He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, September 30, 2005


This is when you folks can be certain that I am either a ginormous loser or I simply love you too much. Those are the only two conclusions that can be drawn from be blogging at 9 PM on a Friday. Well, actually, there is one alternative. I will be attending Cirque du Soleil in the cities on Sunday.
Why does that cause me to be home right now? (Just play along like you were wondering.) You see, I still have to fulfill my workman's duties and so I will be taking care of business from dawn 'til dusk tomorrow. That will be ever so splendid. For that reason, I am spending a nice little evening here doing quite little. I almost feel like I am channeling Emily. Anyway, that is the price I must pay to attend such a spirited affair as the Circ (as I like to call it). I don't actually know which of their shows I am headed towards, but I will let you know. An artistic circus can't be a bad thing, can it?

Alright folks, lock up your dogs, there is a canine influenza virus traveling round. Okay, you don't have to sound the alarm quite yet; this stuff is only in three states. But it is on both coasts. I just can't figure out why NPR felt the need to waste a valuable Science Friday talking about this thing. Must be playing it up for the coastal yuppies with puppies.
Yes, I just did that.

Eat your fruits. This is my new, hip thang. I eat as much fruit as I can find. Unfortunately, my mother doesn't seem to know how to buy crisp apples and I left all of mine in Winona. I am left with nothing but bananas and grapes. Oh, I think there might be blueberries too. Those are loaded with antioxidants. Sorry, but, yeah, eat that stuff. I am your mother and I know what is best.

Say, how far did you travel today? Not in your car, in your mind. You can't get nearly so far away in your motor vehicle. I traveled back out to Montana today while watching the sunset. Good times. As a doctor, I recommend taking at least one trip each day. Preferably to a relaxing place, but if Vegas is your kind of game, feel free.


R.I.P. Mack Noble

2004 graduate of Kenyon-Wanamingo High School. Wrestler, funny fella, and a classy guy.

We'll miss laughing at you (and with you).

I'll miss wrestling you and having you make me bleed.


Thursday, September 29, 2005


"You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers."

Hot damn, I wish I could talk like the folksy folks in the back country. Hells bells, I am watching O' Brother Where Art Thou and it is still as splendid as ever.
In addition to that fine edition I also viewed Snatch today. That frantic party of a film is as wonderfully wild as I recalled. Brad Pitt, I am still not sure which of his films made him my baby. But that one was enough to renew my love for him. An Irish gypsy? Don't mind if I do, perhaps I should become a piker.

After taking a bath and actually doing some class based reading, I had my hatred of coal renewed. Impure thoughts might have even entered my mind (and my brain too) after reading about the destruction caused by mountain-top removal mining. Part of the intense dislike comes from the absolute refusal by those in the industry to believe that their actions are causing any sorts of problems. I wonder if a couple thousand more miles of coal sludge infested mountain streams will be enough to turn anyone. Not bloody likely.

Also, I am getting into reading Saul Bellow. He was placed on my list of authors to get into earlier this year when he died (Um...sorry for not getting to it sooner). One of the greatest American novelists of all time.

Grasp the Broom of Reform and sweep the place clean. Time to take care of business.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005


"When the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline peaked at $3.07 recently, it was partly because the nation's refineries were receiving an estimated 99 cents on each gallon sold. That was more than three times the amount they earned a year ago when regular unleaded was selling for $1.87. Companies that pump oil from the ground swept in an additional 47 cents on each gallon, a 46 percent jump over the same period. If motorists are the big losers in the spectacular run-up in gas prices, the companies that produce the oil and turn it into gasoline are the clear winners."

Wild stuff there. Actually, supply and demand. If this is what they are capable of making, it is our fault for not cutting back on consumption either by moving and heating less or pushing for better technology. If you don't like paying big at the pump, then vote for the folks that will try to help you.
By the way, I don't mean help you by drilling in ANWR. That is a drop in the bucket and wouldn't help us for quite some time. My thinking is that we can always save it until such time as oil is around $300 a barrel. Then we could make the real money and maybe our grandkids would have the money to pay for all the bills we are racking up for them today.

