He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Oh, there are goings and they are on.

Hmm, still trying to remember the last time I woke up in a bed with two men and had another one the floor. Anyone remember? I just don't think that has happened before, although, it might have back in sixth grade at our Whitewater camping thingy. The cold drove us together. Anyway, I am now thinking that my new career will either be in leading meditation sessions or in putting insomniacs to sleep. I think I could handle either of those.
By the way, Seth, you missed out on a wicked stick fight. But I was watching the television earlier this evening and was watching some tribal folks with their stick fights, they are so much more badass than we are. So, next time we are going to have to use more sticks or get thicker ones, those are the only options I can see because I (we) can not go on without beating eachother into oblivion.
Also, this weekend, I was working at chopping wood at the G-parents and I don't know if there is anything that I enjoy much more than that. Especially in the winter because the trees are frozen and so giant chips fly away. At least that is why I think they do. But it still makes me feel strong and like a fine worker when chips of wood, as big as servings of meat, fly away. Also, my mind is in full working mode for my plans for that land. I need good native trees and a whole lot of them. So...if you feel like getting good and tough, let me know, cause I have work for you.
My newest career has now been started, I am creating a business where I repair the landscaping work that has fallen into disrepair at homes and businesses. I also am available for landscaping work of my own. I already have one customer, if fact, it was the customer that forced me to create the company. Turns out that Clark Landscaping actually does exist and I didn't just make it up to get free lunch at Menard's.

Next weekend I think I will be heading to River Falls for saturday night, I need to put some minnows in my belly with Bobby. If anyone is interested, shout me a holla and we will put something together. I can only go for sat. though because friday is sure to be filled with the tears of young men from Chatfield.

Hmm, I appears that the second roommate for a place in Winona next year is backing out. Apparently Shane and I are just that ugly. We will have to just get our own place for the making of good times and sweet love.

New resolution: Try cleaning my bedroom....again. Hey, I haven't seen my wallet in a day or two either, I now resolve to find it.

Oh, I am still working on that greatest post ever thing, I'll have to get back to you on that one.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I haven't been able to update much lately as I am creating the greatest post ever and my current schedule has not allowed me to complete it. In the passing time here I will give you another installment of In The News.

State News:
Paw-lenty of idiocy to be found in the esteemed governor's new budget. See if you can find it, not too hard really.
Not sure if this is state or federal or even news, but it is from the MN DFL.

National News:
A little bit about Social Security and African Americans, not really news anymore, but as long as Dubya is insisting on meeting with black folks and telling them that the system is unfair to them, I might as well mention it.
This one is just funny to me.

Yeah, that is enough, I should have the most spectacular post ever completed soon. Oh damn, I should start it soon too.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Well, I started off with a sappy quote, but I am allowed to be a little sentimental sometimes. I went and saw Coach Carter this weekend, the whole movie was a bit sappy too, but it did include a good quote from Marianne Williamson during one of the scenes (full quote). I figure that if that quote was good enough for Nelson Mandela to use in a speech then I can at least make a mention of it here. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Other than going to that movie I didn't do much with myself this weekend. It is midnightish on Sunday and I still haven't started in on the 3 pages of single-spaced essays that I need to get done for my 10 AM class nor have I begun work on my speech for my 6 PM class. So...I should get to those soonish.
Oh, I did get to go out sledding a couple times this weekend. That was a dandy of a time, but I did feel a bit of distaste when I was responsible for the fresh covering of snow being broken. Thankfully, at the second area, the snow cover was already disturbed by snowmobiles and so I could fully enjoy myself. It is also a bit of an adventure as well to be the first to track on the new land and I don't feel too bad because those pine-eating bastard rabbits would have done it anyway.
By the way Emily, I will continue to annoy and assault those bunnies until my quest is completed. I shall not lose a pine to those fiends again. Well, they won't ever take a whole group away from me again. I thought about using the live traps against them, but I did not want to subject anyone else to my plight. I might even learn how to make bunny soup sometime too. Also I can't comment on your veggie-eatin, angst-havin, gossip-passin, teenaged excuse of a journal after you felt the need to single me out for commenting upon it as if I were some sort of freak. Please note: I am trying to be spiteful like the people you mention time to time.
My sister tried to convince me to pawn myself off to a nursery in the cities for work this summer. What a joke. I couldn't do such a thing. I like my work and don't intend to take myself away from my current projects just so I can learn the proper way to install a retaining wall and become qualified for a future job as a landscaping master. I will learn my skills as I go about and I don't like to think of myself as trying to develop the landscape of an area to be what will look good within modern tastes and style, but to return it something of its natural form which would already be pleasing to the eye of time.
Anyway, off on another week of having no real job and no real concerns about school.


