He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg

Mitch was found dead in his hotel on wednesday night. No news has been released as of yet.

Some quotes:
"The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how much I play, I'll never be as good as a wall. I played a wall once. They're relentless."
"I don't own a cell phone or a paget. I just hang around everone I know, all the time. If someone wants to get a hold of me they just say 'Mitch,' and I say 'What?' and turn my head slightly."
"An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You would never see an 'Escalator temporarily out of order' sign, just 'Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience.'"
"Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only disease that you can get yell at for having. 'Dammit Otto, you're an alcoholic.' 'Dammit Otto, you have Lupus.' One of those two doesn't sound right."
"I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that."
"I used to do drugs. I still do drugs. But I used to too."


Friday, March 25, 2005

Where did it go?

First robin of spring.

And I really really enjoy spending my afternoons with an axe and some trees. I don't know why though.

There was some reason that this post was started, but it escapes me now. By the way, I was reading back over some of the post that I put down back at the beginning of my posting and they were so much more interesting than what I talk about now. So...all of you newcomers should check that shit out. Back when I used to be interesting.

I really shouldn't listen to NIN late at night, it makes me forget the things that I came on here to type.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A new award:

It appears that I am now trying out watching primetime television this week and I have a new award to hand out this evening. In the week that has passed so far I would like to give the award for worst half our in primetime to.........
7:30-8:00 on Wednesday evenings
I guess Survivor, Lost, the Simple Life, and American Dreams just doesn't cut it for me. Especially since it follows the half-hour of That 70's Show. Although, this Lost show is looking semi-interesting. Dang, I might have to rethink this thing. Bah!
Wait...nevermind...they just had someone get eaten by some monster that we can't see because whatever they would put out would be the cheesiest thing around. Worst half-hour once again. Yay!


Decision Time

The feeling has hit me to decide what this site is going to be all about. If I went by the title alone then I would simply be writing about the various things that I do which really aren't all that interesting. So far I have branch off into philosophy, political commentary, social issues, environmental issues, current events, pompous boastings, my activities, and various other things. But I don't think that this can be an all inclusive blog. Maybe I will have to create couple of side-blogs that can hold my other ramblings. That, or I could simply limit myself to rambling in a smaller spread of issues. I am not quite sure what to do.
Let me know what you think.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Stumble...

It may be that I lack any skill with these puter things or it might be that I refuse to work to get this done, but it is taking my a while to gain the ability to post pictures on this thing. My program tells me that it sent pictures here, but I never seem to find them. And I have found some very exciting pieces that I would like to post. They is darn good. I don't know if I have any idea what they are supposed to mean, but I like to draw my own conclusions about them. Mendelsohn is quite good, check his work out some time if you get the chance. I see it as a bit like Dali only with even more nudity. Same morphing though. Anyway, good stuff, I will try and figure this thing out for you folks.
Please Note: the pieces that inspired this post are ones that I put on my computer a while back and can't seem to find ever again. So they are just there, without titles, mysterious. Probably should figure out where they came from, so I can get more.
Ah, after further searching, I realized that I am giving credit to one man for the work of several. I will try and figure this out a little later. And then maybe post some of the photos so you folks can have some sort of idea what I am talking about here. Wouldn't that be nice?


Monday, March 21, 2005

On with the show...

Well, this is neat, I have a backlog of ideas for posts. It seems over the last couple days I have been thinking about a number of topics that I think are worthy of blogging. But I don't want to type them all out at once as Tommy tells me that reading this blog is work. So I will just write them down and have them all ahead of time. Here we go...