So, conservation one of the ways to go, so says Bush:
"We can all pitch in...by being better conservers of energy. I mean, people just need to recognize that the storms have caused disruption and that if they're able to maybe not drive...on a trip that's not essential, that would be helpful."
Isn't he just so damn eloquent? The question is, does he believe this? His past says no and so have his subordinates:
Dick Cheney - "Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy."
Weird huh? Granted, this is an older quote, but which do you think is true. If it is the first, have we just seen the administration flip-flop? Will they admit that their previous statements were mistaken? Doubtful

Here is a take on why we just won' t stop driving and an excerpt:
"Why don't we ratchet down more when fuel prices go up? The rule of thumb in economics is that people react to price increases only when they can turn to substitutes. Raise the price of Ford trucks and sales go way down because you can buy your truck from Chrysler or GM or Toyota instead. Raise the price of gasoline and what are the alternatives...people can't change the type of fuel they put in their cars, and they can't stop going to work. They might take one less driving vacation or check their tire pressure more often when they fill up. But that hardly makes a dent in the total numbers."
...or two:
"Practically speaking, the only hope of changing America's driving habits is a hefty price increase that lasts. For, oh, five years. The data show that after that long, even the response of American drivers to higher prices can be pretty sizable. Five years gives people the time to come up with substitutes. Higher commuting costs over that many years could induce you to buy a smaller car, move closer to work, find a car pool for your kids."

Fun fact of the day: Air Force One used 11,437 gallons of fuel yesterday.

And, yes, in this class I feel okay with blogging. I guess I don't value my health, so be it.


Monday, September 26, 2005

Earth Words

Something I read today:
"Environmentalists find inherent value in nature. The statement that 'any person who wants to breathe clean air ' cares about nature is false. I care about such things, but only because I care about humans, not nature. To me, nature has no inherent value. The only reason to maintain a beautiful planet would be purely aesthetic (which is of value to humans). This may be a controversial viewpoint, but it's true. Environmentalism is dead because is is a shallow viewpoint. We need to a support a movement that is pro-human, and one that encompasses all human values."

Well, what do you think, does nature have an inherent value? Beyond or behind this guy's assertion that his opinion is factually true, there is a good point. Do I/we value the earth because it, in itself, deserves to be preserved or because we want to preserve the value that it has for us? Isn't it odd how, if you actually think about it, the latter choice is the easiest one to make an argument for? It is true that, for most of us, we want to preserve the earth and its resources for our own use and enjoyment. I don't even know if I have feelings beyond that.
However, Christians have a good argument for the former. The God of the Bible commanded that we all things we under our dominion and that (although some will argue this point) we are to be stewards of the earth. We are to care for it. So, I guess, God places an inherent value in nature. Or do you think I am wrong, does God only want them to be stewards for their own benefit?
Also, you could try arguing that the Bible doesn't actually say that, but be prepared. I am setting this up as a discussion, if no one discusses, then you will never know and I will be sad for you.

Hehe, you know I love you since I took the time to type up that whole quote from a magazine.

"Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are seperate from."


Here we go again

How is it that I can never seem to blog on weekends? Actually, why is it? Because I don't like you that much. You people are like boring whores, you just want what I got to give you and you don't want to talk about it. Darn it, don't you know that I love to cuddle?

So...there is this over-achiever in one of my English classes...

Oh, wait, I am in class right now. I shouldn't be doing this, it makes me feel so dirty. Good thing Brooke is in this class so I at least I know that I am not the dirtiest person in the room.

Sorry, I just can't do this to my professor, I can't take advantage of a person like this. I must go...forever.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Swashbuckling Nancys

Bloody Roger Kidd is me pirate name.

Guess what? Water is good for you.

Neat huh? Good to know that I am being taught my nutritional requirements for the 15th time. Oh, but WSU was recently found to be one of the fattest colleges in the nation, this class must be working wonders.

Now, who to blog about? The guy one row up for me or the girl two rows up?

Since you all know me so well, you know I will go for the guy first.