A quick 4 AM observation. I think I just try to make schoolwork hard. I could very very easily be done with this. Instead I have chosen to become a stupid version of myself by virtue of a lack of sleep. I wanted to go to bed at about 9:30 this evening. But instead I am trying to challenge my mind to create coherent thoughts when it claims that it is not capable of doing such things.

Friday, January 21, 2005

How nice.

Well, this is pleasant, I don't think I will be writing anything on the social security privatization for a little while. Even a good lot of the Repubs are saying that this reform in "dead in the water". I guess they realized that this is one of the best government programs and one of the few that the government hasn't completely run into the ground. Plus, you don't want to anger those old bastards who gave you their vote because of abortion and gay marriage, but will take it right back if you go for their wallets. For once I am glad that old folks are such stingy bastards, but it is odd that they wouldn't stick to their guns on "moral issues"

Anyway, I was attempting to make a trek to St. Paul today, when I found out that my meet in Kasson was cancelled. I fishtailed a number of times before even making it to the 90-52 intersection. The decision was made to turn back when I realized that I didn't feel like wrecking my third vehicle (turns out that small rear-wheel drive pick-ups aren't that good in foul weather) or driving to St. Paul at 30 mph.
Instead I will spend my weekend avoiding my speech that I need to create and my three pages of single spaced essays that I need to get done for Monday. Instead I think I will wait til the storm dies down and then follow Hobbs's advice and head for the woods. Maybe I will even read a little bit or even finish the cleaning in my room that I mentioned a couple weeks back.
I don't know if I will have enough time.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

In the news.

After learning how to add links into my posts I would like to start a new weekly part of my blog. I will be posting various news stories that I found interesting and that, hopefully, you might take the time to read. It is important to be informed, and this might help. Although, I am a dirty liberal and if you read all this kind of news, you might become one too.

Inaugural News:
Great speech, but what did it mean?
What does freedom mean to Bush?

Confimation News:
Alberto Gonzales - 1 and 2.
Condi Rice - 1

Social Security:

Tsunami Relief Work:
Bodies not dollars
Don't Forget

I have a few more, but that is enough reading for now. At some point I would like to comment further on each of these, but for now I will leave you with this as I should probably get some schoolwork done.
Also, I would note that I still haven't figured out how to put pictures on here, otherwise I would have given you folks quite the show last night.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I went ahead and stole this info from Josh Marshall at TalkingPointsMemo.com because I thought you folks might find it at least a little interesting. These are the top ten states for receiving Social Security benefits shown as a percentage of their total state population. Can you guess how many of these states went with Bush this last November?

West Virginia 22.4%
Maine 20.1%
Arkansas 19.9%
Florida 19.6%
Pennsylvania 19.3%
Alabama 19.3%
Kentucky 18.7%
Iowa 18.5%
Mississippi 18.5%
Missouri 18.1%

Also, do you think these folks even notice that their boy is looking at cutting benefits for everybody including those on disability and the widows and widowers of folks like my dad. See, now you understand why I take the time to write about Social Security so often. I depended on that shit as a youth. It also supported my mother through that time and allowed her to at least save a little towards retirement, which she probably won't see for a good many years anyway. Yeah, anyway, just thought I would share that fun fact. Look out folks privatization is coming to save Social Security from its budget problems (which aren't even anything close to what folks claim they are) that is if by save I mean put to sleep, like an old dog.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Who's got the balls?

