He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.

Ummmm, Arbor Day is coming up on friday. Go plant a tree. Actually, I have trees that you can plant if you like. I think saying "Go plant a tree" would be a good replacement for "Go take a hike". But that is offensive to trees (and hippies). Actually, I like trees, if you trash talk 'em, you go down.

My trend towards ever increasing laziness in regards to schoolwork has continued. So far this week I have written two presentation on the day of (or during the class) and made two visual aids in the half hour before each class. I dig me some o' this. Really I would prefer if I could do this work early, but I can't, because I can. If you dig me. Oh, I should study for that test tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, RCTC isn't that easy, I am just that much of a genius. Teehee.

I ran out of gas on 9 this morning. It was hilarious how not close I was to a gas station. Turns out my truck's gauge doesn't go down all the way to E before being empty. Thanks to the Wally for being around and not minding being late for school. I reeked of gas all day.

Jamie knows what I am talking about with this next paragraph. Suicide huh? I am still working that one out. Finally realizing human futility or taking the easy way out? Or both? Or simply the fragility of the human spirit? My how I hate not understanding. There are so many things to know and then there are the things that you can never figure out. Fuck. Goodness, Jamie, I was looking through all of those pictures and got all teary. You folks know I don't cry for much. Not unless I am either really messed up by something or trying really hard.


Note for the future: Whenever I have enough free time that I won't be spending outside, I have a neato post to lay down. It is all about whiny Christians and the misunderstanding that they have with us Liberals. Same shit, different platter. But I even took notes during church so I thought it warranted writing out.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

In a dream:

It was told to me in dream that I am not ready for death. It has long been my belief that a person should always be ready for death, but apparently I don't live up to that ideal...or so said my dream. This may be the first dream that I can remember the details to for a number of years. But I don't feel like sharing them. I think I am recalling them this well because this beast was enough to drive me from my sleep. It would not be surprising if I had awoken with a yelp that I did not hear. I would prefer that it were a yawp, but that was not to be. It does not dawn on me why I should care if the end would come. There is nothing to fear but fear itself and all that good stuff should come to mind.
The proper means of expression for this are not with me at this time. A challenge it appears. This one I will go forward with. This will be placed in context and set out before me. I challenge myself to sort this one out. After all (fake philosophy time), the only one who can really challenge me (or you), is me (or you).
I don't think that I will be dead anytime soon, but I do know this:
If I knew I should die tomorrow, I would plant a tree today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

In the news (briefly):

Tom Delay on Justice Kennedy, a Republican appointee who he labeled an "Activist Judge":

"Absolutely. We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That's just outrageous," DeLay told Fox News Radio on Tuesday. "And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous." (Taken from CNN)

The idea of someone finding another person searching for actual knowledge, while talking to Faux News, is hilarious.

If this shit-for-brains makes it through the next election, I will be surprised (not to mention, disgusted).

Personal Best:

A new record may have been set yesterday. In the span of 45 minutes between 11:15 and 12:00 I wrote over 5 full pages of an essay that I needed to get done. Not to mention a Works Cited page. I also was occasionally scanning the internet at the same time. I can't say that is was my best work, but it was good enough. That just means that I have sunk to a lower level of procrastination and disregard for my work than ever before.
But, this is exciting, I did read something that confirms what I have always believed. Turns out I am just lazy because my small town school was incapable of providing me with any sort of challenge and I therefore never developed the skills necessary to excel as a student. Those bastards, I should be at a friggin' good school. It is nice to have someone to blame, hehe. Ms. Vosler once told my mother that I was the brightest student she ever had, but also one of the laziest. Doesn't she know how to read? It totally isn't my fault that during my formative years, when I should have been developing proper working skills, I was instead getting bored and causing trouble. Also, turns out that I wasn't actually an annoying know-it-all jackass as a child, I was actually just very curious and interested in our subjects of study but was not allowed to study them further. Maybe I am still just a child now. I have more to post along these issues, but, for now, I will just end by telling Emily that she is lucky that she went to a high school that actually provides challenging courses and gives a slight bit of a damn about her.
Hehehe, it is so classically American of me to blame this on something else, but I guess I am not completely American in that I know that this is only part of what happened to me. The rest is still my fault, I would like a littly sympathy though.


PS: Seth W. requested that I mention bridge painting on here. So...there ya go.

Friday, April 15, 2005

To ponder is to delay, to think is to decide.

Well, I got 100 trees today, but I have to give some of them away. Bah!

This evening has been one of the least eventful of recent memory. And I even put on a nice Land O' Lakes Seed shirt. I guess it will be off to bed for me soon. I had considered actually putting some time into a couple of my essays that I had started for fun, but I just can't see the purpose. Early to bed and then early to rise seems like a more productive action. One of these days (I love how I constantly put these things off.), I will do some work on both the "I believe" essay and, the newly begun, "Where I Stand" essays. Trust me, the titles sound much alike, but I do them in much different ways. One is all about current debate (maybe that means I should get to it, eh, they will continue for a while), while the other is more of a philosophy piece.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Learning is always key.

Last night, at the T-wolves gave, I learned that a sports team could have more cheerleaders than athletes. This is a neat idea. It also led me to the idea of cheerleaders for baseball teams. They would line up in the foul areas near the first and third baselines. It would cost a little more in tickets to pay for all this, but who wouldn't pay a little more to watch busty blongs in miniskirts and hooker boots try to get out of the way of foul balls, running players, and broken bats?