He is wearing a "Team Republican" t-shirt with a list of their priorities on the back. 1. Jesus, 2. USA Freedom (whatever that means), and 3. G.W. Bush. The only question this brings to mind is, why are republicans such fuckin' liars? Jesus? My ass he is number one, have you read the Bible? Motherfuckin' Savior was a socialist. Welfare programs make Jesus hard. Love your enemy? Nope nope, Jesus was wrong, bomb the shit out of your enemy and anyone who happens to live in their general area. The meek shall inherit the earth? Wrong again, the blunderbussi on the 700 Club who live in mansions and keep oodles of whores on the side are the ones who will truly rule the day. Sorry, I guess hypocracy gets me going in the morning.

On to the young lady. She is one of the special ones who pulls off "relaxed sexy". Why the hell would sweatpants seem sexy? Do I have low standards, strange standards, or is it just that some girls pull off anything? Especially ones that know how to stand up in a sexy manner, you know what I am talking about. The arch of the back. Maybe it is the glasses? Hehe. Good times.

Oh, you can probably eat the fish out of the Mississippi again, but never more than once or twice a week. Apparently the sewage actually adds to the nutritional value.

By the way, I am aware of how offensive it is to assert that Jesus would get an erection. But there are rumors about the Jeez and Mary Mag.

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Flash like all the stars are out...

This night I went for a run in the park. Isn't it interesting how the city is actually more intrusive during the night than the day? At least, that was the appearance this evening. The park's enjoyment level isn't necessarily dependent on that one factor, but it certainly changes the way in which I appreciate it.
I have the ability to completely shut out the things outside my current experience, if I choose to (I don't actually know, I could be a dirty liar too). So, when I am at a place like Whitewater, I am usually trying to make that be my whole world. While I may use that time to sort out things in the other world, there is this great level of seperation that changes my thoughts about those situations.
On the flip side, when I am in the city park, it is easier to appreciate the space as being a bit of goodness in the middle of the bustlin' urban area that is Winona (hehe, sorry, I am trying not to laugh). Anyway, this same thing was true when I was in Saint Cloud and Saint Paul as well. The parks there are more noticeable for the respite they provide. But I can't seperate the two worlds as is possible in the country parks.
Saint Cloud was interesting because the same things that would intrude on my experience at the country parks (cornfields, hunters) seemed to add to the seperation in that experience. Isn't it odd how the experience is changed by the smallest things?
The headlights I experienced during my run this evening never fell upon me, but they stilled destroyed my vision and made me frighten some other users by letting me sneak up on them (I guess that wasn't all bad).
I haven't decided if I am going to choose a prefered experience, but I am leaning towards the country parks. Actually, not leaning, I chose. You city people miss out.
Plus, you can't close your eyes and walk blind down the trails in the city parks there ar entirely too many other users, rude folks, and muggers. Plus, city parks never have logs, rocks, or mud in the paths.

"Look at our little mutant babies."

Peace out.

John W. Gardner:

"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."

Monday, September 19, 2005

"Let me just finish my coffee, and then we'll go watch them cut the fat bastard up."

Tell me, is it too soon? This is more along the lines of clothing, actually, more about shirts. I own a shirt from the New Orleans Police, Levee District mofo. Apparently one of the English profs thought I was either an old policeman from the area or a refugee. The anonymous prof asked my Lit Studies prof to check me out. I made a fairly mild joke about the hurricane and whatnot, but I wonder if I can make offensive jokes about the whole thing yet. You know how sensitive I am, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, my humor is certainly not based on that. Hehe.

Damn it, I need to get over my aversion to blogging in class. I had a thought and I mentioned to myself that it was bloggable, and then I forgot. Maybe I will remember later in the day and this part of message will disapear. With luck.

Peace out.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Pop my collar...

So, I realized that I have been wearing all of the same clothes for the last few weeks. Each week ends with the same dirty clothes in the same laundry bag and those same clothes go back to be dirtified the next week. I was looking to diversify. That was when I discovered the damage to one of my favorite shirts. It is a lovely blue and white button-up number that I received from farmer Wayne a few years back. The collar on my beautiful shirt seems to have taken some damage. The darn thing is torn for a couple inches right near the front. The only plausible situation must be that I got into a fight or some sort of a scuffle at a party that I have no recollection of. That, or someone is trying to spite me by destroying the great fashion rep that I have established in the last few years. Sorry for typing so much about a damn shirt, but I am ever so distraught.