Well, it definitely isn't Condi Rice, despite the fact that she looks like a mean bulldog, she still can't own up to one friggin' mistake. I did enjoy watching C-SPAN today, I got to watch John "60,000 votes from being the president" Kerry and Barbara Boxer at least give Ms. Rice a little bit of opposition as she went through her confirmation process. You can get a nice little article about those activities today here. Today's proceeding showed that, unfortunately, you can beat a dog with a stick, but you can't make the bitch answer questions. Turns out, you don't actually have to be accountable for anything (Check out monday's Post Bulletin 5A, hilarious stuff, the excuses keep falling apart.), unless, of course, you are a common soldier.
This brings me to Charles "I have no regrets" Graner. This soldier did a damn fine job of following orders and is now rewarded with ten years in prison. Sure, the guy is a sick dumbass who should have known better, but he was just doing as told. Also, on the news, he doesn't come across as the type of guy that would question orders or do much of anything that requires abstract thought. Although his geometry skills, top notch (triangles, pyramids, these are the jokes folks). Anyway, it is a wonder to me that this weak-willed man was the "mastermind" of this whole abuse thing. I would suspect that maybe these activities were sanctioned from above. Luckily we are working to get the bastards who are responsible for this torture shit. Well, actually, one just go a promation (Now introducing the new Attorney General of the United States, Alberto Gonzales, Whooo, aaaaahhhh, crowd goes wild) and the other managed to keep his job and he is still a smug bastard about it.

Anywho, I need to get up for my eight in the morning bowling and should get to bed. This rant could be much much longer and I am thinking that I will add to it later today.
Oh yeah, sorry about all the links in that one, I just got on a roll and was enjoying myself. Just an effort to make this site slightly more interactive.


MLK Day (a day late)

Here is an excerpt from Martin Luther King Junior's final speech given the day before he died. That fella knew it was coming and didn't care.

"And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers?
Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

Here is a link to the whole speech.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

What makes a man?

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

Right now I have an assignment for my public speaking course to find a bag that somehow embodies me and find three other things that also describe my life. One for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. This only leaves me with two questions: 1. Where can I purchase a bodybag? 2. Is it wrong to put a puppy in a bag? Anyway, I am thinking that I should haul in some sort of a plant, some jello, and a bottle of root beer. I will explain all of that later.

Ok, here is an interesting quote and I feel like reflecting upon it.
"Without the interference of civilization you can really experience things like,...silence. Silence and darkness in its purity. Right now, right outside my window all I can see is a black void. Endless darkness. It's totally exhilarating, and I feel very lucky to be here. Very, very lucky."
So...when was the last time you were completely alone with the darkness of night? I think this is one of the reasons that I enjoy camping and nature so much. Everytime I am out in the world at night, I always seem to wander off to just sit somewhere. It is a most pleasant experience. It is even more interesting to do in the winter, although then it is the silence and not the darkness which I enjoy so much. Snow soaks up all the noise of the world so, without walking far, you can wander into an untouched area and lose all notice of the world. The same happens in the forest, you go out and can disapear into the green.

So...it is winter. I am still trying to decide if I like winter. It used to be that I didn't notice winter all that much because I had wrestling to keep me busy and a lack of food that dulled my senses to the point that I didn't really care that it was winter. Now I am all too aware of what this winter thing is. The slow work of embracing this season is what I am pursuing at this time. I just wish I had some sort of work that I could be doing in some garden or something that I could build or make grow. That means I need either a workshop or a greenhouse. I would then also mean that I mean to get the means to do what I mean to do. Instead of just meandering about my grandparent's land shooting things. But, yeah, this greenhouse is going to become a necessity for me and it will have to be a good one, with heat and all sorts of things so that the growing season never ends. Or maybe I will just become so wrapped up in coaching wrestling that I will forget about such things. I doubt it.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Golly, I am a tweeker.

