He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, May 30, 2005


How odd that, while my family was attending the memorial in Eyota today, I continued to see vehicles driving throughout the activities and including the prayer. The thing that really stuck out was the many trucks (often pulling boats) full of gun-toting, war-loving, Republican-voting shitheads were driving by. So this is a "Fuck You" to all those chickenhawk motherfuckers. Eat my dog's ass. Also, I swear that I saw a couple of those magnets on the back. This is not to say that my way of celebrating is the only proper way to celebrate this day, but at least have some respect for the folks that did bother to step out of their gas-hogs for the moment. I rarely show respect for most anything, but these sacrifices are enough to get me off my high horse on occasion. Come join us next time.



I heard an idea while at the Viola Cemetary this morning. The pastor mentioned, amongst other tidbits, something that I hope all the folks there paid attention to.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I think....

that blogs die during the summertime. You lazy bastards.

I would do political commentary, but you folks either don't care or don't care.

I would do personal stories, but that is boring.

I would put down poetry, but it sucks.

I would rant about everything, but that is just to whiny.

I would just quit, but I would be sad.

So, instead, I will just type. I guess that is just a continuation of what I have always done. So much for analysis and change. Darn.


Monday, May 23, 2005

Take it all...

you can have your dollars

take pride in your cars

bring your baubles to bed

i give those up without hollers

for tonight under these stars

lilac scent swirls about my head


Yeah; quick, crappy poem. But the fact still remains that I am sleeping with lilacs at hand and they smell deliteful.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

News Blurb:

From the Talking Points Memo:

"Just this morning I saw this typically-splendid article by the Post's Walter Pincus about yet more evidence of how many questions the intelligence community had about pretty much all the evidence of Iraqi WMD during the lead-up to the war. Pincus also makes mention of the secret British memo, which came to light in the final days of the recent British election, which suggested that almost a year before the start of the war the US was shaping the available intelligence to make the case for war.

I've gotten a stack of emails from readers asking me why I haven't mentioned this or made a bigger deal out of it. Some of this is due to the distractions I mentioned above. But when I asked myself the question what I came up with was a sense of something akin to futility. I mean, how much more evidence do we need exactly to confirm the completely undeniable fact that the administration bent every rule and was reflexively dishonest in almost every way about the claims of Iraqi WMD?"

Umm...yeah, ditto.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The meaning of life

So, in conclusion, you can all now see where we are headed and what we will become. You know what you are here to do. Get to it. I hope that this essay has been most helpful for those of you seeking solace, love, and human experience.


P.S. Where the hell did the rest of that post go? It was perfection.

P.P.S. When in doubt, listen to Jack (Daniels or Johnson, whichever you prefer; stay away from the Beams; Jack, I, and wood are all up to no good)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

New debate:

Am I tired because I sometimes don't get enough sleep or because I have now accepted the tactic of taking no lunch during my work days? I will have to sort that one out.

Next note, I am wearing the most badass redneck muscle shirt right now. Plus, I made it myself.

Finally got Haughty Melodic, yay me.

Looks like I will actually get my truck back this evening. It has been a long week without my baby.

I would like go out to my G-parent's place right now, but I am lazy and will only make it to the garden in my backyard. Not to mention (never really understood that saying), I have a softball game this evening and I think I might have finally figured out how to hit a slow pitch.

There was something interesting I heard the other day, but I forgot it.

"Help me see your infinity and my finiteness."

Barney Gray wants to turn his backyard into a tiny forest. What a weirdo. But that brings up an interesting question. Is a woods a small forest or is it the same thing as a forest? If it is the latter, then what do you call a small forest? If this is a new opportunity to create a word then I will go with "Tubble". It is like a tree bubble, a small blip of forest amongst the rest of our urban sprawl. It stands out as it glistens in the sunlight, makes us yearn for our young, free days, and is generallys something small in a world that is large.

"Let me know your enormity and my tinyness."

Peace out.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

How lovely:

It has been quite a drab day today, and unproductive as well. My only real activities for the day have been making it to the garden once and then putting up a little bit of fence out at Wayne's. That is the problem with having a broken vehicle. I can't really go anywhere as all vehicles are always in use.
Also, I am sad, my day of good luck passed by yesterday and I had nothing spectacular happen. Although wandering in the woods in the dark was a good time, I don't think that counts as an amazing event. Hopefully the weather will change over to something that is more supportive of exciting activities.
Oh, looks like I have a vehicle for a few hours. I am off to the races to mow a cemetary. Sweet.


Update: It's raining, no working for Logan. Someone should really come up with some sort of work that I can do during all the times that it is raining.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Educational disfunction