It was par for the course this weekend. I worked a bunch, slept little, and didn't even have a single profound thought (that I can recall). There were a few odd dreams going on in my sleeping head. I am pretty sure that I was molested by Jeff Pagel (for those that don't know, wrestling heavyweight, think about it), at least in my dream. That is awesome.
I did get to watch a good bit of the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie last might, but can't recall when I passed out from that.
Haha. I just realized that I wore a whitebeater (a red one at that) all day long. What a douchy redneck I am.

Oh, I have a health test tomorrow, I think it is the same one that I took in fourth grade.
Soon I am going to learn that binge drinking is bad, wow, these folks are amazing.

Um...it's calling to me Sam...sorry...LOTR is on tv...who would have thunk that the WB could afford this movie.
Wow, what a waste of a post this was.

Peace out.

Friday, September 16, 2005

From the blog of Brian Williams:

"I am duty-bound to report the talk of the New Orleans warehouse district last night: there was rejoicing (well, there would have been without the curfew, but the few people I saw on the streets were excited) when the power came back on for blocks on end. Kevin Tibbles was positively jubilant on the live update edition of Nightly News that we fed to the West Coast. The mini-mart, long ago cleaned out by looters, was nonetheless bathed in light, including the empty, roped-off gas pumps. The motorcade route through the district was partially lit no more than 30 minutes before POTUS drove through. And yet last night, no more than an hour after the President departed, the lights went out. The entire area was plunged into total darkness again, to audible groans. It's enough to make some of the folks here who witnessed it... jump to certain conclusions."

Fuck yeah.

Hellfire and Eternal Damnation

It is reserved for you, sinner. Sorry, I couldn't come up with a title, then I thought of that for some reason, but had no way of making it a part of my post.

First, to get briefly political (I know how y'all hate that), President Bush just placed Karl Rove in charge of coordinating the reconstruction effort down south. Anyone care to venture a guess as to why he would appoint his chief POLITICAL advisor to this post? I smell cronyism. This isn't some revelation, but it is enough to make me break my silence on political speech. Perhaps Bush needs to ask for another bathroom break so he has time to sort this one out (to get the joke, click here)? Actually, that is a lie, this has already been well thought out for him. They know that most Americans either don't like him, love him without question, or are too dumb or uncaring to question this. And the third group doesn't care enough for the first group's protests to matter.

Brooke is a bastard-ass minion of Satan for introducing me to Facebook. Without cable or anything else (like classwork) to distract me, I am sure to spend some time (which is too much) ogling beauties and laughing at leonards on there. Great.

It seems that I must be getting lazy, I don't even bother to lock my bike to the racks around campus anymore. I must think that my time is so valuable that it can not possible be wasted with a combination lock. That, or I am too lazy to climb in the back of my truck to grab the lock from the bed where it fell on tuesday. Also, for some reason, I have started putting the bike in the back of the truck when I am at the apartment rather than locking it to the bike rack behind the apartment building. This doesn't make any sense as it definitely takes more energy than just rolling up the the rack and throwing it down. Now I must lift it over the whole bitchin' pig rack sides of my beast ('cause I park with the ass end in the trees like a true redneck). Perhaps I am subconsciously trying to get a workout in to stop the gradual decline of my physical capabilities.

Oh, time for the next class, it was nice of the Canuck to let us out of my previous class early.