You folks just missed out, BIG TIME. I just had one of my best freakouts of recent memory. Suddenly I got the crazy idea in my head that I had left my Environmental Geology textbook and lab book (recently purchased together for $147) in the bookstore on campus and that they were now lost forever. I can't quite figure out how this crazy idea got in my head. But, after all my complaining about textbook prices, this seemed to set me off a little bit. My foot seems to hurt a good bit from kicking a chair. I need to remember to use my proper Tae Kwon Do kicking form when I am going to do such things. Yeah, anway, turns out the bag was just sitting on the kitchen table. It seems that I simply have no short term memory as I still can't remember carrying the bag with me to the truck. Which is odd because the bag is relatively heavy and the walk was realitively long. I also can't recall carrying that same bag into the house. Perhaps I am just magic and I did leave it in the bookstore, but my subconscious magic power brought it back to me. That would be even cooler than not having short term memory.

We'll get those bastards.

I have spent a couple hundred dollars on books today, and I am loving every minute of it. However, I have now decided to abandon my quest to bring down the pharmacuetical companies, and I will now be turning my fury on these book price boosting, better new than used punks. And they are going to go down hard. Anyway, seriously, I have found the solution to Social Security, take the excess couple hundred dollars that each and every college student pays each year and put it all in there. Who cares if that is just stealing from college students? They are being stolen from anyway and at least this way they would get something out of that money at the end of their lives because they might just be able to have Social Security be around when they are old. As an insurance plan of course.
That is correct, an insurance plan, you only get this shit if you need it. That way we can remove the limits on paying in (currently $90,000) , and be able to keep all of that money instead of paying it all back out eventually. I recommended removing the limits elsewhere and was told that that would only help temporarily as that money would all have to be paid back eventually, so now it will be an insurance plan. Then, when it is used as insurance, the total cost would go down. Social Security would once again be financially sound and, as an added benefit, we could lower the percentage of our wages that we pay into this mother. Then you folks will have your extra money that you can invest in your private accounts as you see fit.
There are flaws in my plan, I know about them, I hope you can point them out.

Here is my observation: Professors at RCTC are now designing their classes for dumb people. They have created attendance policies so that the dumbasses, who would normally not show up, actually come to class. And then they give you loads of silly busy work, so as to keep you involved and to make this as much like high school as possible. I had always thought that it was the responsibility of the students to make sure they knew the subject on their own. Which means that they would do as many problems (on their own) as was necessary for them to learn the subject. Most folks don't need to do these things to figure out basic concepts.


Sunday, January 09, 2005

I have school this morning, weird.

Unfortunately, I have nothing of interest to say at this time.

Nice work Vikes.
Randy Moss = Athlete who likes to have fun.
Howie Long = Big ol' dummy.

This weekend all I did was go to a good bit of wrestling. Friday night my only activity was to attend wrestling. Saturday I was at a tourney all day and that turned out to be all that I did with myself that was worthwhile. I went up to Zumbrota and drove around that town for awhile. Damn that Chet and his little Brit too.

I attempted to clean my room today. All that means is that there is crap all over my bed now and I probably clean off my bed so that I can sleep on it. So far it just looks like my room exploded. If anyone is interesting in adding to their personal t-shirt collection, let me know. I gots me millions o' them. Also, I found a windshield in my room. Crazy. Doron, please get your crap out of the room as I own enough stuff to fill it up by myself now, but your things are taking up the closet and under the bed. I need to free up some space for all my books that I am suddenly discovering that I own. They had been spread in many places and are now finding their ways back home to my room. Maybe, in a couple days, I will get the rest of this cleaning done. That would be just dandy.

Now...for something interesting...Donald Rumsfeld has a job while Colin Powell is leaving politics. That is frightening.

I like Diet Coke.


Friday, January 07, 2005

Donation Frenzies.