Currently the debate is raging within me whether I should devote my freetime to working outdoors or if I need to get back to the reading that I used to do so often. I haven't been able to write much poetry as I first must read 100 poems for every one that I write and that troubles me. If I am ever going to have a career as a struggling writer just getting by as a teacher, I need to at least practice my craft. My new goal is to turn my outdoor work into my thinking time. Unfortunately, I get too involved in my projects so that they are not mindless activities but instead require my devotion and imagination. Damn the natural world for its beauty and ability to captivate me. Their are ideas, ideals, and idealogies that I would like to sort out, but simply become to involved in my works to have the time for. There is a longing in my for the time when I get back to course that require real thinking for me. I need someone to demand something of me so that I will actually apply my full abilities to it. Alrighty.


Two Thumbs Up

The following recommendation has my full approval:
Check out Mike Doughty, he is the former frontman of Soul Coughing and now puts out some good folky stuff. He knows a good pop hook too and drags you into the songs. His new album, Haughty Melodic, is coming out soon. So, if you give it a download and dig it, throw the fella a couple bucks.

While we are in the music world. I was recently exposed to a good Tom Waits song "Make It Rain". That be fine stuff as well.


Monday, April 11, 2005

In a nut shell

What have I been up to? Surprisingly, I think I might have something to say that actually was worthwhile. I was...well...wait...maybe not. There might be something and I will let you know if I think of it. Somehow I haven't posted on here in a week and I am working out why that is.
Last week I spent a good portion of my time out and the g-parent's cutting things down and burning up brush. Unfortunately, nature is quite distracting so I ended up on a number of walks in the woods. Blaim can be laid on my sister for my not accomplishing all that I would have liked to get done. But I will always have more time.
There are plenty of things that I did get done including: working in my couple of home gardens, starting in on the gardens out at the g-parent's, tree trimming in a number of areas, and ordering some plants. Oh yeah, good stuff.
But, somehow, instead of being happy about the things I have gotten done I am rather annoyed and almost upset at the fact that St. Cloud is trying to suck another $130 out of me. They don't believe that I returned my wrestling equipment, and I have realized that I was forgetful, maybe even neglectful, in that I didn't make sure that I had all of my paperwork taken care of when I left there. I think I was so upset about my wrestling career coming to an end (I felt like such a pussy) that I managed to not take care of everything. Now, I have this hanging over me. I really really don't want to pay that shit, do you know how many trees that could buy? But I can't see any way around it as I don't think that they are going to be very accomodating for me.
I did get to spend some good times wrestling this last weekend. I was undefeated in Freestyle for all of one match. And it was quite a match. I avenge a loss to a guy who had beaten me in Greco the night before. Sadly, I am a sissy so I injured myself and haven't been moving to the fullest lately. Good times though.
Huh, didn't even have a single interesting thought this night. I guess I have no time for such things now that I have started work again. Time to get back to studying just the same.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

In the news:

Just cause I feel like it, here is another installment of this wonderful semi-regular occurence.

Lovely photos (Darn, I will try to make that link work.) of mourners for John Paul II and whatnot. I don't have any particular affection for this stuff. But the photos can still move me.

Saul Bellow died. Emily might be the only one who finds that interesting.

Now to give you something funny. This is why I actually started this post, just to get this little factoid out there. Red ink is falling out of favor with teachers. Not because they want it too, but instead because the children are such sissies that red ink makes them upset and this causes their parents to complain. We have now reached our wussiest point in history.

"So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."


P.S. This is what the alphabet would look like without Q and R. (Peace out, Mitch).

P.P.S. Pretty good discussion going on with that last post, chime in.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Faux Philosopher

It seems that doing tedious math problems is a draining activity for me and now I require a break, so I will give the part of RCTC that I have found most hilarious all day long:

"All around me I see so much intellectual and spiritual potential needlessly squandered for the sake of job security...And I look to my left, my right, and I see all of the appropriate minds humming with apprehension, petrified and developing ulcers from an innate fear that is so ingrained in all aspects of their behavior that it's almost considered typical, just waiting for someone to tell them that it's alright to not buy into the capitalistic bullshit and live life for what it's worth, as humans."
Now, where did I get that little quote? Fight Club? Nope. Chuck Palahniuk? Wrong again. Hunter S. Thompson perhaps? Ya give up? Well, these are the words (kinda) of Matthew D. Homan in the latest publication of the The Echo, RCTC's student newspaper. This kid is a putz. I say that not because his words don't have iron or because the things he preaches are not worthy ideals, but for the fact that he seems to have stolen his entire persona, beliefs, and even words from that movie and those men that I listed at the beginning of this paragraph. If you have never read any writings of those men or seen that movie, then I apologize. But this kid appears to have taken on the role of our real life Tyler Durden. Hell, the kid's picture is even quite Tyler-esque. If you need me to expound on this point, that I believe is beyond contention (others have even agreed with me), let me know and I will give you more.
So, anyway, we have a guy telling us that we should not conform to the things we are taught by parents and teachers while he is busy conforming to the things he learns from a movie. Oddly, he is conforming to noncomformity. What a badass, hehehe. Hell, maybe he doesn't even follow these teachings, if so, enjoy Abercrombie, you bitch. He is now playing off these thoughts as if they were his own original and unique thoughts (that seems to be a common theme with the editorialists in this paper) or maybe, just maybe, he is intending for me to notice this. That is something I seriously doubt though, and is something that the average RCTCer is going to catch on to. So this young man is a deciteful bastard. But, heck, he might not even know that he is doing it, then I just feel sorry for him.
Now you could say to me (but I doubt you will), "Screw you Logan, at least this kid is doing something." And you would be right. Sorry, I have to end here and get back to work. If you do actually ask that question, I will come back in a day or two and finish up my rant.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Impressively boring...

I knew I had become a loser, I just didn't know it was this bad. It is getting close to 11 pm on a friday evening and I have been contemplating going to bed for over an hour. Either I am super boring, or it is just Eyota and it must be me. At least I have that wrestling tourney in Harmony to look forward to.
