He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

As the world turns, shit happens...

Well, now the National Guard is looking like a good idea. But then again they want six years, so fuck them. Recruiters are damn funny though. I might actually join if I could still get all that money and only have to be in there for three years. But I did get a nice "Freedom Isn't Free" magnet. That's cool beans. Oh, and a little pumpkin that says "I (heart) the National Guard".

RCTC is looking like a better and better idea. I have found five courses that would work well for my major, if the required courses at Winona are like the ones for my major up here. Plus, I would get to live with Wayne, that would be the mothafuckin' shiznit. I would actually keep that house clean, at least until Tom moved in to take over, so maybe someday a woman could come in there. Hey if I am in Roch. that means I will be able to work on the beast that is GWAR. Sweet.

Oh my truck got fixed and cost me $380. And that was with Mr. Mechanic saying that was the cheapest radiator he had found for any vehicle in quite some time. I don't like actually putting money into vehicles. But as long as I have a truck with what appears to be a pig-hauling box, I can handle it.

It rained all day, and this campus is so not based around academics that the rain was enough to keep most kids out of class and thusly I had both of my first to classes let out way early. Hilarious.

And for Drew: I saw one of your Fillmore boys (Erickson) in Coborn's the other day. He says you are nothing but a no good pussy. I kicked his ass for you. But you do suck.


Monday, October 25, 2004

"Everything I've ever done or said is the complete opposite of what I've wanted."

Greeting from Cloudtown. This drab, desolate plain of existence that is a college campus. Nah, it's pretty. It is just your basic college campus, but that isn't enough to keep me around I think. If I am going to have to suffer through classes, I might as well go to school at a place where I can get work done on other parts of my life. And so as follows are the three possibilities for continuing my education:

1. Stay on in this place. It is pretty cheap after all.
2. Quit wrestling, and wait until Christmas. Then head on down to Winona State and make sweet love to Baby Shane for a couple years. The school is a lovely place as is the surrounding countryside. A bit more expensive, but I would be near home and be able garden.
3. Become a townie. I am thinking of spending a semester going to school at the Rochester campus. I would either be an RCTC student and finish up my generals, then transfer to Winona next year. That would save more money. Alternet is to go to Winona State at Rochester. I could work with them to get major stuff done at the Roch campus.

So...hmm...working that one out.

Next order of business. Do you think that, since in Europe wages are taxed so heavily, I could earn enough money here in a few short years that I could go over there with all my American cash and live for a few years without having to work? And that they would be required to take me in on their health care plans if I file for residency but still don't get a damn job. That way I could by an i-pod and spend a couple years running the scottish highlands while listening to bagpipe music or basejump off norweigan cliffs while making out with a hot blond scandinavian with small breasts.

This last weekend Bob made me do his dirty work and I feel that I will be forever shamed for my actions. Luckily, I have been ashamed of myself all my life and therefore will be content to continue in my miscreant ways.

Jamie, nice job showing those Hamline boys a good time, they had better at least gotten some ass from your skank sister and her boyfriend. The Rock is totally hotter than Vin Diesel. And he can actually grow hair if he wants unlike that bald ass old man. Dougie is the man too.

Last fact for the night: I have the worst luck ever with vehicles. What are the odds that my truck would choose to vomit up a fan in the middle of the hellhole that is Blaine? How dare it cost me many hours of money making and the chance to get a friggin haircut. I look like a buffoon.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Comin' correct with the Pimpstep.

There are seven different levels to devil worship and horses' heads

I must say I am living the high life up here in the cold zone although the walk across campus is a bit of a hassle. This contentedness comes after a friday where my sole commitment was to cross the bridge for a brief workout. Luckily, I found time before midnight to visit the hiccup cup where I left the steak and pork I had just recently consumed.

Anyway here are seven seemingly random thoughts that have occured to me in recent times:
1. I am selfish, notice that I even put this one #1 in this list. Never let me have thoughts placing myself above anyone else. No one person should ever be more valued than any other. Good policy that was brought back to my thoughts after a very particularly stimulating, yet somehow worthless, discussion in class one day. 20,000 is greater than 2
2. Higher taxes are a good thing, especially if used in a fiscally responsible way. I am a fan of service/aid programs that help people but do not create dependent peoples. That is tough thing to pull off I know, but I have faith that it can be done.
3. Read Bless Me, Ultima sometime; a lovely coming of age story. Sure to give a thrill.
4. Sacrifice, that and hard work. These are the two of the most valuable things a person can develop. A person willing to work hard for others is a person to meet, marry, and love for life. I was going to make a long explanation of this, but...yeah.
5. Steak is a good thing. Prepared properly and without steak sauce. The only thing better than meat and potatoes is...
6. Everyone should have a vision problem. Putting on pair of contacts can be an amazingly cathartic experience because it takes you away from drab thoughts to see that great and detailed beauty of the world around you.
7. Gardening makes a sexy person. The sense of purpose and rewards in this endevor put a smile on your face that is never quite matched except by love. Which in turn means that Janer must have a field of string beans that she is raising some where.