I suppose I should write this post up as I once claimed I would (then, maybe, I can get to the others that I claimed I would write) and I don't like to lie. The following is in response to my lovely cousin Em and the following comment:
"nope, don't buy it for a second...in large schools there are more activities offered...more variety to find something for EVERYONE...making EVERYONE a leader. hah, now i'm not even arguing my point anymore. Oh well...one word sums all...Bah!"
I can tell that we already have an advantage on you with this argument as you could not even put your view into a coherent thought. But I will still take some time to shoot it down.
We can look at this using simple math (and you all know how I love math). In your school there are approximately 2,000 students (? I actually have no idea, your school website isn't very helpful nor is the MSHSL (by the way, your principal is writing about the greatness of JPII in his "Principal's Corner")). So, conservatively estimating, you have almost as many kids in each grade as I had in my entire school. The ratio of activities offer by your school to my school is much less than the 4 to 1 ratio that you have on student activities. How dare you attempt to pretend that everyone is included as a leader by some group, that is silly and I hope that you were kidding.
Yeah, whatever, the cracks are much larger at a larger school. Kids can much more easily fall through. Especially since, at a small school, everyone knows your gol darned business. Not really. It is true that you have more opportunities offered, but do they make up for the things you lack. By you I am now moving beyond Em and on to the whole large school population. You fuckers. Don't step to us. If I have to show you I will find information on the various larger cities that are making attempts at improving academic achievements by moving to schools that are all D-E sized.
Oh, you could also argue that large schools are also where all the geniuses are found. Good job, we could go with the fact that thost shitloads have no social skills that are mandated by the forced interactions of small schools, but that would just be hitting folks that don't have their gloves up.
Wow, look how quickly I abandoned the mathematics and sunk into insults. Shows the great argumentation skills that I learned in that special place.


In other news:

Well, we should have a poll, is this the end of the Chappelle Show? Dave apparently checked himself into a mental health facility in South Africa at the end of April and has been there ever since. The start of the third season has already been delayed a number of times and this might just spell the end of it. It started out as "creative differences" and then the Man drove him nuts. You know, if this wasn't such a moneymaker, I bet Comedy Central wouldn't even give half a shit to worry about it. But, hey, I love gold. Maybe Dave will consent to airing the already filmed segments with Wayne Brady as the host, at least then we would know that he hasn't lost his sense of humor.
Get well soon Dave, you funny fucker.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I know most of you don't...

give a rat's ass about this, but you will in the future. A federal judge has now authorized United Airlines to walk away from their $10,000,000,000 (I typed it out 'cause that is a lot of fucking zeros.) employee pension fund. A good bit of that will have to be picked up by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Association, but mostly it is just going to screw up retirement for a shitload of folks. This may be a sign of the end of pensions as we know it. God bless the 401K, I guess.
By the way, this didn't even make it onto the CNN.com website, but they do have a story about "4 retirement mistakes to avoid," I wonder if putting you life in the hands of a pension plan is mentioned?

Also, I am typing this because I have to wait at school for my mommy to pick me up as my truck is broken and the ho, Dan, didn't allow me to borrow his wheels while he is sitting at school. Biatch.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it."

George Will does get it right, on occasion. And, no, he didn't give us that quote, in fact, he has nothing to do with it. But, if any of you get the Post-Bulletin or happened to find this in another place, good for you, you might have just read what I did.
"Some Christions should practice the magnanimity of the strong rather than cultivate the grievances of the weak. But many Christians are joining today's scramble for the status of victims. There is much lamentation about various 'assaults' on 'people of faith.' Christians are indeed experiencing some petty insults and indignities like restrictions on school Christmas observances. But their persecution complex is unbecoming because it is unrealistic.....(He goes on to cover how popular Christian movies, books, and other media are today.).....Religion is today banished from the public square? John Kennedy finished his first report to the nation on the Soviet missiles in Cuba with these words: 'Thank you and good night.' It would be a rash president who today did not conlude a major address by saying...something very like 'God bless America.' Unbelievers shoud not cavil about this acknowledgement of majority sesibilities. But Republicans should not seem to require, de facto, what the Constitution forbids, de jure: 'No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust.'"
George, good work. This will serve as the premise for the essay I will eventually get to. Maybe tomorrow evening. For now just digest that 'cause I have a couple tests to take.

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. ~George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, May 07, 2005

"So little time and so little to do."

That brief hiatus from blogging was brought to you by RCTC and my immeasurable use of procrastination. That, and I was lazy. Finding decent things to write about is becoming difficult for me. I can see no reason to type out most of the things that I think about and a good bit of the rest is beyond all comprehension as I have not thought those things out to the point that they can be understood.
Music is good, music is important, so, here you go...my suggestions. If you haven't already, check out Jack Johnson. Surfers know what life really should be about. "By now, we should know how to communicate instead of comin' to blows." Danged hippy. Joss Stone, I dig her. Johnny Cash, American Recordings era. Al Green, mostly 'Ain't No Sunshine'. The Hot Hot Heat have been rockin' me as well lately. Last one, Bjork, her older stuff, she may be a crazy, but I heart her.
Lately, I have had folks remind me on a number of occasions that I was a member of the Liberal Elite. It seems they meant it as an insult, but they are just silly. People are supposed to feel bad that they have bothered to be educated and informed? The right is more than a little like the Amish. They believe that knowledge makes us prideful and, more importantly, makes us question. As a member of the Liberal Elite I will be recommending that most people become disenfranchised. Too stupid to vote. Well, at least that was another thing told to me about me at one time or another. So, as a proud member of the Liberal Elite (I don't know if I actually though; I have no power, no say, and no ambition.) eat my ass. Really though, I sure wish I was member of the Monetary Elite. They are the ones who are working to turn everyone against my kind, conveniently, that leaves more for them. What a bunch of Leonards.
By the way, this is a much less eloquent and much more compressed version of my thoughts. I don't think you folks want the whole long thing as you need to use all your time trying to read all of Jamie's posts.


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."