Just thought everyone who was wondering where all the "Muslim money" was for this recent disaster was would like to know about the recent developments in Saudi Arabia and all round there, if they didn't know already. The Islamic Development Bank just gave 500 million and a telethon just raised 77 million from the rich of Saudia Arabia. "Among those who contributed in the telethon were King Fahd who donated $5 million; Crown Prince Abdullah, $2.5 million; and Prince Sultan, $1.25 million. The biggest single donation came from Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who gave $17 million." I realize that this is a pittance for these folks and that a similar telethon raised much more for the families of Palestinian fighters (We already knew that these folks were also financing terrorism.), but it is something. Oh, Saudi Arabia also raised their 10 mil to 30. Also, I realize that this isn't about money, but work being done, I thought these were interesting facts just the same.
Also, fun facts about the American spirit of donation can be found here, at least, our domations in regards to this recent disaster. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/06/tsunami.poll/index.html Isn't that hilarious? Good to see that we are going to give thoughts more weight than action.

"You sit around here all day. You contribute nothing to society. You're just taking up space."

You know, I do sit around here a lot. Although I did make a trip out, for the second day in a row, to register for classes. This time I was successful and am on my way to becoming a marine biologist. Well, at least I am going to be taking a course called Environmental Geology which is describe as this: "This course examines the relationship between geology and short-term human concerns (periods of no more than a few hundred years). Topics include earthquake hazards, volcanoes, flooding, mass wasting, groundwater and surface water problems, radioactive waste disposal, energy and mineral resources, and radon." So...yeah...it is nerdy enough that Sarah might even like it, but will get into enough real environmental issues to keep me interested.
I am also taking a couple of Speech classes, no worries there. I am a bit concerned by the fact that one of my courses has a prerequ. that I have not taken, but my advisor fella said it was no big deal. I also was told by him that I have a 99% chance of being able to register for this one math class that is full already. So, I guess I am forced to trust that guy.

Oh, I thought of a new thing to add to my talk about Global Warming (this was inspired by a population discussion on Sarah's blog). WHO CARES IF IT IS REAL OR NOT? The shit that we would do to prevent/slow the effects of global warming are the same friggin' things that will be necessary for us to live on this earth past a not too distant time (but probably not my lifetime) where we are all living on top of one another rather than having all this space, like Montana. Eventually, the world's population will be such that we can not sustain life if we continue to live by our current ways. Basically, if we don't find better ways to use all of our various resources, then the world is going to explode (for real) before the second coming has a chance to happen. It looks like we will just use everything up and eventually everyone will just die of starvation and disease (Weird, that sounds like what is going down in Africa right now.) , but not in my lifetime, so what do I care?
Also, I should note that life probably doesn't matter in the end and we are all toiling for nothing. Everyone will figure this out someday and most folks will kill themselves (but not in my lifetime). At least then there won't be a over-population problem for my great great....great grandkids, who will then rule the world (whatever is left after the bird flu and whatnot). That is, if I ever have kids...eh...I don't want to add the to the population crisis.
By the way, my new thing is to call most everything a crisis. Cause everything will eventually be one, and I want to be ahead of the crowd so that I can look smart. Because looks are all that matter.

Oh, found out about a new magazine that I am going to subscribe to, Mother Earth News, it should be most exciting. I can learn about composting toilets and solar panels. AND there is supposed to be stuff about gardening as well.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

"I've had a lot of experience with semantics, so don't try to lure me into some maze of circular logic."

