He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, October 31, 2005

If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten,

What all have you forgotten? I have forgotten more than I care to recall. It seems that I am correct in my previous assessment of my faculties. Not only was I better read as child, but I seem to have lost my ability to spew massive amounts of bullshit.
I still have the capabilities to produce more b.s. than the common person, but my production has been greatly reduced. That is the only explanation that I can find for my recent troubles.

Who wants to read something completely random? Well, this next piece is something that I just started writing for no particular reason today. I have no idea what the inspiration was nor do I have an explanation for the whole thing. I will try to come up with a title though. How about....

Weakened Desire:
He was born of the cold, breath sucking lands. That is, discourse with him was like taking in air at thirty degrees below zero. The vapor crystalizes in your throat and leaves only Jake to keep at the yakking. The temperature seems to have no effect on his speech or his willingness to gossip. I would dare to say that he is the only one who appreciates his "discussions". The obnoxious taunts and tangents don’t suit the senses of many others. Then again, what do I know? I am simply a college dropout with no motivation and little desire. Call me lazy, I’ll call myself unaffected. My ambitions, if they can be called such, are opposing to most folk's desires. The Almighty Dollar is not my god, I couldn’t care less for sexual experience, and the admiration of others is not admirable to me. Sax, my hound, seems to have a high opinion of me. She keeps getting fed as it gives me someone to talk to, but I am really only avoiding the Jakes, Janes, and Genes. Sax is a sounding board for my lack of desire. She is a willing acoustic wall, so long as I don’t kick her off the couch. If only someone could do that for me. The mutt might be up to job, but she would think much of it and expect me to pay her for services rendered. I can't afford the kibble.

Yeah, so that came from somewhere, but I bet that it is based primarily in my lack of sleep mixed with my rum & coke elixir. Grammatical errors probably abound throughout that bit of trash. I don't even know why I would post it. I should stick to poetry. Perhaps I will be back a bit later with a well inspired bit of verse. I doubt it.


Update: Nov. 1, 2005 9:00 PM, I am revising the paragraph as it didn't seem right to leave a first draft up there. If you want, Emily, I will post the original along with the revised version for you to compare.

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

I tried to make this post on Friday, but I could not get this a particular link to work. It was so spectacular that, when I was unable to post it, I no longer wanted to go on living or at least stop blogging.
Now I have recovered from my most recent depression, which wasn't actually related to the previous paragraph. Wait, I don't know if I am over it yet as I have not turned in my paper that created the depression. I fell asleep at 2:30 AM and then had to finish up my paper from 4:20 to 8:00 this morning.
It is probably crap.
Now I just have to get through the reading of my paper with the professor and then I can head home to take a darned nap.
Oh, I also forgot all of the various cookies that I received from my grandmother and Amanda yesterday. Bah.

I am in class, I think I will work on editing that paper as I am not yet in that class, so that makes it okay. Or something.

Oh yeah.
Happy Frickin' Halloween!
I hope all the boys look like whores and all the girls look like scantily clad nursi (or whores, whatever).


Thursday, October 27, 2005

When you're feeling in the dumps, don't be silly chumps.

Just visit your local state park and do your homework while sprawled out in the middle of a hiking path. Well, that, or you could at least take in the lovely sights and sounds of the many-colored, rustling leaves or the variety of animals preparing for the cold season.
That's right. I was back out doing "research" for my Writing in Communities project at the state park. I don't know if anyone else in the course managed to somehow make a process where they hang out by themselves counted as a community action. Sneaky sneaky.
I wandered along over a few miles of trails, did a little reading for my classes, and pretended that the reason I was wearing my backpack was to prepare myself for hiking in Montana next Summer. I didn't take any naps this time, but leaf rolling and needle fondling (uh huh) were just as dandy. Just pretend that I am a six-year-old and it all seems perfectly normal.
My knowledge of the woods also increased a good bit today. I paid more attention to what was growing where and finally remembered the name of one of the primary trees that had been slipping my mind (Hickory). Grand ol' afternoon.

Another good news day in the life of marijuana:
- Lung Cancer? Perhaps not.
- Improved memory? Heck yes. (Well, only in high doses.)
Why is Middle America scared of this stuff? Democrats are scared to touch the issue as they are too busy looking mainstream and don't want to offend the sensibilities of the "good parents" out there. The Republicans only pretend that they are against government regulation.
It is up to you....or me, but I am busy with school and whatnot. Give me a bumpersticker though. I'll sign petitions too. I might even show up at some rallies, but school has to come first. When I have graduated and am teaching the young people of America, then I can get active, I am sure the schools will love it.