I was watching some primetime television last evening, turns out television can actually lead to thought rather than shut it down, and an interesting predicament was presented. It is a safe assumption that I haven't figured this whole thing out for myself yet, but here is the premise: Man feels an insatiable need to give of himself to others, that he deemed worthy, by giving away his organs and bone marrow. The man who did this went through databases of those in need of transplants who happened to have his rare blood type. He learned about the great things that these people had planned to do if they were able to continue living. One was a social worker going to law school with intentions to be a children's advocate, another had made the designs for a school in a box that could be assembled in any area at any time. The man doing the donating thought that these people were worthy of his efforts and then arranged to give them what they needed and even agreed to pay for all of their medical bills, but told them that they must then live up to what they were planning to do. When one woman changed her plans and abandoned her goals by leaving law school, leaving work, getting married, and having a kid; he stopped paying her medical bills. At this point I think the show was trying to put him off as a bad guy. I couldn't see anything wrong with this. He had given the woman life so that she could do great things not so that she could be a breeder. Was there anything wrong with this? The woman had received payment in return for future actions, this happens all the times, so can this be considered morally wrong? Let me know.
Oh, he then took it a step farther, had her killed, and then her kidney that he had given her was given to another woman. So...yeah, he was a little wacked out. But I still believed that his premise in the beginning was an excellent idea. He was giving all of these people, with great ideas and who had been working towards them, life. There were expectations to go along with this life, but it is still life.
The other issue this raise was, is one human life worth more than another? We say that we live in a country where life is respected (just check that whole Terry Schiavo case), so often we give much different treatment to people based on their situations. In many cases, this is wrong, but is it always? These people had real, definite, and helpful plans. That is a lot more than most of us can claim. So why shouldn't their lives be saved before those of others with the same blood type but without the plans. This then brings in the whole means argument where you could say that some of those other people haven't had the means to create those plans yet, but have the ability and should still have the same oppurtunities. But I will choose to ignore that for brevity's sake. Not that I have kept this short anyway. I will most likely have more on this at a later date.


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Logan's Popular Pad :)

Logan's house has been packed the last four days straight. From crazy college students to hyper high schoolers, Logan's house is never empty! Logan is widely known for his big heart, hospitality, and for making the best homeade nachos in town! If you are looking for a place to have a good time or get the best treats, Logan's pad is the place to be!! I love you Logan!! You are the coolest guy! <3 Malory

P.S. you are my lover you know damn right!!! this is from tj wohooo! your house kicks ass!!! YEAYAA

The Shit: Purple Shirt Hurtin'

danny here im just sittin here chillin at logan's listenin to music and socializin' with some of my peeps it is some fun shit but i guess i came on this blog to tell everyone that logan is the shit and that right now i am wearing one of his shirts and it is purple and it is the shit i also would like to say that i am pissed that the u of m didnt have any champs this year on their wrestling team and that they better step it up for next year to have some champs but no matter where i go to school and how good the gophers do i will always be a fan of them and hope that they can even bring home a title within the next few years

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Can you feel the cold tonight....

I am not alone and I feel fine. Dan had a dispute with me tonight, we have not resolved it yet. Too many people showed up, we did not have time to discuss such things. We will get to it. This would be night four of four nights of the weekend. Much too much for the Logan. I will fall to the ground at some point and it will be grand.

Hobbs here - Guest blogging tonight. I is shouting out to all my babies!! So the last night in the Yodaville, good week. We was around for the grandest holdiay of intoxication, St. Patrick's Day my hunnies!! But we will all arive again for the rising of our Jesus, which will be celebrated with more booze and such. Jesus, Jesus, you are quite the man, we should chill some day homes. But I am not filled with as much wisdom and controversy as Logan is. I apologize for my severe lameness. But what I do is send out supreme love to all peoples, especially if you reside in the king of provinces, Eyota babies!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bottom O' The Morning To Ye

Merry St. Patrick's Day

I thought I might miss this day, and I did, but I will blame that on Danny trying to bite my blarneystones. This was to be my holiday special which means nothing special would have happen as I was busy in the non-web world. I would assume that a recap will be given at a later time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Young men are apt to think themselves wise enough, as drunken men are apt to think themselves sober enough.

It is currently 9:30ish and I am learning how to properly create a toga. Interesting stuff. I guess I should go buy some fabric so that I can be truly friggin' bitchin'. I will be in River Falls with Bobert and the Brad this evening as they enjoy having parties on wednesdays and I can still be back in time for St. Patty's around here. This many parties and evenings out might be the end of me and I welcome it, what a way to go out.

Which is more important: money or experiences?
To me this was a no-brainer, but Tom said it was money.

I was searching through the Guillotine photo section and was happy to discover that at least one photographer had gotten a shot of Dan's first reaction to winning state. He was either tired, digusted, or cocky. Any are fine by me.

What is your favorite tree?