Peace out.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Pedal to the Pavement

Slower than a half-throttled automobile, less powerful than a children’s motor scooter, unable to avoid even the smallest bumps… ”Look, out the rear view,” “It’s a jogger,” “It’s a moped,” “It’s Logan’s bicycle…” Yes, you are correct, I am a bicyclist.
Every morning I set out from my safe little hideaway of an apartment and venture forth to save the world by turning in my work on time. I am fond of this activity, but I am sometimes reminded of the downfalls of my chosen means of conveyance. When I hear rumors of rain, I am hesitant. At times I dread weaving past the motor vehicles at my one stop sign on the way to campus. And I would relish the day that the many cracks and potholes along the way were repaired.
But I do not expect such things and will continue to contentedly trek to my classes each morning with a smile on my face. I enjoy the idea that I can leave the road at any time to explore a new space. When I see a pretty young lady on the sidewalk, I am not forced by the vehicles behind me to keep moving along at the posted speed. My time can be taken or I can even stop to chat if I please. But that is just one example of the benefits of my two-wheeled, motor-less contraption.
There is more that I could rave about, but it is time to get to class.

Peace out.

Presidential Fun #3

1. This gentleman had a mistress who was thirty years his junior, they liked to get it on in closets whenever his wife was near.
2. This tough bastard was kicked in the head by a horse as a child.
3. And the only president ever to admit to a UFO sighting was? This guy.

A. Jimmy Carter
B. Warren G. Harding
C. Abe Lincoln

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ooops...I crapped my pants

New contest:

Last night I was awakened by my need to use the rest room as I had decided to empty the water pitcher and most of the lemonade pitcher before I hit the hay. So, I staggered in, turned on the light (for some odd reason), did my biz, and headed back to bed. Of course, when I turned off the light, I was blind as a blind person (only without the heightened hearing and smell). As I continued my walk to bed I suddenly had the door to my room slam shut in my face. The air pressure had caused it to move quite quickly and probably would have hurt me if I had been a couple inches farther ahead. It was a narrow miss to say the least and, even without thinking of the threat of bodily harm (I was too groggy for that), it scared me something fierce. I went to bed disturbed, I haven't been frightened like that in some time.
Anyway, this is the point of the post, we have a new contest. Give us the most recent incident that scared the poopity out of you. Not the scariest ever, 'cause that is subject to too much selective memory and because I don't feel like searching my mind to find that one, just give us the most recent. (Us? Ha.) We will judge (because judging is fun for humans) and the winner gets a prize. I figure all people should get a prize when they are frightened in a truly interesting and perhaps hilarious manner. Let me know if you want the prize to be a surprise or if you would prefer to know what you are getting yourselves into.

Don't be shy.

Peace out.

Give me $$$...please?

Well, I thought I was doing OK for money, so I bought a couple albums last weekend.
By the way, if you haven't gotten Mike Doughty's Haughty Melodic yet, you is dumb. After that, you can go out and get his first couple solo albums Skittish and Rockity Roll like I did last weekend. Skittish has been played about 10 times so far. I got the Raveonettes' latest as well.
Anyway, Logan is going down the money hole again. I just bust the bay window of our neighbor's apartment with a football. Awesome. That is going to be a costly one. And Shane claims he couldn't have made the catch. No excuses. Bastard. Hehe. Sometimes I laugh when I want to cry.
I was alright for funds (as in I would have just a little over $0 in my accounts soon), but it appears that I am going to have to tack this on with all of the other debts that I have racked up. Nifty. Now, pledge drive time. Screw the victims of Katrina, Logan is needy. And who do you really care more about anyway?
Sometimes I crack jokes in poor taste when I want to cry.
Oh, and the latch just broke on my laptop, spectacular. I think I will go drive home and see if I can crash my truck too. Ha. I threw the chain on my bicycle as well. Hey. One more. I turned on the heater in my truck, to burn off the fog in my windows, and quite soon after that the most horribly rancid smell started coming out. I thought I might vomit. I think the parts of a cat that I hit on my way back here the other day might have gotten stuck inside my engine compartment, but I don't want to look.
Shit, things are looking up.

Peace out.

Monday, September 12, 2005

the black-coffee bowl of your eye

Took the first bath in the apartment tub this evening. Not too shabby, but too shallow. I will have to caulk the over-fill drain. Gots to get the level up.