Why do unshowered white kids wear du-rags? I thought the reason for the darn thing was to protect well coifed hair, not to hide a kid's oily, shaggy mess. I tried to research the history of the du-rag, but Google wasn't to helpful (or I didn't know what to look for), so I need someone out there to do some research, throw it my way, and then I will come out with my formal position on du-rags.
This is important stuff people, get to it.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.

Two thousand - 2,000 - two thousand. Another milestone has come. Two thousand deaths for no reason. No apologies. "Bring 'em on." Fuck that. Some seem to need to believe the lies. They can't accept that there is no great cause. Don't be one of them.

You want a sad story? Good.
Have another? Here you go.
CNN must have been planning ahead for this occasion.

Hey, as the car ribbon says, "Support our troops, bring 'em home."
Oh how I hate all the damn car ribbons.


For life is quite absurd and death's the final word.

Fulfilling a request:

Manney Anderson


Monday, October 24, 2005

You must always face the curtain with a bow.

Well well, I have come down with something. Apparently a combination of active lethargy (that's right, I said it), lack of sleep, and a generally poor attitude have done me in.
I had an activish weekend, but I don't know that I will write about it. Most likely this illness came in during all the time I spent planting bulbs yesterday evening. I was dominating so it makes sense that I have to pay for it now. The daffodils, tulips, croci (this is too easy), and windflowers will reward us come Spring.

"I've got a light bulb full of anger
And I can switch it on and off
Situation that can be so bright
I can't believe
How pathetic we can be"

The English Major Retreat is this evening. I don't think they should be allowed to call it a "retreat" as we aren't going anywhere. At least take me out for some autumn camping. Oh well, free pizza.

(different tune)
"The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
so this is all I have to say."

The original M.A.S.H. movie made it down here with me this time. Good stuff. I wonder how long until I will get that bookshelf out of the back of the truck or the ugly table thingy or when I will remember to pay a few of my bills.

"The only way to win is cheat
And lay it down before I'm beat
and to another give my seat
for that's the only painless feat."

Hopefully I recover and dominate my tests in the next couple of days. Hmm...I should write that paper too. Oh, and I want to make it to the state park again.
Right now another nap is looking good...ah...but I have a "retreat" to be getting to.
My whole life has been a retreat.

"A brave man once requested me
to answer questions that are key
is it to be or not to be
and I replied 'oh why ask me?'"



Thursday, October 20, 2005

Forget about your sin. Give the audience a grin.

I have no idea how many of you there happens to be in the audience at any point in time. Probably two or three. Good enough. I would thank you for your loyal readership, but I can really only thank Emily and Sarah (sortive...hehe...you will get the joke later on) for that much as they are my only regular commenters. But, whatever, I don't mind. It is not as if I am not used to talking to myself. Typing to myself isn't that different.

Alright, on to the joke. My heart and a prize to any D-Eer out there who can tell me who is was that thought "sortive" was an actual word (you know a combination of "sort of"). My best guess is that it was Jason Sturm (bless his little heart and mind) as I have some strange inkling in my memory that it was him. I know that the one place I saw it (who knows how many times this person spoke it as one word and we had no way of knowing it) was on a burned CD. It said "Hard Rock Sortive" on it. I can't recall who own the particular CD (Jed?), but I do recall that the owner had received it from someone else. The time of this sighting was at some point in my senior year. This still perplexes me and I would like the mystery solved. Get to it.

Oh, I was happy for a bit today. My afternoon was spent wandering the trails out at Great River Bluffs State Park. Completely worth the gas money. The Sugar Maples were incredible (as were the birch, oaks, etc.), they really caught my eye.
I did have a debate with myself as to whether I was actually attempting to force happiness on myself since I knew that places like that one are supposed to make me happy or if I was genuinely happy. I do know that I was genuinely relaxed when I got out on one of the overlooks and felt the need to recline, take of my shoes, and rest for twenty minutes or so. I didn't even look at the view to terribly much (other than to try to analyze each type of tree in the view before me), I just covered my eyes and felt the grasses touching me.
I also experienced a genuine longing for more when I started running over possible camping trips to these very specific camping spots. Heck, when I found out that those spaces were in a special group campground I even planned out a group camping trip for my 4-H kids just so that I would be able to be there for any reason. How selfish of me.

