He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

The polar bears are dying.

And isn't it a shame? Has anyone figured out yet if global warming is real or not? I can admit that this is something I don't actually know. Mostly because neither side has been fully substantiated, but when one of them has (rather than just saying they have) I will be the first to know.
I think I had better head up north and see some of these beasts before they pass me by. Maybe I can spend a winter in one of the towns where they always wander right down the main street.

Fun times: I got signed up to work at the Clash in Crotch. So far I have worked for a total of zero minutes, watched some good wrestling, gotten Mr. Pizza and John Hardy's, and received a t-shirt along with my free admission. I like this gig.

Next topic: Should Logan get a job for this Winter and, if yes, what the hell should he do? Hometown Video would be a hilarious place to work at, but I think the fun would wear off after about a week. There is always more pizza delivery, but that is old hat for me now. I could try and wait until Spring for my credit union job to be ready. But I already have empty accounts and I don't know how I will get by. If Menards would friggin' hire me, then I could go to that place and wander about for a few months. Let me know what ya think ol' Logan should do.


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

What is our role?

Yay, I am going to chime in on my view of the role of the U.S. in disasters such as this most recent one. On other posts I have been reading people are whining about how other nations hate us until trouble comes and then they come running for our aid. I say, "Who gives a fuck?" Why does is matter if people are mean to us? This isn't about the governments of these nations who speak against us, this is about the individuals. I had garnered from the results of our most recent election that we must be a pretty Christian nation. That leads me to tell these folks to turn the other cheek and quit their bitching. Why not be happy that we are the place that others come to in their times of need? Instead of getting mad because our American pride is hurt when others speak against us, why not take pride in being seen as a place that, even with all our faults, still has the ability to help those in need.
As for the giving of our government, I don't care if we spend a few billion more providing aid to foreign folks during disasters. We waste so much more than that every day in this country as individuals. Not to mention the wasteful nature of our government and businesses, although, one of those is much better than the other.
The place that I would love to see money come from to support these causes would be our corporations that profit at obscene levels. "Hey fucker, take that bonus and give it away. I will totally give you a kiss." One of the best candidates for this giving would be the pharmacuetical companies that profit, by percentages, 5x-7x as much as most other businesses. These shits can send a few hundred million in medical supplies over, save the government that so often supports them some money, end all this debate, do a good deed, look like nice guys, and not even see a dent in their profits.

Monday, December 27, 2004


Well then, Christmas came and went, same as always. The best part of Christmas seems to just be the lack of school. I am going to have to find something that makes it even more spectacular next time. Rather, I should do that, but most likely I won't. What a little weiner I am.
Anyway, I found out a fun fact last night at least. Turns out Justin LaGosh of Zumbrota, some of you might actually know who I am talking about, is a total douche. For some reason I find this sort of info quite exciting. Mostly because it isn't what I thought the guy would be like at all. It is always more fun when what you expect doesn't happen. Especially when those unexpected things lead to comical semi-violent activities. This would be an oppurtune time give a thank you to Hobbs of the Hobbs for picking me up this morning. Turns out I was supposed to babysit and if he hadn't of been such a stud, I wouldn't have been able to perform my duties. By the way, it turns out that poo is gross, I had always thought it was funny.
I have been reading a good bit lately, too bad it is mostly crap about plants and conservation. If only I had some useful knowledge. If I understood the plumbing in my house, that would be an accomplishment. But then again, I would have to work with poo if I did that.
Fun Fact: My argumentation skills have increased beyond all previous limits. Spent a couple hours talking with my Uncle Rick today. Those crazy conservatives, today's conservatives don't seem to realize that true conservatives (the cool old men from back in the day) were in favor of all conservation. Like perhaps not drilling for all the oil in the world "because it's there" and maybe even saving some animals. Or, not spending all the money we have "because we can". So, yeah, I learned a good bit though. My cyclical logic seems to work against folks, arguing both sides of the same argument seems to work for me too. Tricky stuff. Plus, getting Tom to raise his voice is getting to be less of a challenge.
Any-who, off to bask in my own ego. Good times.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Frohe Weihnachten!