I am not feeling totally up to typing a whole new post as I need to get to bed so that I can get up and research classes to decided what I am registering for this semester. So instead of any sort of new thought, I will regurgatate a couple of comments that I have written on a forum that I take part in. They should make sense even without their proper context, let me know if I am wrong. These both have to do with the tsunami disaster, which I have already typed about, and, on second thought, I will provide a little context in the places where it really is necessary

Post #1: (This was a comment to go along with a letter asking people to be more generous and titled "Tsunamis Show Nation's Greed".)
It was rather fun to watch the U.S. donation to this crisis as it rose especially since we called it the "initial" pledge all the way up til our fourth or fifth "intial" offer. Starts at 400,000.....then 4 million......then 15 million......then 35 million.....tack on a zero 350 million. Yay us. Now if we factor in the donations of citizens rounded up (generously) to 250 million, we have a total of 600 million. Wow, that is over two dollars a person, we are just so darn generous. Now, don't compare this to what other nations are doing, it is obvious from our foreign policy that we don't give a hoot what they think or do, just look at our generousity. Then ask yourself if that is really enough. We spend more money than was in our fourth "initial" pledge in one day in Iraq. So...is it enough?
Post #2: (This was in response to letter titled "Help here before tsunami-hit areas". In this letter the writer listed a number of issues that he believe we should take care of before giving a dime to those in the tsunami-hit areas. Here are a couple of his issues: "I would make sure every person who wants to work has a job to provide for themselves. I would fix our roads and bridges. I would make sure our schools were funded.")
Weird, it seems that our nation could have actually helped in all of these situations, just a little problem with our elected officials in ol' 1600 House. I was thinking about putting my first post from the other tsunami related letter on here as well, but I won't. I will say that there is nothing really stopping us from doing all of the things listed in this letter (even with our current leadership), all we need to do is buck up either: a few more tax dollars or a few more dollars given to responsible charitable organizations. That, or we could ask that our government (national and state) be responsible with the money they are currently receiving (i.e. not start wars or waste millions of donated dollars on lavish parties for the governing socialites or any of many other wasteful ways) and then we would have ample funds to take care of these problems without raising taxes, but then again you folks that won't give a dime to the folks in Asia probably would demand all that saved money back in the form of tax cuts.

I think that our thinking that we must help Americans first is misguided, where the hell did the idea come from that somehow the lives of those of us lucky enough to be here were more important than anyone else's? This idea definitely does exist, just look at our "War on Terror". Shit, as long as it is just ten of thousands of Iraqis who are dead we are more than justified, just so long as it prevents another couple thousand Americans from losing their lives in a terrorist attack (Which it won't.). We have got to be some kind of retarded.
Also, I should note, some right-wing whiner gave me the idea of asking all of the liberal millionaires to donate money to the tsunami victims. So, I did, or at least I got to Mikey Moore and George Soros (billionaire, so he counts double). I am guessing that many of the liberal millionaires have already given money (except maybe Moore, that pompous, bloated SOB), but it doesn't hurt to make sure. With Soros I even mentioned me giving a matching percentage of my income to whatever he gives. I think that just might work, at least, if enough poor (by American standards of excess) ass college students offer the same deal. Drop him a line, it could work.
Hmmm....despite what I said, this developed into a full fledged post, darn it.


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"You know, everyone's either a bastard or a son of a bitch."

That quote seemed to speak to the political sense in this country today. I am, to focus on one little thing, going to be discussing the whole red state/blue state issue. Apparently, as far as most media outlets and, by association, most citizens are concerned, the people of a particular state or county can be put into a total of two categories. I am sick of being a blue-stater, and I was a Kerry voter. I would rather that the media folks be forced to do their friggin' jobs and find out what I actually believe. These shits have gotten so ass-lazy that they don't feel the need to talk to the actual people, they just get one "conservative" and one "liberal" to sit across from eachother and pretend that they speak for the fifty some odd million voters of each side. I am thinking about wandering over to New York and punching Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson in their mouthes. It might just be the only way to show those guys how to shut up and listen to the people. I figure this would work as they would not be expecting violence from a blue-stater. As we are all tree-hugging, Bush-bashing, sissy hippies who should move to Canada.
I wish that it could just be recognized that we are a purple nation. Most individual people aren't completely blue or completely red, let alone the communities, counties, or states of these people. Just as all Bush voters aren't quite as stupid as they appear (perhaps just misguided, hehe) and all Kerry voters didn't actually support him. We, as a nation, seem to take comfort in being able to simplify the issues. That way we can continue to live in our youthful trust of leaders in this great experiment that is the United States. God help us if we can not think more deeply and see a person beyond the color wheel.