By the way, that new favorite song that I mentioned was an interesting cover of the Bob Marley tune "High Tide or Low Tide" that was done live by Jack Johnson and Ben Harper on Last Call with Carson Daly. That is probably the only good thing that his show (or Carson in general) has given us, but it makes up for all the smucky, MTV crap he did over the years. If you request it, I just might burn all three of you readers a CD with the song on it.

"You can't deal with my infinite nature, can you?"

"That is so not true- Wait, what does that even mean?"


Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Highlight of my week (other than hanging with the ladyfriend, shit, I hate having to put disclaimers in here; I am going to have to be rid of her): finding my new favorite song.
Well....that is pathetic. I should really do something special with myself. I need to make better use of my units of time.
"All in all I had a very full life...it's just that...it didn't mean anything." Wallowing in self pity really doesn't seem to productive. Hell, it doesn't even have to seem that way; it is that way and I know from personal experience.

So, instead, I am going to focus on something. I am going to do more of something that is productive. Maybe gardening....
Oh shit, what a load of bullocks. I might pretend that I am about to set forth on some new segment of my existence, but I won't. I know better than that. You should know better than that by now. I am a bag of horseshit.
And I prolly ain't going to change anytime soon.

However, you may continue to enjoy such things as the this (Smurfs) or this (a very special time wasting place) or this (for all your winter holiday shopping needs).
They are each individually more interesting than me as a whole. Whiner.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Always look on the bright side of death,

Hey, at least if we were dead we wouldn't have rising college costs to worry about. Say, do any of you have "cash-strapped parents" taking care of college costs? I don't have it too shabby, my mother gives me a thousand dollars a semester nowadays. She is probably just happy that I am not longer attending a privater, 30k a year university.
I don't think I could put that kind of money into an education anyway. School has become my mortal enemy and I doubt that throwing money at the problem would have made it any more enjoyable for me. Although, I might have been a bit more involved if I were still there. Then again, maybe I will even wind up getting involved here some damn day. Too bad I am busy working to pay for those same rising college costs. So far, that is the excuse that I will cling to.

So...umm...do you think we will ever find out what Harriet Miers actually thinks about anything? Is there actually a right to privacy? Don't ask Ms. Miers 'cause she will change it up on you if you give her the chance. Too bad no one is believing her on anything.
I still don't even know if this blatant cronyism is worse that throwing a wingnut up there. Probably is though, better to have a qualified wingnut than a George Bush II worshipper?

Well, this seems to have been decided, I am more of a sitter than a walker. Emily can come here and elucidate all the reasons that she is a walker and perhaps even list off all the benefits of walking, but I am a sitter. Walking is to aimless, I know what I will find around the next corner and I would prefer the simply take in my specific scene. Sometimes a good walk leads me to undiscovered territory, but most often the walk is fruitless. Walks make for a good distraction at times and I don't need anymore of those at this time. Sitting is my thinking time I think.
Although, I will admit myself to be a hiker and a wanderer, but I consider these to be completely different beasts from walking. Perhaps it is just certain sorts of walking that I don't embrace. It looks as though further tests are necessary for me to make certain of anything on this one.
Especially when you consider that the Bible says that, as a sitter, I am not reaching my full potential.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Just before you draw your terminal breath.

Ah, back from another weekend. What fun, I am just happy that I didn't have to ride on anyone's lap in the back of Wally's car on Saturday.
Also, Shane is a winner and we all know it. I hope to see his bruised up face when he gets back from class today.
Lastly, there should be a Mr. D's in every college town. Good golly, the donut and baked goods industry has to be lucrative. Although, I don't know if I could hold back from slapping drunks every once in a while. Twist with sprinkles please.

After taxes and whatnot, I think I made $550 this weekend. I must be dealing drugs or selling illegal weapons or something. Don't be mistaken, I am still poor, I am just finding different means of delaying getting another job.

My favorite protesters are the old people working for legalized assisted suicide. Honestly, can you look at an old woman with impending death by way of cancer coming her way and say that she shouldn't be able to choose her death. These same folks are also the best advocates for legalized medicinal marijuana. Let the woman bake some damn brownies.

"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."
Does that make complete sense to anyone else?


Friday, October 14, 2005

Life's a piece of shit. When you look at it.