Funny story from last week. I have classes at 8, 9, 10, and11 on MWF. Last friday, when I was about back to Eyota, I realized that I was supposed to be in my Language Study class. I simply walked out the building after my class at ten. It seems that I am so absentminded that having the class at ten be my last class on thursday was enough for me to forget to go to the next class on friday. Heck, I did the reading for the class and saw the prof earlier in the day. Wild stuff.
Does anyone want to become my personal assistant. I am a handicapped gentleman and such measures are necessary. It doesn't pay much yet, but, with the assistance of someone that can keep me on task and take care of my paperwork, I could do great things. Think about it, I have the mind to do things, but not the order or the ambition. This is my plea to try and make something of myself. Not necessarily me making something of myself, but you making something of me. I'll make you famous and reward you handsomely. You know I don't like money, so you could have most of anything I earn.
So, here it is, the official beginning of my search of my professional wrangler. If you think you are qualified, let me know.

Peace out.

And that just proves my point.

My Language Study professor, the Great Dane, is left-handed. This is a proof of every theory of left-handedness. We rule the world and you righties will rue the day that you decided not to give us universal scissors.

Then again, God must love the common man, he made so many of them.

Peace out.

I'm sorry...

Not really, I am an American. Being American means never having to say you're sorry.

I was meaning to blog in the last couple days, but I was distracted by sleep and work. Such are my weekends.

Too many people try to compete at Ultimate Fighting straight off the street. These people are funny and, by the end of the night, they are bruised and bloody. I wonder if they learn anything from their experiences. For me, it is just good enough to laugh at them, I don't much care if they learn anything. I just hope they come back to try again.
Other than that, Saturday night just made me remember how expensive the bars are. Oh how I relish the free tab at Mickey's. Those Irish folks are so generous. Then again, I am sure he makes a big ol' bag o' dough on fight nights. He deserves it too.

Have I ever mention that my favorite part of Walker Texas Ranger is the theme song? Chuck Norris has the nerve to sing the damn thing. Except, he can't sing. He talks with the tune. Hilarious stuff. "'Cause that's where the Ranger's gonna be." True story.

Oh, my bike broke down on the way to school, so that is why I am not at my 8 AM class today. I hate showing up late.

Peace out.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Were you aware...?

That it is possible to sleep for over an hour on the side of the road in Stockton without ever leaving your driverside seat? Or being questioned? Highway 14 in the boonies is great around 2 AM. I need a nap.

We wrote an in-class essay about the value of studying literature today. Do you think he was just looking for the fake-deep crap that professors always seem to be looking for? Honestly, how can people think some that stuff is profound. Not that I am, but those are just so obvious. "Literature allows us to know ourselves by looking through a different lense at our own existance." Or..."When we place ourselves in the perspective of the author, by thoroughly understanding their situation and context, we expand ourselves to find a more profound existance." Hehe. Or something close to those, those were the silliest I could come up with at the time. For myself, I decided to be jackass and ended my essay by saying, "Simply put, reading about a reading allows us to better read the reading." Or something of that sort. We got credit just for doing it, so I thought I would make the Prof. think I was a moron.
The life of an English major is silly and writing crap about crap is my only entertainment.

Anyone want to join Shane and I in deciding to abandon cable television (or satelite)? We are off the grid and like it. That isn't to say that there is no TV being watching. I watched Garden State and a couple Family Guy episodes earlier. Although, before that, the tube hadn't been on since early Monday. Soon we will wean ourselves off completely and get a new hobby. Animal mutilation perhaps? Or, professional animal rescuists, would that violate the lease?

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nature is for sissies

That is the only conclusion I can come to after searching through the first couple pages of profiles for people who listed "nature" as one of their interests. I can't believe that I, master of all that is hip and studly, am associated with such folks.
Nature is interesting to a bunch of Sallies and Leonards trying to get in touch with themselves by experiencing the world. Weird. Perhaps, when you climb a tree or grow a blossom, you are discovering and living those actions in your soul. Hehe. What silliness.
Rather, gardening simply allows us to express the soul. Those blooms really exist in my heart. That is why I choose the various colors.
Lavender is the gentle bits that I never reveal, golden yellow is my inner sunshine (normally hidden by the bitterness), white is the purity that I hold so tightly to (ha!), and reds are just there to entertain us all.
Also, it seems that nature must be interesting to our oh-so-vengeful God. God is a sissy. At least, if you follow my logic, that is how it must be.