Tis the Season

The thoughts of Logan on Christmas Eve:
  1. It is good to see family, to bad the family is insane and complains a lot.
  2. Apparently every little thing that would draw no discussion during the rest of the year is reason for yelling at Logan. I love it.
  3. I still am not sure if I want to stop receiving gifts and have everyone give the money to charity or not. Well...I don't deserve the stuff...give it away.
  4. Hehe, I just wrote that last one on a day when no one with read it before they give me all my gifts. Well...next year then.
  5. I wish my extended family was as big of drinkers as the immediate family. These little get-togethers would become even more exciting. We wouldn't have to make videos with fake drunk cousins anymore.
  6. Hopefully my cousin Levi remembered to bring the videos of previous holiday's activities. I am excited for the "It was my balls" skit.
  7. I have noticed recently that, in Eyota, Christmas is mostly a time for family. Not as much for friends. That is probably a good thing. We have already degraded every other holiday to a booze and hookers level.
  8. I am the Official Bocce Ball Ambassor to the world. So if I am ever supposed to buy you a gift, that is what you are geting, a fine set of balls.
  9. It seems that as the children of my neighborhood are all aging and moving away, the Christmas light decorations get crappier and crappier at each house. The Longs, Bussells, Clarks, and assorted others have all seen dramatic downgrades. Hopefully I can bring this house back from this shadow of its former self for next year.
  10. That one Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song is second only to "White Christmas" for that greatest Christmas song of all time.
  11. It is not every day that you have one of your Grandmothers sitting next to you as you type in your blog.
  12. Kylie is a spoiled child and lacks discipline. But she sure knows how to turn on the charm when she needs to. Smart kid. And she already owns a dog and kitten, punk.
  13. I love people and whatnot, but I always seem to enjoy the days leading up to Christmas more than the actual day. But food is still good, especially in immense amounts.
Lucky number thirteen. That is quite enough. My grandmother is reading to me about Norway right now. It is rather enjoyable.

Peace and good will to all.

Fo' Shizzle

As I am a nerd and it was three in the morning on Christmas Eve, I started doing some work on the blog. Thanks to my nerd skills learned in Computer App. II in ninth grade I was able to modify the scripting for this page. So...you can see the added links portion as well as the addition of links to blogs of members of the Eyotan Collective.

Sadly, this appears to be the extant of my nerd skills as I can not figure out how to make that section of the blog a little skinnier and not waste so much space. I am working on that though.

Hmm...I have to go buy Christmas presents for my family's Christmas Eve celebration in a couple hours, I need to go to bed now.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

A couple of fun facts from the last couple days:

I now have gotten four hours sleep since 2 pm Monday.
I wrote nine pages of a ten page paper between 2 am and 8 am Wed.
During that span I took numerous website touring breaks and learned a lot of liberal propaganda.
I don't have cancer, it is now official.
In five minutes I will be bathing for the first time since last Wed. (I am a disgusting beast.)


A life of ill repute.

Logan has recently begun living in a sort of bizaro-world. Up is down. Black is white. Existence is nothingness. And, most importantly, night is day, while day is some sort of hodgepodge of a day-night haze. I have now seen the last the last four or five times the clock has switched over to 5 a.m. and I can’t recall seeing a 5 p.m. come in that time where I was awake. Recently I went three or four days without seeing daylight. This is the result of my odd sleeping schedule, short days, and closed blinds.
The odd part about all this is that I am enjoying myself. Other than some crazy reactions that I have had to my medications from my surgery, this has been a pleasant experience. (I should give a little explanation for those things as well. It was rather exciting really. My painkillers caused me to become paranoid and to question my meaning to the world as well as the meaning of life in general. Then my antibiotics combined with my ever so healthy diet caused me to experience so rather exciting stomach cramps as well as to pass out on the bathroom floor. From all of this I have gained an even greater distrust for medicines in general, and had a pretty fun time. Except for the thinking I was dying part of it.) The fact that I haven’t had more than three actual conversations with humans, other than on the internet, had actually been a bit enlightening. I have been forced to examine my own thoughts even more so than usual and that hasn’t been the worst thing in the world. Although, I do usually end up depressed with the sad state of human affairs in this world and that isn’t so nice.
I have, however, from this experienced realized the meaninglessness of a number of my activities. I have watched much less television than usual and that seems to have not hurt me. My dedication to reading, although not necessarily reading for my actual schoolwork, has been phenomenal and I hope for this to continue. My Latin studies are moving along nicely and I hope to actually have some grasp of the grammar pretty soon, rather than just knowing some catchy phrases from ancient times. And, if I could get underneath my bed to find my book, I would probably find that the study of ancient languages helps me with my more current ones like German.
Another thing I have decided to do is replace my time that I usually spend playing solitaire with more time spent organizing thoughts for my blog. That would be why I am typing this right now during one of my breaks from writing my final paper. So, expect more posts and more mindless babble. I hope that typing enough on here will increase my typing speed as well as help me to organize my thoughts a bit better.
Anyway, enough for now, time to throw down the last seven pages of a paper that I am supposed to hand in around 9 this morning. That should take me no time at all if I can keep myself from constantly typing on a newspaper forum that I found.