But there is this happy news for the morning: toke it up, apparently it is good for you. Granted, those are only preliminary tests, but they've got potential.
Does anyone here have a good argument against the use of medical marijuana or the legalization of it in general? I'd love to hear it.
Everything in moderation and never drive under the influence of anything. That seems to be a good policy.
Although, there are some drugs that can have some pretty significantly bad effects right from the get go. If we ever go into legalization mode, we will have to decide where we let personal responsibility rule the day and where we protect for the common good. Right now, we are lacking in trust for one of those and not really doing the other one anyway.
Besides, the war on drugs is big ol' waste of our money. Drugs are still cheap and some are getting cheaper. Cops are expensive and getting more so. Take a step back and rethink this plan. Better to grow these things in areas where they won't be doing damage to our national forests or parks and can be easily monitored. Plus, less people would die. Wouldn't that be nice?
Oh, don't drink jet fuel.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true.

Well, this one ain't good at all. The bird flu has now been found in Turkey and Romania. I don't generally like to get caught up in any sort of crazy talk or worrying, but this one might be a good one to join in on. This strand of the virus is difficult to transmit to humans, but it does have an over 50% kill rate (60/117) when it does. This isn't the part that is worrisome, it is the possibility of mutation that will get you all.
Let me know when it makes it to the U.S. and begins to mutate as I will then head off to the grandparents woods and will be back to visit, but probably not to stay, in six months to a year. So, if I happen to disapear, don't come looking for me. I don't want to know you.

That was a pleasant way to start of the morning. Well, that and editing an essay, what a blast.

Oh, come on down to Onalaska Saturday night for the next gun show. Should be a grand old time. If you pay me a dollar extra I will elbow a guy once for you.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

You'll see it's all a show.

I am supposed to be writing an essay about my experiences working in diverse populations. They are diverse as long as they are something different from mine, but I have no real way of determining whether they are all that different from mine. I could claim that working with the farm kids while a counselor at 4-H camp was working with a different group since I am a town-boy (despite the fact that my redneckitude is obvious to all who know me). It would probably be easier to focus on my one year spent in Saint Paul though and I will probably fall back on talking about working with kids at Hancock Elementary and the local YMCA.
Anyway, that won't happen until I get ambitious, so, until then, I will continue looking at the newly arrived Fleet Farm Toy Catalog and thinking about buying Kylie a Red Ryder rifle or at least a fake tractor. What three-year-old girl wouldn't love such things?

Anyone here know the Japanese verb Bushusuro? "To do the Bush thing" is still apparently used as slang for vomiting. Young folks out there, do you happen to know why? This is a test of your obscure and trivial political knowledge.

Oh, I don't recall if I ever blogged on this, but I can recall bitching about it in conversations with people. Congratulations are in order for this family. Sadly, I will still probably watch the next Discover Channel special on them just so I can renew my disdain for them.

"I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship."


Keep 'em laughing as you go.

A sad note for today, this is the seventh anniversary of the death of Mathew Shepard who died after being beaten by two young men outside Laramie, Wyoming and left strapped to a fence. He was immediately used to show the hatred that still exists in America towards homosexuals. The response to this incident was nearly universal in its condemnation of such actions and a call to progress for gay rights. However, seven years later, little has changed.
We have seen a great increase in the prevalence of support groups for homosexuals on college campuses, in high schools, and even in the occasional middle school. But we have seen little progress on the national level. This growing awareness and acceptance amongst the youth bodes well for our future in this area, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't work for movement forward now.

Along those lines, Republicans are turning in on themselves, this should be fun to watch.

I am hoping to find the time to spend my afternoon out at Great River Bluffs State Park, but that is looking unlikely as I need to get myself into the education program and the application packet is due tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

In my health class yesterday I had the joy of watching a video about obesity. It was mostly fat people whining about how they are mistreated in society, how they aren't actually that unhealthy, and that it isn't their fault they are fat (it is the natural starvation/fat-build-up that got them).
Of course there are some people that can carry a large amount of weight without being significantly less healthy and there are those whose hormone issues ave caused them to put on a good many pounds, but extreme obesity is still a pretty good indicator for and a leading cause of a great variety of ailments. We should continue to treat people on a case by case basis, but, until proven otherwise, it is still a good bet that a BMI of over 35 is not a good thing.
My favorite line from the movie went something like this: "It may not be that good for my heart, joints.....but what is so bad about that? I have never had any trouble getting men." Denial....I loath it.
Also, the lady saying how, "No one waits until they are hungry to eat, we eat because there is a bag of potato chips in the gas station or because we see a cookie commericial on TV." Who the hell is the "we" that she is refering to? Fat people know nothing about my life and shouldn't pretend that they do. Hehe, I flipped that whole victim attitude on them.
I am guessing that is it tough to convince yourself that it is an okay thing to be hauling around a hundred or more extra pounds. Perhaps that willpower would be better applied to NOT FUCKING EATING. Did that seem mean and insensitive? You know how I would hate that.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

And the crowd goes mild...

