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

"Up here, I'm already gone."

Huh, I am surprisingly tired for having been up for a pretty short time. Going to bed at 5 and then waking up at 9 isn't such a good deal I suppose. I thought that the spectacular comfort level of Drew's bed would be enough to keep me through a nice long sleep. Perhaps it was the frightening nature of my dreams, those damn big boxes, that kept me from rest. But I think the source of discomfort lies in the work of one Big Penis. His anger seems to have stirred me to the center of my being. His drunken rankings and pain-fueled babblings gave me a new found fear of his very person. I can not stand to be near him, I feared for my safety during the whole ride home.
Another thing also stirred my innards this weekend, besides too much Windsor. It seems the plans have been laid for what could possible be my finest adventure. This Summer is bringing with it a chance for my to reconnect with nature. But only so long as that allows me to steal a baby bear and slap a bison named Tiny. I promise to have the trizzluck (Sarah, that is truck in Snoop-speak) in its finest ever working order for this coming time. I think a bit of super-charging is necessary to make it over any sort of hill when I gotta haul all the big boys. I think three items will be enough to keep the wooden-sided, tarp camper living eyota boys alive. All we really need are raisins and peanuts anyway.
Hmmm, how to describe the weekend? Holy shit, I have never wasted so damn much produce. A dozen dozens is quite a figure. I will have to thank Windsor for the ability to keep up my highjinks and perform to the rigorous standards of the ever vigorous men of Mankato. I was disapointed to never be chased at high speeds, or by anyone on foot. What a shame. But we didn't kill anyone and, as they say, boys will be boys. As for the girls who joined in the fun, you have no excuse. Try and be mature for once. Also warranting mention would be some of our additional abuse of the Fossman. Just smashing his head in the ground was not enough. I thought the family member portrait on his chest was quite lovely despite being so lifelike. Go Mutant Mavs in your Inbred Purple!
Alright, I need to go plan for the future cause the mountain life is calling. Anyway my best regards to Mobbs and Aunt Tom. I guess I can give em to the rest o' you fools too. Peace to the Gs.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

"It's not a lie, if you believe."

Well, I be motherfucking mildly not happy as I just lost a good 500 word blog. It appears my technological inneptitude is coming back to bite my ass. Luckily, I have nothing but time on my hands and will thusly retyped the previous blog in an abbreviated form. They say you should always rewrite a work at least once. And so...

I do not feel the stress in such a manner as the lovely Sarah seems to. In fact, I find that on most occasions my professors are wasting my time by having be come to their classes. And it seems those same professors don't seem to give a damn if I tell them so. Which means I must resign myself to not doing the work and just taking my darned good grades without a fight. It does, however, seem rather odd that my Biology professors main goals for the class seem to be that all college students stop all their drinking and spend so much time worrying about getting STDs that they don't have time for sex. Also I would advise to the Sarah that she look into medicinal marijuana to help with her sleeping troubles. You dreams will be much more condusive to relaxation and hallucination, while your body will be allowed to properly rest.
Recently I spent a rather extended evening in the not so lovely city of St. Paul on the not so loving and tolerant as it thinks Hamline University campus. What had intended to be nightlong quick trip ended up spanning from 9 pm Friday til 2:30 pm Monday. Good thing I convinced my manager that I had broken my truck and couldn't quite make my three hour Saturday shift. And, luckily, I had a good bit of excitement to justify the elongated personal time. Friday, while being full of good times, did not fill be up with the usual wild times that I have come to expect from Logan-led Hamline weekends. This changed on Saturday when I managed to do my usual and get the old roommate more drunk than he planned and in more trouble than he would have liked. The night came to an end when I, after taking the horribly drunk student body V-P back to his abode, found myself soaking wet. It seems I fell through the ice of a backyard swimming pool. Some would say I jumped in, but I have no trust in what they say. Nevertheless I did happen to be wrining out my shoes when the St. Paul Police paid a visit to the house at which I had been attending a lovely little shindig. Anyway as the many students fled the scene I found myself in the street directing traffic. Good times. Made it back to campus at least.
The rest of the weekend passed by me as I hid in a dorm room. I was mellow and that is a rare and spectacular thing that I took the time to appreciate. I do need to take care of the repairs to my vehicle that a fun weekend always seems to entail. Otherwise I will have no chance to cause a bit more trouble in the Kato this coming weekend.

