He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Free Entertainment

Now that I am back on a real college campus, I have gone back into full-gear in my people watching endeavors. I don't know if I even want to get the laptop when there happens to be so many interesting folks to watch at the community access pcs. Although, the laptop would allow me to watch while sitting on the benches outside.
There is this one guy, "Blue Shorts Guy," he is spectacular. He has been here for the last couple days wearing the same blue shorts. They are hiked up to the top of his belly and I am sure that, if he were so fat that his genitals have been swallowed up by the fat, his balls would be hanging out. He does wear a number of different tank tops. I am wondering if he is coming after, or before, his workout or if this is his workout. You know, getting out of the house can be a struggle.
Also, he talks to himself a lot, loudly too.
My other favorite is the other old dude who plays Collapse on Yahoo all the time. He puts a lot of effort into his mouse clicks, so he makes a lot of noise too.

I am slowly starting to see all the other Eyota kids around here. Damn them.

This girl in my 9 AM class mentioned auditions for the fall musical and plays today. I should do this, but shouldn't I have been at least a bit prepared to get into them?

It takes me 3-4 minutes to bike to school. I was sprawled out on my bed at 8:25 yesterday (granted, I was fully clothed) and I made it to class by 8:31. This is easy than walking across campus at SCSU.

None of this is interesting, but Emily can go fuck herself.

Peace out.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

"I'm still drinking in my dreams"

But, unfortunately, my summer is over. Although, my summers are much more busy than my school years. I suppose now is the time that I get to relax. My room at this place is slowly getting cleaned out so that I will soon be able to have most all my necessary crap over that the homestead with my man-wife Shane. He has already been working hard and we now have a matching shower curtain and rug combo in the bathroom. He took complete credit for that.
My schedule is still not worked out for the semester, but I do know that I will be going to some class at 8 tomorrow as well as a couple others that I am not yet registered for. After the first couple days of the semester, I will be able to tell you whether or not I will be graduating on time, in two years, or at some later point.
Additionally, I have yet to bother with getting my laptop that I am required to get from WSU. I will have to look into that tomorrow. Someday we will even have the internet and cable hooked up at the apartment. Yeah, whenever we get to that. Until then, my internet usage will be going down and I will probably not update this thing.
I do intend to be coming back on weekends for the purpose of working at Think for a bit longer. I figure that I can make better money while working fewer hours than I would in Winona. Plus, we all know that college towns are no fun on weekends. Eventually I will get a job somewhere in Winona. I have confidence.
Oh, sounds as though Tom and some others will be coming down to my place in Winona saturday night. I will have to make it back there then. It would be a fair guess to assume that other folks will be joining in and that we will all get arrested since that cops are not the most pleasant folks for the first few weeks of school.
Hey, maybe they will have internet for me to use in jail. Next time, I'll write you from the big house.

Peace out.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Direct Correlation?

I just finished reading an article that talks about how drugs are becoming more available in schools (as if that was possible) and yet they only had 61% of teenagers saying that they had drugs in their high schools. What a bunch of fucking liars (the other 39%). Although, I guess it is a semi-good thing that the kids are becoming a bit more honest.

Anyway, that was just the usual shit with drugs, but then the article continued and went on to say how their was a direct correlation between kids who watch three of more R-rated movies in a month and how those kids are much more likely to do drugs. They don't go as far as to say that this is a cause-effect relationship, but they are still morons for even bringing it up. Teenagers who don't watch R-rated movies are sallies whose parents seem to be dictating all of their actions. I am sure there are exceptions, but, for the most part, they are just moralistic wussies.

By the way, it was the R-rated movies that made me use such mean words.

Peace out.

I guess we didn't agree...

It looks as though I lied about the whole "posting more often" thing. I forgot to leave anything behind when it was time for vacation to start. Is it really a vacation if you try to do all the work you would have done during vacation either right before you leave or as soon as you get back?

Sadness still fills my heart for those poor young folks who are The Olympic Hopefuls. Althought, legally, I shouldn't be calling them. Does it count as misuse if you put the word "Olympic" in parathesis as if it were an afterthought and not really a part of the name?

Schools starts in a week and a day. Perhaps moving into the apartment is a good idea. It will be blast once school starts since I am not registered for any (well, I am actually in a couple) of the classes that I would like to be in, so I get to go to innumerable courses on the first couple of days to try and get put on the list for a some of the others. If I can't, then they can be called big 'ol liars for getting up my hopes of maybe even graduating on time.

I got some good people-watching in yesterday evening. Silly RCTC fellas.

Peace out.

Monday, August 08, 2005

It took so long to get so little done.