The L.A. Kings can't sell out a hockey game. Is this because they will always be second fiddle to the Anaheim Mighty Ducks or because they are trying to have hockey teamS in L.A.? Gee, I don't know. Whereas, in Minnesota, we sell out every game. Well, the viability must be there otherwise they wouldn't exist, I just found that odd.

I am going to try to be a tough guy tonight. That is right, I am driving to Winona in the dark. I haven't done that in quite some time as the vision fails me and puts me to sleep. We'll see how I do.

Sargent's nursery accidently gave me a free plant today, I would almost feel bad for them, but I like my second plant too much for it to bring me down. Five of the extra trees I had chilling in my backyard got planted in the pasture at the G-parents today. I hope the cows don't like to eat oak trees. Also, the rabbits are already gnawing on my other trees and they ate down a bunch of my burning bushi in the backyard. Those bastards are going to pay this winter. The traps are coming back out. So are the guns, but those can only be used out of town.

Pheasant season starts next weekend and I have another gun show to compete at. What an exciting weekend ahead for me. By the time that all rolls around I will deserve the break. My fun weekend is the only thing that keeps me from giving up on the craphole of a school week that I have coming. I won't bore you with the details.

Emily mentioned the Nick and Jessica split, but those of us in the know saw that coming long ago. Jessica is going to start dating the original Jackass, Johnny Knoxville, how splendid is that?
Also, Emily, when you mentioned Tom going back to Nick were you talking about Nicole Kidman or Nick Lachey? 'Cause I know which one I would rather see.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Merry Frickin' Christmas

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are having a baby. Apparently this is news enough for CNN.com, so it is news enough for me. Then again, CNN was also reporting on Lindsey Lohan having a car accident this morning too. That's right, she crapped it out of her loins.
I am logging this partially to express my disgust with the general media, but I have a secondary reason as well.
Katie Holmes, up until now, had been claiming that she was saving her virginity for marriage. Heck, I read that in one of the tabloids at work a couple weekends ago. Does this make her a dishonest skeeze or just someone who was trying to set a good example for the kids and failed miserably? I figure, if you are going to fake it, you should at least do a good job.
Like me, all this happiness, fake as can be. I loath myself almost as much as I loath you people.
Also, now that we can't trust our celebrities (I am so surprised), who will we pick up to be our role models? Parents? Psha.

Que sera, sera. (Hmm...that just might take over as my new sign-off as I enjoy muttering it quite a lot.)


What a strange situation...

The folks sitting three and four rows up from me and one seat to the left are both wearing t-shirts for softball teams that are both blue. They also both have the number 25 on them. One is male, one is female, and neither seems know the other or notice the shared number. Darn, I couldn't see what the girl's shirt said on the front.

Also, who here likes to answer pay phones when the are ringing and noone is around to answer them? I mention this because I was really pumped to answer one of those calls the other day, but the phone stopped ringing just as I got there.
That surely would have been the highlight of my day, but instead I had to settle for managing to keep my bicycle seat from getting wet by parking it under a tree with a particularly dense canopy.

This morning I managed to cut my ankle with a speaker from my PC. Impressive aye? The round edge swung with such force after I tripped on the cord that it was capable of such things. Plus, I got wrapped up in the cords. Perhaps getting up at 5:15 and stumbling around the apartment in the dark isn't the best thing to do.

Que sera, sera.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another reason why I hate Tom DeLay...

This is from an August 2005 RollingStone article that I stumbled upon in my daily travels:

"[...]the Rules Committee members scurry to begin what will be a very long night of work. To most everyone outside those nine majority members, what transpires in the committee the night before a floor vote is a mystery on the order of the identity of Jack the Ripper or the nature of human afterlife. Even the Democrats who sit on the committee have only a vague awareness of what goes on. 'They can completely rewrite bills,' says McGovern. 'Then they take it to the floor an hour later. Nobody knows what's in those bills.'

One singular example of this came four years ago, when the Judiciary Committee delivered the first Patriot Act to the Rules Committee for its consideration. Dreier trashed that version of the act, which had been put together by the bipartisan committee, and replaced it with a completely different bill that had been written by John Ashcroft's Justice Department.