Always remember: If a man were to be born to a woman with no arms he may never get to experience the joys of a good spanking. Beat your children, but do it in rhythm. We do want well rounded children you know.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."

Well, glad I got that political shit out of me. All better now.
Last weekend I was hanging out in my new forest hangout area. Until I realized that it was opening deer weekend and I could actually see four hunters on the other Beaver Islands around me. Got the fuck outa there. Nah, actually I just checked to make sure there weren't any stands around me and then watched the other hunters. And these were some crappy hunters, mofos didn't even see me for the longest time despite my sitting on a log out in the water.
I noted that my last post didn't illicit anything for response. I don't know what the deal is. On other forums (aka Biology Discussion site) I have managed to be told that I have anger issues and that I am the bitch of some kid I don't even know. God, I feel neato that I could piss someone off enough to say something that makes a kid be that stupid. And there is some girl who affirms whatever he says too, she has gotta be one dumb young lady. I told the kid that if he wanted me to be his biatch he needs to slap me around. That would be amazing if a Bio. forum led to that kid getting beat up. I would feel like such an ass if I did do something like that.
Oh, I quit wrestling since I will most likely be leaving this school. I figured picture day was a good one to take off on. My new free time is quite exciting. Maybe I will actually do a little more homework. So far it has just caused me to eat more. And stay up a lot. Like now, I would probably be in bed, especially on this night since I would have a 6 am workout.
As a result of my going to the woods I have now started feeding the local squirrels and ducks corn that I got from a field on my hikes. I feel odd doing it, but I don't think the squirrels should live on trash alone.
I wish I had some words of wisdom, but yeah, I done turned dumb.
So yeah, think about this: Why do rhetorical questions exist?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Holy Fuckin' Shit, America Under Attack

Have you ever seen that movie with Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy where they spend their whole lives in prison? Yeah well, anyway, in that movie there is a guy that they call "Can't Get Right". Right now, that's me. I have been walking around in this sort of daze for a while now. I have been feeling odd for a while now, but then I discovered that 51% of the voting populous is in complete disagreement with me. Since that point I have been stumbling about like nothing really matters. I have been giving even less of a shit about school, but now sometimes my plans for life and working in nature don't even look like a good idea. And I am a guy who doesn't really have a passion for politics and who didn't do anything, except argue with various Bush supporters and drop the odd ballot, to move my views forward.
The evil liberal, John Kerry, has been defeated and I have been sorting the whole thing out. Generally I blame this whole thing on the Roman Catholic Hispanics and the general inability of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party to organize a pointed, organized party platform. While working as hard as they could to make Dipshit and Satan look bad, they forgot to create a candidate that anyone, outside of the party, had faith in his ability to lead our nation. While Mr. Kerry has some plans to help our people, he is unable to relate these ideas to the common man. The Republican party, however, happens to have an idiot spokesman, and luckily most Americans happen to speak that language.
Oh yeah, the religion thing. It seems that the American people, a predominantly Christian group, have decided that it is time to reconnect the church with the state. The are so self-important and so threatened by the freedom of others that they feel the need to legislate on the ability of two folks to marry and I think they smell the ability to take away a woman's ability to choose what is right for her body. And religion brings me back to Hispanics. This is the only minority that went in favor of el presidente. They also had the ability to turn Florida and instead of doing what is right for them in the social and economic sense, they gave in to misinformation. At least they followed what they thought was the right thing to do as set forth by their religion and that is an honorable.

All right, I have more but that is plenty of political talk for now. On to more pleasant things.
I just realized that I have nothing else. I am doing nothing of note with my life at this time. It is nothing, but classes, wrestling, doctors, and other boring stuff. Although I did discover the joy of a chiropractor. He provide temporary relief at least. Oh another fun discovery. Across the Missississississippi I have discovered all sorts of nice unkempt trails that have now become my regular running space. Something peaceful about running through the woods on deer trails with only the rustling of leaves to keep me company.
Well then, off to do something, probably nothing, but hopefully. Got to find a task to keep me from wiggin' and then when I am finished biding my time I can quit my job and be free to wander the state. I am scared to go anywhere outside of this state, except maybe to run off to Canada. I love this country, but I am scared of what is to come.