Also, feel free to join in on the comments about the last post I had up. It has been decently interesting so far.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Why do we do so much to impress people we don't like?

I read a quote that went along with that this morning and so I spent my school day attempting to study this. Most folks do this quite often and all of us do it at some points, but I just wanted to see how prevalent it is. The case could be made that my study group, the RCTC student body and some high schoolers, isn't exactly the most mature group and therefore not representative of the rest of us folks. But, you folks know you do it, so you can go fuck yourselves.
Admit it, there are times when you take pleasure in someone liking you (as a friend or romantically) when you do not enjoy them as a person. You like that they like you while you do not like them, because that means you must be a better person for someone to like you and not see that you dislike them. So, you might even put in some effort to keep this person liking you. We will do this through physical (cars, clothes, partners) things and through social conduct. We also do this in workplaces, although, this is often for monetary or positional gain. But people do this even when they do not receive any sort of visible gain.
An example: two of my group members in math class spent the entire class period discussing the situation between them, some other friends, and the actions of some guy in Michigan that they called their friend. The female, Jenny (I think), begins the day by being imfatuated with this fella, then the male, Miles, informs her of some of his actions when away from his girlfriend and most of their other mutual friends. She then hates him with vigor (she was shaking, it was weird) and wants to confront him over the phone (not sure if that is possible) but Miles protests.
Why? Because he doesn't want this guy, who he has admitted is a chronic liar and a douche, to hate him. Why? Who knows. Because humans have some inner drive to be able to associate with as many people as possible? Perhaps. I don't know yet or at least I don't feel like typing out everything on this that I think I know as it would take up too much space.
So, do you do this, and why do you think others do this?

Extra question: Do you primarily wonder while you wander or wander while you wonder? This has a little more depth than first appears, or at least I have created some in my mind.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Fun fact:

Wayne has a squirrel that is now living in his house. It comes out and hangs in the livingroom and on the stairs when Wayne isn't around and then scurries around when he shows up. The damn thing caused my puppy to take a quicked (by the way, Scott, if you happen to check this out, that was the birth of a word) dump in the house. He had to mark his territority against this invader.

Yeah, now don't use this as an excuse ignore my other posts, I still require input.


Wrong time and place.

It is coming back. My rage has been missing for some time. I think I had it for short spans of a few minutes, hours, or maybe even a day. But now it seems to have returned for an extended period, with as much strength as it has had in quite some time, and I welcome it. I had become too content and even a little bit peaceful, now my anger with the world is back. I am still peaceful in my view of world solutions and still don't support most of the wars around the world. Large scale war does not suit me, but I do now believe in physical violence as a means of taking down the worst of the worst. Sadly, I do not believe that joining the military is the proper means of taking down the worst. I would be a pawn to too many, and that does not suit me by any means.
Also, unfortunatly, this thought of violence is not a good policy and can not work without creating more violence. So I must now do my best to focus my feelings into doing good and changing for the better. Rage can be useful for such things. It keeps me from being a little too happy with my situation and forgetful of the situations of the many others.
Perhaps my discontent is what awakens me so early in the mornings. Today it was 6 AM and I am grateful for all of this extra time that I continue to receive.
And now that winter is coming to a close, will this be the spring of my discontent?

Well, alright then, on to other things. 1.1 billion people live in extreme poverty. If you get the chance, check out the latest Time magazine. I am glad that my mother got a new subscription to that for me.

I need help finding ways to use my skills. A bunch of the gangs want be to join because of my Bow-staff skills. My ability to choose a direction and follow the path is not the keenest and I desire to make a choice. I have many choices, too many.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Lies, their (intentional misuse for Sarah) a good thing

If it wasn't for my ability and seeming willingness to lie, I would be sitting in class taking some survey for the RCTC people right now. But instead, I am here because I told the nice man that I had taken the survey before and was thus exempt. No questions were asked and I don't believe that I will be any worse of in life because of my actions today. And it isn't that I don't respect the man's job, it's just that I don't give a shit. He can do his thing, but I find bubble filling repulsive and I see no reason to give them information that they can use to make cheap changes to this school so that they could then increase the cost of tuition. I see the strings coming from their puppet and I ain't gonna play along.
Now if only my skills in this fibbing area had been going full speed when I was at the Legion on saturday night. Perhaps I would not have been asked to leave the bar area if I had simply had the presence of mind to tell the nice person asking for my ID that my wife had it out in the other room, she would have left me alone.