The bill went to the floor a few hours later, where it passed into law. The Rules Committee is supposed to wait out a three-day period before sending the bill to the House, ostensibly in order to give the members a chance to read the bill. The three-day period is only supposed to be waived in case of emergency. However, the Rules Committee of DeLay and Dreier waives the three-day period as a matter of routine. This forces members of Congress to essentially cast blind yes-or-no votes to bills whose contents are likely to be an absolute mystery to them."

Yeah, at that wasn't even the part of the article where you could see legislators being slapped around for trying to go against their party.

Check it out. It is a long one, but certainly gives a look at the inside of life in Washington. If you like to be disgusted and disheartened, this is just for you. You sick you.


Did the sunshine rain on your parade?

Well, my Grammar prof was right about those thunderstorms coming this afternoon. Probably what I get for mentioning an Indian Summer. So, rather than biking over to the Winona County Historical Society, I am sitting in the library filling myself up with all sorts of useless political knowledge as I forgot to bring any homework with me from the apartment.
I really don't even want to sit on my bike seat when the rain stops as I have learned that my seat is actually a sponge rather than an impervious surface for the rain. When i sit, an expansive area of wetness appears on my rear.
On to business...

When we are cleaning ourselves, we always think of hot water as being cleaner than cold water. Correct? I mean, we have the same philosophy in washing our hands as in taking a good hot bath. But why do we then consider hot tubs to have dirty water? If it is hot enough to have killed all those germs when it is coming out of your showerhead, wouldn't it have killed them when put in a place with even higher temperature and obscene amounts of chemicals?
So, which is it? Clean or not, I really don't care as I have no standards. But I worry about you folks that are going through life ever so confused.
Really, are you still scared of hot tubs? Is it the plant material? The possible semen? I would like to know.

Next note: my sniffles are expanding, I think I might have my first illness in the last few years. How exciting is this? I am pumped.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Politics Now

Oh yay. Shrub put up another nominee that nobody seems to know much about. Anyone else see this coming after the Dems gave Roberts a free pass? Well, what else could they do, look like obstructors again and lose the '06 elections because of it? Politics be a tricky game.
Speaking of which, I will explain the new money laundering charges against Tom DeLay.
A wants to give money to B, but it is not legal for A to do that. So A gives money to C who then gives that same amount of money to B. A being Tom DeLay's PAC (Political Action Committee; don't worry, it isn't that hard once you get used to it), B being specific candidates running for political positions in the state of Texas, C being the Republican national party, and the sum of money being $190,000 in donations from corporations. In Texas, corporations can not give money to candidates, however, the national party can.
The question is whether or not Earle can prove that DeLay was in on the deal to the point of being illegal. Sounds like that is going to be a tough sell. C'mon Ronnie, we know you can pull it off. I say this because, as far as I am concerned, this is more than a coinicident that exactly the same amount of funds went in one end and out the other of this particular middleman and nothing this big goes on in Texas without Tom DeLay having a say in it. That said, is having a say the same thing as orchestrating the deal?

Complete loser or luckiest man alive?

I'll settle for somewhere towards the lower end. You be the judge (as you are vastly over-qualified for the position, just ask Shrub). My evening didn't really begin until around 8:30 today. Any idea why? I was asleep. From 4:30-8:30 I was taking part in a semi-fitful nap. The question would be, is that a good thing? Either I am a loser for wasting my day or lucky to have such opportunities.
Additionally, I will blame all of you for me not getting up since none of you called my cell to wake me up for a chat. Don't you want to talk? Hehe, kidding, I would prefer to have no contact with you that does not go through this webpage. I really can't stand to see your faces or hear your voices.

I have the sniffles.

Watched the Aviator today. Why do I take such pleasure in a thorough analysis of a single person? They don't even need to be famous people, I bet I would watch a five hour film on Ted down the hall and love it. As long as it wasn't in real time.

Anyone have a coffee table for us yet, Shane doesn't seem to like the cardboard box across two laundry baskets look. Probably because those are his laundry baskets. Selfish bastard.

Anyone with a free Friday night, this is your invitation to the gun show (as Doron calls it). I fight in Austin a short time after 7:30 PM at the Mower County Fairgrounds. Maybe I will even tell you what happens, but probably not if I lose. Actually, then I will tell you about my beating and you will giggle about it, but your chances of that aren't that good.