Also, on a much less political note, although I do betray my sissy blue-stater way, rabbits are tricky little devils. They certainly seem to know how to use my grandparent's brush to elude me. I will have another go at them a little later in the week. For now, I will have to get by on chopping up Christmas trees to express my rage. I will probably add another post later on in this day, but for now I should hit the hay; the lovely Shane Haag is coming over so we can have a little talky-talk tomorrow. We have to figure out where we will be residing with our future family in Winona.


Sunday, January 02, 2005

"C'mon, there will be people to mock."

I went out and stole the old Christmas trees off of the curbs this evening. Does this make me weird and does it even qualify as stealing? I think it is even less of stealing than when I took bags of leaves from the people of St. Cloud, since they had to pay to have the service of having them picked up. The trees here are picked up for free. Anyway, I should figure out what I am going to do with these things. I would like to make a fence for my blueberry plants with them (to keep the dogs out), but I have realized that the rabbits would simply start living within my trees and they would eat my plants and trees more often. Speaking of which, I need to get out and rid my grandparents land of rabbits, those little bastards ate the White Pines that I put in, and for that they must pay.

I don't remember if I have ever given my plan for Social Security on here. By the way, this is my plan as a liberal Democrat, not as a Libertarian, which is the complete opposite. But even I think I am insane for thinking that the Libertarian ideals will take over any time soon. Anyway, remove the upper limits on the wages that still have to pay into the entire system. Right now none of the income over $200,000 is being taxed for Social Security. I am pretty sure that this might just be enough to pop us out of this current "crisis". That is, as long as we can get the government to actually leave the money in the accounts instead of replacing them with worthless T-bills that have been paid for by the Chinese. The only problem that I could see with this is that once the rich bastards and corporations are actually having to pay their fair share, they will convince Bush to give them more tax cuts, otherwise they will take their jobs overseas or just fire everyone. Every solution just seems to lead to more problems.
I have my own theories on the movement of jobs overseas and I am pretty sure that most Americans would think I was nuts if I listed them out. Mostly because they are selfish bastards who have some of the highest quality of life ratings (if only such things existed) and don't appreciate it. I will have to type out this plan some time. But one political section per post is all I will do.

I have to go read something.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

No mo' jive in '05.

Whatever, I don't do the whole New Year's Resolution thing. So how bout: No more jive, while I am alive.
I would like to note that I can not recall how many people I kissed last night both male and female. But I am sure that I spread a good bit of germs around and that is cool by me. Jesse Green and I had a pleasant time doing an analysis of most every person who happened to attend that glorious shindig.
Hm...Appears I have to take a break from typing this as I am currently taking part in Doron's birthday celebration and my Clarkian grandparents are here.
Well, now they have left I have learned that I have an even more muttlike heritage than I realized. I will now give you a rundown of the ethnic circles that have come together to form me. (All newly discovered nationalities will be bolded.) English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, German, French (Canadian), Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Mohawk Indian, and (although not a nationality still unique enough to be included) Pennsylvania Dutch. Top that list, I dare you.
Anyway, back to last nights activities, many thanks go to Miss Mindy Haag for the use of her home and for taking the ass kicking for any and all broken things, although I would just blame Scott. Also, thanks for the ride home at 4ish, I am surprised I woke up early enough for it still to be today.
Also, as I have told most of you, I think I am addicted to reading and learning all useless knowledge. When I got home at 4ish this morning, I decided that I still needed to do some more reading, so instead of going to bed, I settled down and read all that I could find for another couple hours. I am an idiot. But, I did learn a good bit about the Catholic Church and the Papasy. Good times.
I will come back soon with some political commentary that is sure to bore Tom, which is my real goal here anyway.