Homo, Fuge


Update: I must have been lying about swearing off Solitaire. I am addicted to that friggin' stuff. But I am trying.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

Well, so far I have taken three tests this week. Two have gotten beaten down by yours truly while the other I am pretty sure just beat a mudhole in my ass and stomped it dry. Luckily, I don’t really give a damn and I don’t actually know that I did that bad, perhaps I just have high standards. It is not doing poorly on one test that interests me, it is the fact that I barely studied for any of these tests and yet I have such different feelings about the results. Was it the subjects covered, I am an English major and yet it was my English class that I have the least confidence about. Hold on a second, I just realized that no one cares about this and everyone has about the same experiences in this field, I will try and find a topic that people actually give a damn about.
I need to make this an interesting post, cause this just might be the last time anyone hears from me. Going under and I may not come back, hehe, it is fun to scare Sarah. If I were to die from this, well, that would just be how it goes, so stop worrying it’ll all be over by 9ish tomorrow morning. Although I will say that your image of an evil man coming at my neck with a scalpel seems a bit frightening.
I was having a political discussion the other day, or, rather, I was attempting to have a discussion. Does talking scare some folks? Or is it a fear of Logan and the fallibility of their views? I can respect a person who will stand up for their views, but not someone who simply refuses to discuss something and instead states blind support and no reinforcement.
Now, to make this post interesting for Tom, this will excite you. They are making a new movie of Where the Red Fern Grows. Motherfuckin’ Dave Mathews is in it too. That fat bastard makes everything gold. Wow, I am excited for that when it comes out on video.

One last question for y’all: If you come from Eyota and/or the village of Dover, does that make you innately cooler than the rest of the kids around, or is this some remarkable coincidence?
Anyway, if I were to come to the highly unlikely end of life on a surgical table, I leave you with a lovely and most fitting little poem I found (Plus, I just like this poem, it is special.):

My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love.
And, though the sager sort our deeds reprove,
Let us not weigh them. Heaven’s great lamps do dive
Into their west, and straight again revive.
But soon as once set is our little light,
Then must we sleep one ever-during night.

If all would lead their lives in love like me,
Then bloody swords and armour should not be.
No drum nor trumpet peaceful sleep should move,
Unless alarm came from the camp of Love.
But fools do live and waste their little light,
And seek with pain their ever-during night.

When timely death my life and fortune ends,
Let not my hearse be vexed with mourning friends.
But let all lovers, rich in triumph, come
And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb.
And, Lesbia, close up thou my little light,
And crown with love my ever-during night.

Thomas Campion, 1601

Homo, Fuge.


Friday, December 10, 2004

My C.I.A. name is Hans VanStruder. I am German and I am on a mission from God.

Well, there’s good news and bad news. First, the bad news, I don't have cancer, so Hobbs probably doesn’t have to shave his head. But he should give me booze just the same. So, yeah, I might not have cancer, but I do get to have some neato surgery. They is gonna cut my neck up all fancy. Scars are cool. The only bad thing would be if they have to cut some nerve and I can no longer do that thing that makes all the sinews of the neck come out…hmm…hard thing to describe I guess. Anyway, next Thursday, Logan goes under the knife. That should be a grand ol’ time.

I might gain 12 more pounds by the end of this semester as I still have 73 of 150 meals left to use and I have been using as many as I could lately. Man, getting fat is hard; it is looking like Tom and Hobbs that is easy. Just be so lazy that you don’t make it to the kitchen. And to look like Brad is really hard, first you have to be born into an incredibly ugly family (We’ll never know how hottie Mark came out of there) and then you have to work out too much to become all beefy and scary. But then you become so big that no one will fight you and then we never have any fun. So, yeah, I should go buy a couple dozen more Winterness cookies and eat ‘em all at once. I am putting on a blubber insulation layer.