Peace out.

R.I.P. Bob Denver

A.K.A. Gilligan

We'll miss you, little buddy.

Peace out.

Hey hey, I'm illiterate.

I have about ten minutes before I begin my first session of my only class that should be a bit hard. Five credits? Honestly.
(Interjection: Wow, the kid sitting next to me has some huge old-school headphones. I think he might be listening to 80's rock. Oh, he's talking, he sounds awesome too. I want to be his main squeeze.)
Anyone here miss the TV show Alf? Is it on at some time on TVLand that I am unaware of? I say that it should be on right after Boy Meets World every night.
(Update: Now the guy is sniffing (actually, I think it might be a quick exhale) and twitching while he does it. Sweet.)
Goodness. Some people really need haircuts. I am not saying this because I think we all need crewcuts, but because, honestly, we all know that those big curly mops are a pain in the ass. Quit trying to express yourself through your hair and save some precious oils by using less shampoo.
I thought of something to write about the other day, but I forgot it.
Made a trek up to Inspiration Point yesterday, it was good to back, too much time had passed since the last visit.
(Ooh, I just noticed the cute girl across the room. I wonder if she is one of those Mac snobs who thinks I am a loser because I don't use one. She should at least have a good reason to think I am a loser, there are plenty.)
Last point. I discovered a large number of small holes on the back of the shorts I am wearing. They look like they came from coals landing on my shorts and burning there for a while. They have also been there for quite some time as they are starting to fringe. So, has anyone noticed these before; do they look like holes that would be in those fancy, already-beat-up clothes that people buy; and does anyone remember the last time I fell in a fire? I really have no idea when this happened.

Peace out.

Presidential Fun #2

1. This president once greeted the ambassador from Britain while standing in his pajamas and slippers.
2. This slim fellow stood six feet tall and weighed it at 145 pounds.
3. Candidate #3 had a favorite hunting rifle that he called "Death and Destruction"

A. Andrew Jackson
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Grover Cleveland

Answers are in the comment section.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Temptations and titillation

How dare I go to a school with a 7:1 girl to guy ratio, what was I thinking? Let's take a poll, do I ditch the girl? Kidding, Amanda, I wouldn't let these folks vote on that, I will just do a self poll.

Second temptation, this laptop and wireless is going to be the death of my paying attention in class. Especially since I am too lazy to actually write out my notes so I type them up. That means that I have internet a click away. Everyone here must go through this.

The third temptation is related to my activities of yesterday, you will have to guess at it as I am going to go off on some tangent and will run too long for me to feel like explaining anymore. And, no, it wasn't possibility of sex with Holly (if you don't know who that is, sorry). She is much too much of a prude for that.

Sleeping hasn't been a friend to me as of late. I am pretty sure that I almost died on the way home from St. Paul last night, several times. My sleepiness required me to take a couple of naps just to make it back here. Going from Hamline to Winona should not take 4.5 hours. I even had to go back to candy again. How horrid.
The state fair was interesting though. I discovered that the damn animals were in a transition day so I w(hmmm, I just had to move out of my old classroom, damn kids, then my laptop did funny things, good times)as put into wandering mode. This led to lots of political discussions and random stranger meetings. The best was the guy that talked with me about acetylene headlamps and then later was on the opposite side during a political discussion. He won out as best over the guy who told us that 80% of unmarried mothers were addicted to cocaine because he looked like he was half-Amish. Had the hat and beard and clothes, but his wife was not.
The other fella was just ridiculous. And confused.
I also talked with a nice, young, politically involved man who talked about being involved in the impromptu protests in Chicago on the day that we started the Iraq War. Street sweepers moving in formation to push them off the streets must have been quite exciting. Barely evading arrest is always a blast as well.
There was also a great amount of good information available on alternative energies and other environmental issues. Me thinks the DNR folks were getting sick of talking with me.
Holly came around as well and was still as lovely as ever. I still own my title for greatest backrubbist in the world. (I wonder if I should capitalize that?)

Alright, gots to get the work done for my 11 AM class.