I have more, but I must shower and prepare to meet the great demands of the food service industry.

Kerry/Edwards '04

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"A sexually depraved miscreant who is seeking only to gratify his basest and most immediate urges."

My fellow Americans, there are terrible ways to do a good thing. Vote Horseface and Pretty Boy in November. I am being serious here. It'd be better than a vote for Retard and the Spawn of Satan.

Update on me: I am now the owner of the most redneck small pickup in Minnesota. A 1987 S-10 with a wooden extension on the box, I am thinking that I should create some rust for it and paint it orange.
Also, I am actually enjoying wrestling a bit more now. As soon as you start cutting weight it becomes a fun time. I should get a fake though so I can go out to the bars with the other fellas and get in more fights. Someone should hook that up for me cause I am a little busy.
Classes still blow, and I still can't do any work. It has been decided that the world will finally see the truth and discover that organized education is worthless. A person must experience the world to learn anything about it. So I think the rest of my teaching education should be spent hanging out with Doug Yost during the day and smoking stogies while playing golf with Mike Mazzitelli. I would be the best damn teacher alive not to mention the third coolest person ever just for being associated with these pimp motherfuckers.

Update on the rest of you: You rock like a armadillo on crack. Party like a rockstar.

Update on the all-knowing Jeff: That brotha gone be pimp-slapping his way to the top of the Physical Education ladder in too quick a time to stop. Kid be corrupting the little ones with his drunken jibberjabber before we can put a wheel clamp on his white ass. But it's cool babies.

Anything else: Nope

Kerry/Edwards 2004, this shit ain't a game.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

"He is a loathesome, offensive brute. Yet I can't look away."

As I sit here unkempt and unshaven I realize that Hobbs was wrong. I am actually a sexy beast only it is not in the studly, preppy Hobbs kind of sexy. No, I am more of the Wayne Schumann crazy-ass old man sexy. Also, another Hobbs comment, I think I might just start typing in third person like the great Hobbs.

Anyway, Logan sits here wondering what to do. Anything that will keep Logan from studying for his Mass Comm test would be nice. After staring at various pictures of vehicles Logan has realizes that cars are like cell phones, fuck 'em, worthless bastards. That, or he really needs to get one.

Logan can't quite recall what it was that he started this post for and searching for its purpose. But isn't that really the of all existance for all people? Hehe. Logan loves it when people make obvious statements about life such as the previous and then think they are being philisophical. If man is nothing but an animal, then how can cannibalism not be legal?

How can it cost a student at Winona $500 a semester to use a Laptop that they are forced to take? My PC as a whole was just over $600, then again it is more infected than the strippers of Four Mile or Janer after her 12th gangbang in as many weeks.

F.Y.I Shane and Logan ARE back together, so quit asking them.

Also the master of this blog has changed it so that you do not have to be a member to leave a message, not you can have all sorts of aliases. That should be useful for the Dick so that his drunk alterego can talk at great lengths and never be associated with him

Sunday, October 03, 2004

"Or am I so sane that you just blew your mind?"

Ah, the end to another eventful weekend. This one was a bit like the month of March, in like a lion and out like a lamb. My thanks go to Teresa “Heinz Kerry” for transportation and conversation. Also thanks to John’s mom for candy.
To begin with, for those who don’t know (aka Jamie), I totaled my car last Friday. I have discovered through experience that vehicles I drive all seem to have a desire for acrobatics. Now I am going back to my first vehicle choice, small pickups, my hope is to finish this one off without ending up hanging upside down. And if you ever ride with me in a motor vehicle, make sure I keep it under 50 mph.
Just for the hell of it: TI-TAN!!!!!!!
The best part of Saturday night, other than introducing Sarah to her first steak, had to be getting my fill of naked Trey. Hadn’t seen any of that ass for over a year and I was having withdrawals.
Sunday morning I actually heard a little kid, not over the age of 9, singing a Twisted Sister song while playing on the jungle gym at West Side. That is weird, right? Oh, same kid also was the owner of a Mohawk. He is my new inspiration simply for having the balls to walk the streets. That news is sure to make Brad feel like a fool-ass-bitch without a kickass Mohawk, let alone a Mollet.
Also, just to shoot out the idea, here are a couple of name ideas for the bitching beast that will rear up from Robert’s loins. By the way, I do mean the Camaro-Blazer combo that he and Matt are producing together, not his man-parts. 1. the Alabama Slamma 2. Sanchez 3. Camo Rambo 3. General Predmore 4. Son of Yoda 5. GWAR
Yeah, just a few there. I will come up with some higher quality names once I have myself seen the beast and given it my blood and sweat. Country boys have no tears.
Oh yeah, Drew go fuck a duck. Dick, I expect to see your thoughts displayed in this form within the week's end. Peace to the Gs, I’m out.