Also, it is worthy of noting that this using the morning to do schoolwork thing really does seem to be catching on with me. Instead of staying up all tired and sickly feeling last night to write some essays I simply hit the hay, woke up a little early, and whipped out four pages of essays. Depending on the grade, this might be my new plan for all things. I have done something like this before, but usually that is after going to bed and only getting three hours of sleep. Last night it was 7 1/2 and I think that is the key to this whole thing.

Hey, does anyone know how corn can go bad? Cause I was doing dandy all day yesterday until I ate some corn, it made my stomach quite upset and eventually led to some pretty impressive vomiting. That would be one of my least favorite hobbies and so this was not something I enjoyed all that much. It had to be the corn as I felt great afterwards, so I am just wondering what could have done it.

Alrighty, survey time is almost over so I should get back to my class and all that jive stuff.


Friday, March 04, 2005

Turning over a new leaf or rolling in my future grave?

This just keeps getting odder. Today I wake up at 6:45 with no alarm. I didn't go to bed til around 1, but I still wander out of my sleeping bag. I have never had this early wake-up thing happen to me for such an extended period. And I don't even feel tired or unrested once I do get up so I don't think the credit goes to sleeping on the ground in my family room every night. Whatever could it be?
The worst part is that, this morning, I have no homework to do. I suppose I could start work on a paper that is due monday or study for my test that is on tuesday, but that would just be silly. Yeah, so instead of doing either of those, I am posting on here. Unfortunately I don't have a cool story to tell like Sarah.
(By coincidence when I was typing Sarah's name I actually first typed Satan. Perhaps that was more than a mispelling and actually a Freudian slip. Wouldn't that be cool? Turns out I think Sarah is Satan, which would bring into question why I worship her. Hmmmmm.)
Dang, I typed that for a little bit but still couldn't come up with a cool story to tell. How unfair that I live such a boring life.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

"More on that later when you fall asleep."

the Owls

Falling Governments

I was awakened a half hour before my television alarm went off and I didn't feel like studying for my math test. So....instead I am sitting here listening to the Rouges of Scotland (a bagpipe group) and I decided that I might as well type something up.

Democracy is coming, but it is a slow process. Watch this, I am actually going to give President Bush credit for something. His stand on undemocratic foreign governments appears to possibly be having some influence. If you check the news you will see that Lebanon is on the move towards a real representative government, Eygpt is claiming that elections are coming, and that lovely man who got poisoned in the Ukraine seems to have gotten a fair election this time. If more of Bush's supporters actually read the news and could understand what is going on they would be sure to give all sorts of praise and making even getting some others to join the parade. But, they don't, so they aren't.
It is unlikely that all of this would be going on if we had never had the Dubya in office at some point, but I think people, that would try to give credit, would attempt to give to much credit to our recent policy and would be a little behind the times in these ideas. The wheels had been set to rolling long before Bush made his most recent threats of spreading democracy around the world. Syria (our next target) has long been the leader of Lebanon's puppet government and, for quite some time, has been claiming that it would be removing its puppet strings in short order. In the past few years we have seen less Syrian troops occupying Lebanon, and now, after trying to extend their length of control, Syria is feeling the pressure to get moving.
So....even if this was Georgie's doing, how much so? And did he do it in the right manner? Wouldn't it seem likely that there are other ways to exert our influence?
One more thing, if Lebanon's government does fall, do you know what will take over? A good portion of the Lebanese population is part of the terrorist group Hezbollah, so it isn't like we will be having the most friendly government if we get a new one anyway. I guess the only option is to jump into Syria to spread democracy and take Lebanon on the side.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Gee, how splendid.

I seriously, actually, finally have schoolwork that is keeping me from posting on here and generally keeping me away from all my various forums. Way to go RCTC! All it took was disapearing from a Wed to a Sun and a goodly amount of time spent in front of the television. Dang this busy work. Oh, it also took me getting a newfound dedication to getting at least seven hours of sleep a night. I am finally rested and, oddly, I have started doing homework in the mornings.