If you didn't already know, Bush finally got his pet energy and transportation bills passed. These darn things are both a few years overdue and are still some of the biggest piles of shit to pass by the White House steps. Just in case you were wondering what that smell was, it's pork. Shitloads of pork.
The only redeeming feature to the energy bill is the increased funds for alternative energies, including ethanol. But this is a token gesture at best, especially when put up next to the MASSIVE tax cuts given to oil/coal/shit-from-a-long-time-ago energy.
The title of this post was intended more so for the energy bill than the transportation bill; in the transportation bill we see lots of positives that were all necessary for well functioning roads. But the policy still applies that "If you build it, they will come" So, as long as we build wider, straighter roads, there will be people and cars to fill them up. Unless, of course, gas hits $5 a gallon. I would have much prefered to see more funding for things like the Northstar line rather than the oodles of pork projects thrown in.
These things passed because it seems that everyone got a little bit of something. These huge, overarching bills are never a good thing. Why not take some time, break 'em up, and cut out some of the shit? It would seem to be the fiscally conservative thing to do, but I guess the Repugs just don't really give a hoot about that anymore, it went to the wayside along with any sort of environmental conservativism.
But, instead, the energy bill is over 1,700 pages long and the transportation bill contains over 6,000 projects and spends 284 billion dollars, so I am guessing that one has some heft too . Do you think anyone actually bothered to read these things? I have a feeling that everyone just threw one more piece of meat in the pan and hoped that no one would notice whatever little turd project was sneaking by. Good projects or bad, they are still just sneaking.
Oh, I should also mention the fact that this energy bill completely shits on the idea of trying to move toward even a little bit of energy independence. Thomas Friedman still is getting it right, he had another op-ed in the Post-Bulletin on this today, check it out if you know how to read. Anyway, we are just too pussy to take any hard shots for the team and actually make sacrifices that might help of energy policy, but we sure seem to like wars. I guess killing other people's kids is just fine to us. Fuck us.
Anyway, just thought I would pass that along.

Great Length
Not much help

I have yet to come up with a comprehensive list of all the crap projects in each of these bills, but I will give that to you when I find one.

Oh yeah, oil reached an all-time high today. Yay.

By the way, I am shifting back into school mode so you can expect more frequent posts from me again.

Peace out.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

R.I.P. Peter Jennings

Dead at 67 by way of Lung Cancer.

Good journalist, better man.

Peace out.

Presidential Fun #1

My mother is now responsible for bringing you a new piece to this place, this is the inaugural editon of Presidential Fun. This new book I received has all sorts of fun facts about our fearless leaders and so I will give them to you a couple at a time. I don't know yet it this will be a Quiz section where you are expected to know which commander in chief goes with which fun fact, or if I will just tell you, so, for the first go, I will do bother.

Match the action with the president:

1. This man's favorite exercise was riding an electric horse.
2. This fella once intentionally urinated on the leg of a Secret Service agent
3. This chap farted excessively and loved making dumbs jokes to blame his actions on others

A. Gerald R. Ford
B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
C. Calvin Coolidge

Don't go any farther yet, now make your guesses.

The answers are:
1. C
2. B
3. A

So, would your prefer me not telling you, do you like having the answers, or do you just want me to not act like a horse's ass with this crap?

Peace out.

I believe in the power of a good man

Greed has been on my mind as of late. We all have greed in one form or another and so I will not pretend that I have risen to some higher plateau on the greed plain, but I do think that I have one for of greed pretty much wiped out of my little brain. While I still desire to have numerous participants in my good times and the love of a good woman (although, if I only want one, is that really all that greedy?), I do seem to have gotten over much of a desire for money.
I am probably a big, skanky liar, but at least let me pretend that I am a good guy. It seems that every time that I wind up in a political discussion it always leaves me thinking, "Dang, what a grubby bastard, that mofo needs something more important to love." Most of the time that is brought on my someone complaining about liberals trying to take everything from them. This is silly, cause I don't really want their money, but it does make me wonder if this is actually a form of greed for money from me. But, of course, it isn't as I don't want their money for myself, I want it for the world. I am such a flippin' socialist. Well, that is a lie too. I don't want all that much of their money (and, since most of them seem like blue-collar sorts, I don't want any at all most of the time).

Hmm...I appear to be getting off track. It is too bad that I don't bother to do research for these posts anymore, I might have something intelligent to had to our discussion that is oh so horribly lacking. I must, in the middle of this post, apologize for not really posting for a while. Your complaining has brought me back. (Ok, I am imagining the complaing, that is the problem with being as full of yourself as I tend to be.)

Ok, back to the meat. This thought grouping isn't working out so well so I will just end this with a question that I can base more off of later and go to bed.
I think that people spend too much time thinking about the economic gain of so many positions but don't bother to weigh out the other gains or losses that can't be turned into a pretty spreadsheet. For instance, me ('cause I love to talk about me, plus, it is easier than trying to define a whole group), I am planning on becoming a teacher. Most likely, the pay will never be great, but that doesn't bother me. Whenever there is a fight to give me a raise, I will take it, but it isn't the primary reason I want to teach. The way I see it, I am taking a large paycut from whatever other career I could have gotten into (other than maybe career humanitarian and that is still an option). So, why would I do this? Why would anyone do this? Is it because of a genuine desire to improve the lives of others? Do I believe that the possible unmeasurable positives that I can make in this role far outweigh the measurable lack of money that is coming with those positives? Or do I just want to garden and have no job for three months a year?

You get back to me on that and I will get back to you on this. You know, like this and like that and like...

Peace out.