Last night I tried out to be the new host of a trivia gameshow for the college tv station, despite the fact that I am leaving. They needed filler and that if my nickname, so I came to the rescue. Anyway, I am know I am shrinking cause I managed to button the top button of one of my old pink shirts. But I also got called Dilbert, so it can't be all bad. And now I am sure they want me to host the damn show because of my wittitude, cause I actually made funny of the answers people gave rather than the people. I guess the other guys must have been retards.

Also, for Scott, visit http://www.kontraband.com/ and watch the Smurf video. Damn fine stuff. The rest of you stay the hell away.

Alright, gotta do some shit before going to work and spitting on all the pizzas.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Joblessness is no longer just for philosophy majors. Useful people are starting to feel the pinch.

Well, life is rolling to a close around here. Telling my boss that I am quitting tomorrow. Turning in my loft for my bed Wednesday and getting rid of all my enemies this weekend. Professors, I will wait until the last day of classes to take care off.
I need to get over to St. Cloud Tech College and take my mathematics placement test. Somehow my damn test scores aren’t good enough for RCTC. Anyway, get that taken care of and I can register for classes. My I am moving up in the world of education and exploration.

Now, I move on to the most important things in my life right now. You can note by what follows that daily reading CNN.com has finally paid off for me.
Studies: Lost sleep equals gained weight www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/diet.fitness/12/06/sleep.weight.gain.reut/index.html
So you can see that I now have found the secret to the ability of Hobbs to not only have lost all of his weight but also to continue to keep it off while consuming abundant amounts of nature’s sweet intoxicating brews. It turns out that while we all thought that he was being a lazy ass, he was actually working out. The bastard with his 13 hours of sleep per day will now live to be 117 years old minimum and have vigorous sex ‘til the day he dies. This is all a result of his incredible dedication to sleeping. I, for one, must applaud you. Jolly fine show and tallyho, good sir. Although the only way this theory of mine works is by assuming that this study works in the opposite manner just as well as the one that was actually reported. I will support my belief just the same.

Oh, a funny quote from the SCSU student newspaper last Thursday: “I can’t understand why anyone would want to be a liberal. Where is the satisfaction in having everything given to you?” Um…yeah…just thought I would share. Also, I think that my roommate thought that that made sense. He is a funny guy, who I have now gotten addicted to Snood. Kid seriously stayed up ‘til 4 am just to beat the Evil level once. I love destroying the children’s drive for learning. Although, I did stay up ‘til four along with him but that is me trying to be like the Hobbs. Only I don’t get to sleep late, so I guess that just makes me a douche.

Just wondering about something, is pride a bad thing? I mean other than being one of the seven mortal sins, what ya got?

Thursday, December 02, 2004

What will not be done to keep from studies?

Well, I appears that 4 am has come and passed me by, yet, my paper is not complete, nor even begun. I have however been pushed into other works, perhaps by boredom, perhaps by my innate yearnings to create. Whatever it may be, I created that which follows, and, as I threatened Sarah that I might, I have placed it out here. I may just be a sleepy moron, but its the thought that counts. Maybe this will even give you a thought and that is all I look to do, words to thoughts to actions, and maybe in a couple other orders too. Yeah...well...now I really should get to work. Peace.

Of Desire

Life leads down the roads of glass and gold
Jung speaks of two ways for life to pull
One lies unknown, the other makes full
The mind that can be seen bend and fold

Desire to be full and alive
Pervades the minds of all the people
Or so I learned while under steeple
What then creates these without drive?

To achieve in the sense of this world
This is what we seek and strive for now
Not to tread the paths or sink the plow
Not to see the green clean land unfurled

But follow suit by suit through the soot
Walking, stepping, moving step by step
Content as a free and feeling schlep
Drive abandoned and placed under foot

The unconscious push to meaning gone
Or only hidden? Shoved back away
Like thoughts and works of another day
Embraced and soon remembered anon

Time comes when luggards will freedom see
No less than one and forty will pass
Before lips will drink from truthful glass
Relish this and hold it dear to thee

That you may see this time by God’s grace
Some will stick to what is perceived right
Those not left to live without true sight
Find might, look full, break well trodden pace.

This deep, buried desire to quarrel
Found, now crowned with sweet leaves of laurel

Homo, Fuge

I would like to note that my body went insane directly after writing this. Blurry vision and wretching and headaches and what not. I believe to have been written in an altered state. And i didn't even get any fucking work done. I spent the rest of the night laying on the ground groaning. I did manage to fall asleep in my floor's study lounge at about 8 am and woke up at 9:54, good times.
(Edited: 11:39 the next morning)